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Hey everyone!


I'm very new to this community and wanted to take a chance to say hello! I'm Ashley and I'm 25. I don't generally like to define myself by my food choices but if I had to I'd say I eat mostly vegan and mostly raw. I juice and/or blend on a daily basis and just don't enjoy eating meats. I have a stomach condition called gastroparesis which means my stomach is paryially paralyzed and doesnt contract to digest food properly. Because of this I try my hardest to eat as healthy and clean as possible and do whatever I can to make digestion easier.

My history: November 2012 I started my weight loss journey. Like many it comprised of lots of cardio and scant calories. My body wasnt getting the nutirtion it needed and I was literally making my gastroparesis worse to the point where I was having aversions to food and becoming malnourished with talk of feeding tubes by my doctors. Needless to say, in the calorie counting community I was involved in, I was look at as 'lucky' for having this condition and difficulties eating because of it...can we say 'INSENSITIVE?!" So 20lbs down and unhealtheir than ever I decided to stop with all the weight loss garbage and 'learn to love myself' which, in regards to me personally, ment I was giving myself an excuse to be fat. I was 'sick', my body hated food, give myself a break right? I have enough to deal with just with the gastroparesis right...WRONG! Letting myself get laxed on fitness or nutrition are both very bad things for me. I either put myself into a flare with my gastroparesis where I can't eat anything and end up with low potassium in the hospital, or I end up stuck in a flare gaining weight because all I can bring myself to eat is processed carbs. At my lowest weight of 138 back in August 2013 I was not eating enough food and working out way too much. Since then I have tried to increase my calories but then holidays happened and life happened (including my dad having a stroke when he was staying with me for the holidays) and I've ballooned back up to 158lbs...my starting weight in November 2012 was 160lbs. So we've come over a year and I have lost and gained 20lbs.


I'd be lying if I said I didnt know what I needed to do to make lasting improvements; my problem is not sticking with them. But, giving myself some credit, i've come a long ways learning new habits to incorporate...i just need to stick with them for extended periods of time.


Which leads me to here...Nerd Fitness...not sure how I happened upon this site, but I love it so far and hope to become an active and motivating part of the community. My husband has a goal of gaining about 50lbs and my goal is to lose about 40lbs. Hopefully with us pushing each other, and having the resources of this community, we can be successful. He will be increasing his protein, calories, and lifting weights (LiveFit Program). I've been eating clean (but the goal is to do this on a regular), lifting weights (already a few weeks into LiveFit program), light yoga 3x/week, and running weekly for long term marathon training. Hoping to find some friends on here to help encourange and motivate each other!

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Welcome to the rebellion, Fitosaurus Rex!


I'm sorry to hear about your health troubles, but I'm glad that you have resolved to take charge and level up your life!


The trick to making habits stick is to take it slow. There is a lot of stuff that you want to do here, so I suggest you start with your diet above all else.


Start by making small changes, and as you get comfortable with those, you can build on them and add new things. Trying to change everything at once is a recipe for failure.


No worries about food choices: we've got all kinds here!


Good luck with your goals and keep us posted! Good luck to your husband too!

Current form: Chubby House Cat (lvl4)

Weight objective: 20%

S. 4 P. 6 E. 4 C. 7 I. 8 A. 4 L. 5

Battle log

Current Challenge

Handy linky.

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Thanks Renegade! I definitely agree making too many changes at once is set up for failure, at least in my case lol Luckily, I've been doing LiveFit lifting for a few weeks before deciding that I was good sticking to that and needed to focus on nutrition. I feel great knowing that I'm sticking with my fitness; now to take the nutiriton knowledge I have and use it! Having others acknowledge that expecting too much too soon isnt good makes me feel a lot better. I have a tendency to want results now (dont we all) but I've been working with telling myself that I am making better choices more consistently, and I need to give myself time to see the results of them.

