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Well i found this forum googling 'How to start eating healthy".  And of course saw the domain nerdfitness and figured I'd give it a looksy.  The article seemed to resonate, so here I am. 


I am a 36 y/0 317lb 6'2 male.  I KNOW what I need to do, however historically I fail miserably at the follow through.  My wake up call was hitting over 300lbs.  Which happened once before about 10 years ago and I did a mad workout/eating regiment and lost 50 lbs in 3 months.   So this time around I figured I'd work on granular changes that I am able and willing to actually maintain.

A little history.  I struggled with my weight while growing up.  I was 235 lbs at 18 when I joined the Marines.  Needless to say I was able to lose the weight then.  16 weeks of boot camp and I lost 51 pounds.  I am sure I lost a lot more fat and added a ton of muscle at that point.  After bootcamp I failed to maintain the rigorous exercise routine.  I did some minor weight lifting, but mainly got my exercise running.  Which worked great until I was injured.  I damaged my tendons and ligaments in my foot, was misdiagnosed with a minor sprain.  And in the Marines unless you are really hurt you don't get to sit out of training.  So I ran around on a jacked up foot for a month before being sent to a podiatrist who said I required surgery.  Which they promptly screwed up and I was medically discharged.


I walked around on crutches or with a cane for about 4 years before finally getting into the VA healthcare system and having more surgery.   7 years and about 6 surgeries after the initial injury I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, and had managed to jack my back up walking with a limp all those years.


Fast forward to now.  I've gone from the relatively healthly weight prior to my sugeries begining 10 years ago of 215lbs to 317lbs.  Mostly due to eating poorly and mass quantities of self medicating alcohol consumption.   I'm fortunate in that I don't have any other health concerns besides my pain issues.  My cholesterol, blood pressure, all of that are perfectly normal. 


So I decided that this was the year I worked on my physical health.  In January I cut out the 2-3 pots of coffee(with cream and sugar) I was drinking every day and the 12-15 jack and cokes I was drinking a week.  And am slowly but surely working on quitting smoking.   My goal is to get to 230 lbs before the end of the year.


Obviously what I have done thus far has not sustained a healthy lifestyle, so hopefully this time around I can find the right tools and methods to help me stick with it.

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Welcome to the rebellion! You will find others with similar beginning stories and happy progress with the journey of health and fitness! There is a lot of inspiration and tips to help you along the way! You are on the right track and injuries make things challenging but not impossible and you will feel SO much better! 



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Hello! I also just started today :)


Thats one story! But if you've been at that weight ebfore there is nothing stopping you getting there again. Good luck xx

Level 1 Adventurer

Race: Human/Hobbit

Current stats: STR-1  DEX-1  STA-2  CON-1  WIS-2  CHA-3

Current Challenge

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34


Distance to Rivendell

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Hi and welcome :) 


I know that some of the other people on this site have had some pretty radical transformations - a lot of the resources gives you some tips and tools (or just motivation I find) to keep you going. Best of luck and please stick around to get help if you need it ! 

 Level:  1 | Race: Khajiit| Druid  

STR: 0  | DEX: 1 | INT: 5  | CON: 2 |  WIS: 1  | CHA: 1

=Battle Scroll=

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I'm new to the forum as well but it seems like such an awesome place already.  I can really identify with the parts of your story about your weight being a wake-up call and wanting to change it.  Best of luck in your journey!  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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