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Gettin' my health in gear

Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

Hello people of the forum,


I've decided to join the Rebellion because I'm tired of being a potato. Or at least feeling like one. If only I was GLaDOS... *sigh*


Almost 5 years ago at the tender age of 15 I got an unknown virus that landed me in hospital for a few days. As humans, being grey is a no no. While in recovery of this virus I collected another virus to join the party, however no one knew it was another virus and kept pushing me to do more and be more - to get back to what had before been 'normal'. In consequence of that my body and mind were rather screwed up. This has been unpleasant.


I did manage to somehow pass exams and somehow get accepted into a University however I've spent all of this year having what I like to call my 'mid-life crisis'. I spent two weeks with only leaving my bed for the bathroom and my one meal a day. My daily meal for 3 months was a bowl of pasta with 20p Tesco pasta sauce. I drank till I threw up too many times to count. Nasty stuff, right? I kept myself living by getting 3 tattoos that mean the world to me, so that I was constantly reminded of the beauty in the world. That's what helped me get to here.


My friend linked me this site and I just can't seem to get off it. I believe getting a healthy and active life is what I need to live the life i wanna live and get me out of bed! Because the life I've lived sucks and I'm tired of it. I'm only 19, I should have the energy to conqour the world!


I've moved back home with my parents and am trying to sort myself out. This won't cure my many health problems, including my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but I'm hoping this would be a good start to a life of happiness.


I'm starting slow, I'm taking my dog out twice a day and jumping rope when it's not raining (which happens a lot here in Scotland!) and when my body allows me. I'm going to gradually increase my fitness, try new things and I'm going to be able to survive a day of work!


I need to get better. I need to not be alone.


Sorry for the heavy stuff, thanks for listening. Kinda love you if you made it this far!



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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

Thank you for the welcome!

My goal right now is to be able to have enough energy to enjoy the family holiday at the end of June and to keep that energy going for my summer job in August. I'm not sure how I'm going to get my fitness to that level as it was much easier before my illness began and I'm not sure about my limits.

But I'm giving things a try!

Got my eye on the 6 week challenge, but first trying to sort out the vast amount of information on this site in my head.

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Your diet might be able to help you with more energy. Have you heard of Whole30? It's a hardcore paleo diet and one of the effects is extra energy. I'm doing it currently and I haven't hit the super energetic stage yet, but I have more energy on less sleep. The six week challenges are great. Just make sure you don't try to do everything at once!






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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

I haven't heard of Whole30. I had a feeling diet would be a major contributor to energy but right now I don't have a good relationship with food. I don't enjoy eating so only really eat when I have too with whatever is closest. Which is why pasta has been such a big part of my eating life for the past 2 years. Being allergic to egg and tree nuts doesn't help either. But thank you, I shall check out this Whole30, I'll try anything to see if it works!

Haha, the temptation to do everything is definitely there. Slow and steady wins the race!

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Welcome to the forums!  I think you'll find the support and encouragement that you need here.  I haven't been here that long but everyone has been so positive and helpful.  I'd suggest taking part in the challenges when the next one comes up.  They're a huge help.  I'd echo what's been said above.  Don't try to change everything at once but find small things you can do to improve your life overall.  Walking is a great way to start so maybe that would be a good focus for you for a few weeks until it becomes a habit.  


Another thing that might be helpful is keeping a food journal and noting how you feel afterward.  Perhaps there is something you're eating that's making you feel tired after.  High carbs can make you feel sluggish afterward, at least they do me, so you might find that you're feeling tired after eating something specific.  Maybe not because I'm not a nutritionist or all that familiar with chronic fatigue syndrome but it might be worth a shot.  Have your doctors given you any suggestions to improving diet or exercise for more energy? 

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

MaidofRus - I used to cook my own meals and that's why I ended up on pasta, I was too tired to take the walk to get the ingredients for meals and fell on the one thing I was stocked up on; pasta. By this time both my roommates had left so I had no one to help me get food. I've been home 2 weeks now and I have my family to help me with all that, so maybe with time I'll get back to cooking and enjoy food. :)


Dimia - Thank you for the welcome! I'm thankful for all support and encouragement, its been lacking for a while in my life. MaidofRus has been very helpful. I've already suggested altering the family food to contain more of the Whole30 foods. Won't keep my dad away from the chocolate though :) hehe. 