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Welcome Ashley!  With regards to being vegan, I've noticed that many vegans have issues consuming sufficient quantities of protein.  What do you do to maintain your protein intake?

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Welcome Ashley!  With regards to being vegan, I've noticed that many vegans have issues consuming sufficient quantities of protein.  What do you do to maintain your protein intake?


Thanks for the Welcome! I get my protein in lots of different ways. I eat a lot of kale and spinach every day between juicing, salads, and soups. I also have raw vegan treats that have protein from nuts for snacks and my dinners have lentils or grains. I have vegan protein powder that I use in almond milk too! I get more protein consistently vegan than I did before I switched but I know a lot of that is because of the greens.

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Thanks for the Welcome! I get my protein in lots of different ways. I eat a lot of kale and spinach every day between juicing, salads, and soups. I also have raw vegan treats that have protein from nuts for snacks and my dinners have lentils or grains. I have vegan protein powder that I use in almond milk too! I get more protein consistently vegan than I did before I switched but I know a lot of that is because of the greens.

Very nice, sounds like you went in with a plan instead of the "Oh hey, I think I'll try being vegan" approach.  Which protein powder do you use?  I recently began using Garden of Life and have become a huge fan.  It's not easy finding non-whey or soy-based powder that isn't absurdly expensive.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Hey Ashley, welcoming to Nerd Fitness! We are glad to have you!

And by we I mean the Nerd Fitness community at large, and us smaller group of Vegetarians and Vegans on the forum.


When you start in the next six week challenge (assuming that's a thing you are going to do) we'd love to have you in our Meat-Free Trainees group!








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Very nice, sounds like you went in with a plan instead of the "Oh hey, I think I'll try being vegan" approach.  Which protein powder do you use?  I recently began using Garden of Life and have become a huge fan.  It's not easy finding non-whey or soy-based powder that isn't absurdly expensive.

oh I wish my approach was that simple! I was diagnoised with gastroparesis back in January 2012 and didnt feel well on the recommended diet that was void of any raw fruits or veggies. I've been experimenting for over a year with what foods, and what stages (cooked, raw, dehydrated) they sit best with me and work with my body instead of against it. That lead to juicing and blending which lead to healthier choices all around and just kind of fell into a vegan lifestyle. I always said i could be vegan, if it wasnt for the meat, because i have no problem giving up dairy. But i transitioned and gave up meat and things have been great and i've been feeling really good. I try not to box my eating style in too much because i have issues with labeling 'diets' and then feeling like i 'fail' when i dont follow the 'rules'. Like I might have a cup of coffee with a little half n half in it; i dont get the half n half for me, but my husband uses it so i might use it on the off chance i have coffee...or I might use protein powder that isnt vegan because it's what I have and what works for me. So I stick to vegan (mostly raw) at home and vegetarian when I go out to eat. I just really love vegan and raw snacks and it's helped me get creative in my meal and snack ideas which help keep me on track with eating healthy and having a healthy perspective about food.


In regards to the protein I know what you mean!! With my stomach I've had to switch to a higher quality protein, so my protein was hitting around $65/tub before I switched to vegan so it wasnt a horrible sticker shock, but still! I currently am using Amp Wheybolic Vanilla just to finish off what I already have...it's super yummy but whey based. I've used Sunwarrior before but I didnt like the consistency or texture and it didnt blend well IMO. I write for their news for products so I've tried a lot of their stuff. I will say I havent tried their 'new' formula though. I know a lot of people blend protein in smoothies but I generally just mix it with water or almond milk so I need it to taste good on its own. Arbonne sells really yummy protein, but cost is also a factor in that one. AboutTime is another good vegan protein I've tried and liked; they sell a 2lb tub for $40. I've heard good things about Vega but never tried it...and it's another expensive one. I'm on the hunt for a vegan protein so if you have one you recommend please let me know! Generally I've just been finding companies that I can order samples from and trying out their stuff. AboutTime does have samples you can buy to make sure you like it too. And after typing that all out I think I'm going to order some AboutTime protein :pride:

