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Hey there NF,


Long time site-lurker, recent forum peeper and a long time wannabe-fit gamer. I won't dwell on the details of how I got here, but as I'm a firm believer that context is most helpful here is some background...




I was ever the big kid and developed habits as an emotional eater due to a lot of love growing up (read: abundant food), coupled with the loss of some immediate family members. I eventually ballooned to 265lbs and got to 225lbs through working out (no specific programme) and adherence to just about anything Men's Health told me was good to eat (which was confusing). Started implementing permanent changes in my diet in Dec 2012 by introducing one change to my meals at a time, and only when that became a habit did I change the next meal; I had a for a cheerleader a security guard at my building who is an amateur body builder. Through eating habits alone I'm down to about 195lbs. I started going to the gym in Dec 2013 but stopped after a few months. The excuse was holidays, where I couldn't do my routine and as they weren't a habit that was fully formed, I didn't push through.




I'm proud of my achievements. My food habits are largely corrected, though I still have off days. That's ok, because one can't correct 20+ years of habits in only 18 months. The point is I'm on a different path now and sticking to it most of the time. However, I feel that the foundation to the fitness part of my change is still weak (pun intended: I'm not that strong). I want to continue my health journey, but I'm lost in a myriad of broscience and sticking it out on my own without much direction is getting me lost on my journey. Unfortunately, my security guard acquaintance no longer works in my building.


I know I need to make the time and prioritise getting fit because I have a job with long hours. So I now walk 5 miles to work every day, and on my way back take the subway part way and run the last 1-2 miles. Unfortunately, this means I'm leaning out and not getting stronger. A high quality problem as some would say.


I don't have (or don't make) a lot of time for a gym routine during the week, but Fri / Sat / Sun are wide open. So I think a combination of home body weight exercises in the week and strong lifts on the weekend could be effective. (as an aside, I take a lot of inspiration from Waldo's achievements). So here I am, wondering the past few weeks about how I would pull myself up by my bootstraps, and deciding to introduce myself to get a hand with the lifting, and my overall fitness goals.


Where I'm Going


Still subject to adjustments (as I figure out what exactly my workout will be and to set SMART goals so I can track progression through achievable “level upsâ€) I would like to do the following:


  1. Pull Up: I can't do one right now. So maybe I stop by the park on my way home and do some bodyweight rows and progress to negative pullups like Steve's post suggests. Progress to a chin up, then several, then a muscle up.
  2. Running: I'll never be a long distance runner, nor do I want to be. I'm a firm believer that we're better suited for lower-impact endurance (hiking, walking, etc). But I want to run short distances relatively quickly. So 5km (achieved 29m and 27m earlier this year). Level up I will compete in a race later this summer. I want to run a 6min mile. Further progression TBD.
  3. Endurance: Further to point #2, Oxfam trailwalker kicked my butt. Serves me right for not training, I had to quit in misery 70km in. So I successfully hiked 50km along the Thames in just over 8 hours. I'll do another 50km, and train to do the full 100km of Oxfam trailwalker successfully.
  4. Legs: 100 bodyweight squats in a row. Working up to pistol squats.
  5. Push Ups: I can progress myself to about 15-20. I want to be able to do 100 in a row (is that realistic? I have no idea). Then I want to do a one handed pushup. Then a handstand pushup.
  6. Fitness: Get to 10% BF.
  7. Other: These are the hail mary goals that everything is building up to. If I can do them, I'm confident I can complete a Tough Mudder.


The Objective


This is going to be a journey of challenges and successes, where I discover things about myself I didn't know and improve the things I have today. I will build a healthy foundation, physically and mentally, to push through challenges in all parts of my life with patience, kindness and gratitude.


Next Steps

Take a starting photo, take measurements, track food intake and measurements, maybe weekly? (Like Johnny 5 says: need input). Roll over to the Level 1 Rebel section and join the current 6 week challenge; focus on only one or two goals at first. Then Phase 3, profit!

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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Happy to have you!  Looks like you've already got some good momentum built up from making changes to your diet.  Small, permanent changes are definitely the way to go, and this is a good place to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Sky Pirate Monk

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7


NF Character


Battle Log



Impossible is just a word people use to make themselves feel better when they quit - Vyse the Blue Rogue


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Hello and welcome! Thats quite an impressive accomplishment you've already made. You have some great goals, and seem to already have your foot in the door. Now khnck that sucker off its hinges :) good luck, and may the force be with you!

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