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Ah,  Welcome to my lovely introduction thread!  thank you for showing up,  I wish you the best of luck cobbling out a meaning from the possibly droll and to-the-point summary of where I'm headed (notice how i read the rules @winkyface@), What I've accomplished recently,  my Battle Plans (I LOVE that concept), and the skills i bring to the Nerd Fitness community. 

I'll break every thing I just mentioned down into its own sub-section, including titles and numbers!, in good ol-fashioned Chicago style essay format.  My professors would be proud,  if they knew.  Ah,  just some basics...  ASL: 26 male Georgia (united states)

1. Where I'm headed: Perhaps first and foremost, I'm headed to the 6 week challenge thread. And then, to the Assassins guild. The reason why is more about subsistence, and a long term strategy about flexibility that an assassin specialization can assist me in (I think).  More generally,  I'm headed to the soccer pitch,  hoping to make a career there in both playing and coaching.  So,  mental and physical preparations are both key to my success.  I'm headed to the mastery of a simple yet subtle task of accomplishing my objective.  In many instances that is winning a game.  in life more generally,  it is about 150 years on the planet. I live my life so that when I am older, I will have no regrets.  I clearly need to work on the femals part of that 

2. What I've accomplished recently: or,  where I'm headed part 2  Recently,  i reached my lowest weight in the past 15 years.  Halfway to my original goal of losing Fifty pounds (total weight of 250, down to 227) I've realized, given the way my body looks at this stage,  that my numeric goal was far short of my actual goal.  So,  now I'm shooting for a total body weight at or beneath  an average of 175 (go big or go home).  I also am working on strength and conditioning, and have been for some years. 

3. Battle Plans As a strategist,  let me first say that the concept of a battle plan underscores my understanding that life itself is a strategy game.  Here are some plans I have to accomplish some of my goals.  
To live to 150, I'm adjusting my diet to include only real foods that are closer to neutral PH.  This is to facilitate my body's natural life (chi) by preventing the development of excessive free-radical ions in my blood.  The less free-radicals, the less damage done to my body, the less my body has to spend energy repairing damages,  the longer it can focus on subsisting.  I keep my diet rich in anti-oxidants.  This is intended to slow the oxidization of Iron in my blood, facilitating the ability to efficiently transfer oxygen and carbon dioxide.  I work on a specific breathing pattern that is designed to make sure that more toxins leave my body with each breath than oxygen enters my body.  The long term goal is, of course, easing the stress that my body might have as I move through the many stages of life.  
To accomplish my objective, I play strategy games consistently, attempting to bring my mastery of the necessary aggressive and defensive instincts to the levels in which I can understand and use both of them effectively, in tandem or separately, and to know when to pursue and when to post-up. 
As fitness physically is part of my objective also, I am joining this forum hoping to find insights about what is going on in my body, the ways to effectively work to accomplish the things I do,  and to find accountability.  Already, the dearth of resources at Nerdfitness has helped my get into interval training.  Also, I have learned much about how to stay motivated.  I post up a weekly Goal card above my stove, as I'm ridiculously poor and have to cook everyday in order to beat my budget of $15 dollars/week in food.  I see it everyday, and I owe that concept to NerdFitness.  Enough about the battle plans for now. 

except for this: If you want to know more, or if you have a suggestion,  please engage in a dialogue with me about it.  Learning what people have to say about things, new things,  and learning in general are super important to me.  I promise that if you're serious and a first timer,  I'll actively engage in what you have to say with you, and consider the opinions you have.  I can't do much more than that unless you take the enxt step of talking to me, or challenging the things I am pursuing.  

4. What I bring to the community  The most tangible thing that I bring to the community is experience on the soccer field, and experience in the world of Tai Chi. i have studied soccer my entire life, and studied tai chi for 6 years.  I'm thinking it is time to open a studio, actually,  but that's not here but there (in the form of a potential life quest) for me right now.  I also have excellent historical and humanities training at a private university in this state, one of the best.  That much being said, I'm unapologetic about claims that are made based on supposedly shared conceptions about things (good, bad, evil, worth, purpose, truth, or any other thing you might slap a capital letter in front of and try to ignorantly engage life with).  You have been warned.  And, as a note for a mod who might be looking at this thinking that some of the things I have said are clearly trolling,  please understand that I'm not.  Humor, for the most part for me, consists in practical jokes that take years and years to complete.  I also work in web and software development. I have some experience with the various syntaxes that are used in the realm of programming.  I have limited experience in the piano, and I am a phenomenal rapper.  These are the skills I bring to the community.  sequester me at your own peril,  but understand that I have a heart not only to learn but to share what I have learned, so that peril can only be so bad.  If you'd like to know more,  I plan to transition to this website as my primary internet hangout,  so I should be around.  If I notice that that's not working for me,  then I'll post up alternative arrangements.

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My sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lvF5Bg_Y7cKxFjnL9xL3gJmlaXo1EjxeKhyKly4yyo/edit#gid=0

its possible that we can our dreams. yes it is. other people have done,  we can do it. I've failied alot of times, well, alot of people failed, and eventually,  they came back and they succeeded. so its possible that we can have what we want. -les brown

Motivation is like excercise: its recommended daily.

You got a dream,  you got to protect it. people can't do something themselves they want to tell you you can do it. You want some,  GO GET IT. period.


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Well... My interest in Taoism in general came from my 12th grade literature class.  When the opportunity came to start taking classes, I jumped on it.  I dunno if that helps at all,  but it was mainly the availability of instructors. 

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My sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lvF5Bg_Y7cKxFjnL9xL3gJmlaXo1EjxeKhyKly4yyo/edit#gid=0

its possible that we can our dreams. yes it is. other people have done,  we can do it. I've failied alot of times, well, alot of people failed, and eventually,  they came back and they succeeded. so its possible that we can have what we want. -les brown

Motivation is like excercise: its recommended daily.

You got a dream,  you got to protect it. people can't do something themselves they want to tell you you can do it. You want some,  GO GET IT. period.


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