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oh I wish my approach was that simple! I was diagnoised with gastroparesis back in January 2012 and didnt feel well on the recommended diet that was void of any raw fruits or veggies. I've been experimenting for over a year with what foods, and what stages (cooked, raw, dehydrated) they sit best with me and work with my body instead of against it. That lead to juicing and blending which lead to healthier choices all around and just kind of fell into a vegan lifestyle. I always said i could be vegan, if it wasnt for the meat, because i have no problem giving up dairy. But i transitioned and gave up meat and things have been great and i've been feeling really good. I try not to box my eating style in too much because i have issues with labeling 'diets' and then feeling like i 'fail' when i dont follow the 'rules'. Like I might have a cup of coffee with a little half n half in it; i dont get the half n half for me, but my husband uses it so i might use it on the off chance i have coffee...or I might use protein powder that isnt vegan because it's what I have and what works for me. So I stick to vegan (mostly raw) at home and vegetarian when I go out to eat. I just really love vegan and raw snacks and it's helped me get creative in my meal and snack ideas which help keep me on track with eating healthy and having a healthy perspective about food.


In regards to the protein I know what you mean!! With my stomach I've had to switch to a higher quality protein, so my protein was hitting around $65/tub before I switched to vegan so it wasnt a horrible sticker shock, but still! I currently am using Amp Wheybolic Vanilla just to finish off what I already have...it's super yummy but whey based. I've used Sunwarrior before but I didnt like the consistency or texture and it didnt blend well IMO. I write for their news for products so I've tried a lot of their stuff. I will say I havent tried their 'new' formula though. I know a lot of people blend protein in smoothies but I generally just mix it with water or almond milk so I need it to taste good on its own. Arbonne sells really yummy protein, but cost is also a factor in that one. AboutTime is another good vegan protein I've tried and liked; they sell a 2lb tub for $40. I've heard good things about Vega but never tried it...and it's another expensive one. I'm on the hunt for a vegan protein so if you have one you recommend please let me know! Generally I've just been finding companies that I can order samples from and trying out their stuff. AboutTime does have samples you can buy to make sure you like it too. And after typing that all out I think I'm going to order some AboutTime protein :pride:

I understand your philosophy on not labeling diets.  Glad to hear you've found something you're so pleased with that works for you.


Here is Garden of Life (the one I mentioned): http://www.gardenoflife.com/Products-for-Life/Foundational-Nutrition/RAW-Protein.aspx


I'm currently using their unflavored protein, because it's lower in carbs than the vanilla or chocolate.  I've heard positive things regarding the taste of the other two, but I'm happy with the one I'm using.  It basically just has no taste, which works fine for me since I drink my protein in coconut milk :)

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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I understand your philosophy on not labeling diets.  Glad to hear you've found something you're so pleased with that works for you.


Here is Garden of Life (the one I mentioned): http://www.gardenoflife.com/Products-for-Life/Foundational-Nutrition/RAW-Protein.aspx


I'm currently using their unflavored protein, because it's lower in carbs than the vanilla or chocolate.  I've heard positive things regarding the taste of the other two, but I'm happy with the one I'm using.  It basically just has no taste, which works fine for me since I drink my protein in coconut milk :)

thanks so much for the link!!! i am definitely looking for an unflavored on to bake and cook with; sunwarrior was gross with their unflavored protein!

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Hi! Welcome to Nerd Fitness!!!!

I am a newly vegan, and I also run and lift!!! It's nice to meet you~

I am going to start juicing here soon and would love to chat about recipes and running and lifting! :)

Make today your someday~~~"It's a lifestyle - train like there's no finish line~~~"I hated every minute of training, but I said, don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion." - Muhammad Ali, Boxer~~~"There is nothing we cannot live down, rise above, and overcome." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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