I'm going to continue doing the walking and going a bit further every so often, my dog would appreciate it if not my body! He also likes to watch me jump rope and lovingly head butt me when I have a break. :P

I've done a food journal before but it didn't help unfortunately, general eating for me hasn't be pleasant for a while. Doctor diagnosed me with IBS and told me to eat things moderately. Which I already do, so no change in that department. Although I am talking with a nutritionist who will hopefully tell me within the next week or so if I'm deficient in anything and maybe that's my problem. Hopefully that'll go well. :)


My doctors haven't been the best advice givers, they've told me to change my diet but the diet contradicts with the food list I was given by the stomach doctor for IBS so it's all a bit crazy... My asthma Doctor is the only one who suggested to do exercise like cycling or swimming (I have exercise induced asthma, just to add to the list of awesome things :P). Unfortunately I got a skin virus last year that made swimming uncomfortable and I did try cycling last summer but my bike couldn't handle anything more than cycling round the block. Which gets a little tedious after the 50th or so time. :P


Thank you for your suggestions :) I'm definitely going to join the 6 week challenge when it comes around again. Gonna live the life I want. Or at least as close as I can get. :P

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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

Haha, my body definitely doesn't make life easy. I'm hoping to get my body stable and in turn my mind stable.

I was really bad with that, I would go weeks without any meats or vegetables - I dunno how my body is still here. All I know is right now I'm deficient in many things. My parents cook at home (can't help but feel nauseous if I look at food too long... hope this will change!) so I'm having a lot more protein and veg but I'm assuming like most things, the effects will take time to reveal themselves.

I think I'm okay with Shellfish, I've been tested for so many allergies I'm sure it was in there somewhere as an okay! You're right, it could be the pasta or it could be the amount of bread I eat. Whatever it is, I need to find it so it makes my CFS easier to deal with! But I can't remember the last time I had enough energy or not feeling like urgh after eating, so this is going to be an adventure of trials!

That's a good idea, I'd never thought of putting it on a spreadsheet... The doctors list was mostly generic. Eat 5 fruits/vegetables a day, fish once a week etc. I can no longer remember what was on the IBS list as I remember thinking 'they just want me to eat and drink less of everything' and gave it no more thought because eating shouldn't be this hard. I will probably have to do another food diary to see what to limit myself too. Just afraid it's gonna wither down to just rice!

Haha, oh yes I can understand the being dragged along! I will have to look for markets and convince my family to come along, it sounds like a really nice idea.

Thank you for your excellent suggestions :)

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Welcome welcome welcome

I have zero advice to offer because i am a noobkin BUT

I like your mindset, ill be rooting for you in the weeks to come, and ill be joining you in the upcoming challenge!

:) good ruck and good vibes

(On a scale of 1 to 10, how cool are those tatts)

Level 1 Halfling - Rebel Nooblet - STR 2|DEX 2|STA 1|CON 1|WIS 2|CHA 2

Challenge Thread

Challenge goals:

Pole dance 15x


Rock climbing 18x


Lab for 36 hours


What the junk is lumberjane up to?

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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

Thank you very muchly! Welcome yourself! :)

Your support will be very much appreciated, I can already tell this is gonna be a toughy.


A fellow challenger! What are your goals going to be?

I shall use that luck and vibes to propel me through this cold. :)


Definite 10. Maybe one day I'll get round to posting a picture of them. ;)

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Sorry about your cold bro :( sending you spritual chicken soup or something for the soul or stuff

Have you heard of super better by jane mc gonigal? I feel like it could be a good supplement to your plan if you are dealing with chronic illness, as she made it to deal with her own severe head injury. Its a website with wellness in mind that plays like a vidya game.

I guess i lied and i did have advice after all lol

Def post one day. I love tatts but im too scurred to get them mahself

Sleeves are <3

Level 1 Halfling - Rebel Nooblet - STR 2|DEX 2|STA 1|CON 1|WIS 2|CHA 2

Challenge Thread

Challenge goals:

Pole dance 15x


Rock climbing 18x


Lab for 36 hours


What the junk is lumberjane up to?

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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

Thanks, my soul appreciates it!

I actually have heard of SuperBetter, been a member since December although only used it for a few weeks till my meltdown started. Thanks for reminding me about it!

Hah, you're better than you think ;)

The first tattoo is always the most daunting but actually getting the tattoo is fantastic, some might even say relaxing. It's just the after care that's a pain.

Haven't got a sleeve yet (as tempted as I am) but there are many designs that are mind blowingly awesome - just have to find the right one.


What tattoo would you get?

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Cool beans! I don't use it too much anymore, but i feel like its a great tool for creating inner motivation and having healthy attitudes about fitness and well being. I loved that you got points even when you 'lost' to bosses; like getting exp for losing battles, because it taught you to give yourself a lot of credit for attempting the things that were hard for you. I feel like its helped me experience 'set backs' a different and more optimistic way.

And being a vidya game nerd, i loved being able to go home and get all my points for attempting to be nice to people to something like that

Since im super mean and evil. I dont actually want to be nice i just wanna get dem points. Ho ho ho

Thats the fing, broliosis. Im terribly indecisive when it comes to things like that. I love sleeves and tatts on other people (for the most part, every now and then i see one where someone really wanted a realisitc looking face and apparently went to napoleon dynamite's house of upper lip shading to find a tatt artist) but i am almost certain id never be sure enough about a design that id get it on my arm forever.

If i did, id probably have to start with something very meaningful and simple, like on my wrist or ankle or torso where i could cover it up easily for work. And if i found i liked that maybe id progress to the sleeve.

I also dont know where work is gonna take me, and ill probably have to lay off on the tatts until i have established how awesome i am and then they wont fire me and i can pierce and tatt all the things

Level 1 Halfling - Rebel Nooblet - STR 2|DEX 2|STA 1|CON 1|WIS 2|CHA 2

Challenge Thread

Challenge goals:

Pole dance 15x


Rock climbing 18x


Lab for 36 hours


What the junk is lumberjane up to?

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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

lumberjane - Yeh, tis pretty bad ass. :) I'm glad it help you out! Kickin' butt on the demon front.

Leveling systems are addictive. If not feeling good for the actual act, I'm sure they appreciate the kindness and you get the joy of the points. ;)

Haha, unfortunately that happens! Requires luck and a lot of researching to find an artist that can do what you want.

For my first tattoo, to dip my toe in the waters of tattooing, I got a little penguin listening to music on the side of my stomach. He is called The Keeper of the Lady Parts. He is very meaningful to me so I can understand the wanting to start small with importance. And easily hidden!

It's all about timing. When you know the tattoos are meant to be there, nothing will stop you till they are. :)


Umodiel - I think with everything that I've read, I've only scratched the surface and really have so much more to read up on!

It's been pretty non-stop over the years, been learning about the benefits and curses of food since I was 14. But can't stop trying till something works so I predict a lot more reading and experimenting in my future.

Unfortunately the Doctor that diagnosed me with IBS was pretty useless and only gave me the generic list - he had no idea how much I was eating, he just wanted me gone. But it basically said don't have a lot of one thing. Which is difficult when food is so limited (due to past eliminating processes).

I definitely need to sort out the food that goes in my body. The problem is, and my family is pretty stubborn on, is that they don't want to spend a lot of money on food. This leads to a lot of discounted pizzas and meals with next to no health benefits. They also only go shopping and buy in bulks once a month so healthy foods do not last. So I have to buy the healthy foods myself and do not have the energy to get to the shops and back feeling mentally sane. My family were going to help with this but they've decided that since I barely do anything during the day, I have to do it myself which is so darn frustrating when I just can't...

Anyway, when I get the energy to start eating clean I'll be going for it and you're probably right on the needing sugar/bad food cycle. Anything that gives my body energy, even for a short period of time, seems to be what my body craves.

Congrats on 7 weeks! At this point in time, I cannot imagine going without all those things! Although I have been able to cut down fizzy drinks to only weekends with meals. Progress!

Haha, it's okay for topic changes. All suggestions are appreciated!

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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

Mhm, must go find some canned stuff that looks good. Getting the 'clean' diet started is very difficult. ;P

The picture idea is a good one!

I've already convinced my family that next time they go bulk shopping, they're getting 2 salmons so I can freeze them and take them out when needed - they were all for this! So buying stuff that can be frozen may be something we'll be doing a lot of. I just have to keep reminding them. ;)

I am indeed in the UK :) we've tried home delivery before, unfortunately it was more hassle than it was worth because some food would be off, some food would be missing and some not what we ordered. We collectively decided not to do that anymore. A good idea - service wasn't that great.

It sounds very doable, thank you for such good ideas! 

I had thought of doing the separate meal (as much as my dad would be upset), but I think that's a thing that'll take time to get too.

Actions do speak louder than words! My family used to drink a lot of the full-fat milk until I started drinking semi-skimmed and now that's the only milk we have! I think in time I shall bring them to the dark side, where there's beneficial food everywhere! ;3

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Guest Ihaveathingforfilms

Now to find the time and brain power to look all these things up! Haha


Got my battle log here: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/48256-the-journey/  Mixture of exercise, food, life and leveling up my alter ego. 

I'll be starting the next 6 week challenge that comes up, which I heard starts June 9th, so I'll need to get a battle plan ready at some point :P


Cool, I seem to have a good start but if I start to falter I'll drop a line. :)


Feels awesome to finally be going somewhere! :)

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