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A New Challenger Approaches -> Goal Setting

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-- Background --


I'm a 25 y/o PhD engineering student from Texas. I've been married for just over 5 years.


In high school, I played post in varsity basketball. I was chronically underweight (6'3", 180 lbs @ peak, after *lots* of weights) and a little short for my position, but I was the biggest guy we had. I was able to build very strong lifts in squat, deadlift, and power cleans, but never could work up to even bodyweight in bench press and other upper-body tasks.


In undergrad, I gave up on sportball out of exhaustion (and bad experiences) and bounced around through a few activities, but nothing really stuck in the long term. 


A year and a half ago, 1 semester into grad school, I realized that I was getting winded going upstairs and had lots of little aches and pains from being so sedentary. I noticed several older professors who were in much better shape than I was and realized that if I wanted to avoid being creaky when I was old, I'd have to change something.


My wife and I decided to get fit about a year and a half ago. I'm focusing on performance goals and she wants to lose weight.


We started going to the school rec center a lot more. I mix weight lifting, running, swimming, and a little bit of heavy bag workouts. My wife was very interested in group classes. We eventually slowed down a bit and stalled, but never really gave up.


We ended up buying a mid-range barbell/dumbbell set (6', 1" diameter, max 200 lbs.). The smartest thing we've done with it is get lazy about cleaning it up. It's default mode is lying there in the floor, loaded, waiting. Because of this, we've been seriously pursuing our weights for the last few months at home. My wife's really taken to it with remarkable enthusiasm, as she has never really had any real athletic training at all and isn't well-suited to endurance sports. She gets to work with squat and bench at home, as I can clean whatever she works out with, but I need to start going back to the gym for my big lifts.


I've also managed to greatly increase my, historically, bad hip flexibility by focusing on achieving lower and lower squats and have finally gotten the hang of front squat form after identifying some imbalances and flexibility issues in my wrists and hands.


-- Stats & Measurements --


6'3, 235 lbs (Down 10 lbs from start)

- Press: 135 lbs (workout 3x8 @ 110)

- Pendlay Row: ? (workout 3x10 @ 135, this is about to increase)

- Front Squat: 60 lbs (just got the form right for 3x10's, increasing the weight but haven't found my max)

- Deadlift: (3x10@175... and increasing, now that we bought more plates; worried that my bar's not going to be enough in a couple weeks)

- One-Arm Kettlebell Swings (3x30 @ 30)

- Squat: ? (haven't been able to get in on a rack and get a max)

- Bench: ? (Likewise, but I'm switching to full pushups after doing 3x35 kneeling pushups after my Press reps)

- Plank: 1:30 after deadlift & front squats

- 5k: ~33 minutes. (Ran out of frustration during a few days of downtime from a volleyball related wrist sprain)


Chest - 41"

Bust - 43"

Waist - 38"

Hips- 43 1/2"

Thigh: 25"

Bicep: 15"

Neck: 17"

Shoulders: 47.5"


-- Diet --


Not too much to say here. Not big on going full paleo (it has its strengths), but I eat whole foods and focus on lean protein and vegetables. If I get carbs, they're complex and whole grain and I plan on reducing my intake of processed sugars.


I'm a big fan of canned chicken, canned tuna, and black beans.


I'm also very fond of dairy, but tend to focus on lowfat greek yogurt, 2% lactose-free milk (which I use for my whey supplement), and the occasional small amount of cheese.


I don't drink sodas and instead drink lots of water and unsweet tea. I also have about 2-3 beers a week, as I enjoy home-brewing.


-- Goals --


I'm still working on my goal-setting for the challenge and would like some input. 


- So far, I know that at the end of the 6 weeks, I'd like to be able to Press 155 max, and fit into the Intermediate category for my weight here.

- I also want to be able to finally nail down that pull up.


Weekly, I know I need to lift at least 3x a week.

I think I should also specify at least 1 day of cardio workout a week, whether it's running, swimming, or heavy bag.


After that, I'm really not sure what I should chase or really focus on developing. Any ideas? I know my focus is somewhere between the Warriors and Rangers. I want power, but I really would like to develop stamina alongside it.

Edit: Those who are interested can find me on fitocracy under Bandcamp14

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Level 2 Half-Orc Ranger/Warrior
[str 8 || Dex 4 || Con 3 || Wis 3 || Cha 2] 
1st Challenge: The First Ideal

2nd Challenge: Perfection Through Practice
Fitocracy: Bandcamp14

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Sounds like you are off to a great start!

Looks like you have diet under control. You will see that a lot of us are Paleo but modified to,what works for us. If you are losing weight and feel energetic you have found the right mix. How can you not have a few beers especially if you brew! Yummy!

Lifting 3x per week should get you to the Intermediate category that you posted. The Warriors will help with specifics.

Your cardio day will help with stamina and fat loss goals

You mentioned hip issue so maybe some targeted exercises to help with dexterity? It can be as simple as starting your workout with stretches.

Just my two cents. I look forward to seeing your post for the 6 week challenge in the Level 1's. Spend some time in the Warrior and Ranger guilds to see what would fit you best and ask questions! If you need I can point you to some very helpful nerds!

Good luck!

Level 36 Ranger Sorcerer 


Current challenge 




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Hey there!


My campus has a Bod Pod as well. I think I might go and get my percentage tested next week so I've got a better idea of where I am.


Be careful about taking these numbers to heart. There have been some rather wild fluctuations on it but if you're not emotionally attached to the %, go for it.

Current Challenge: Wufkar Stops Making Excuses



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@Wufkar, I'm not too worried about taking it to heart. I just would like some idea of how much mass I'm carrying around that's holdover and how much is for keeping. I'm pretty solid, so it's hard to tell what's padding and can be cut and what will stay with me. I haven't lost weight in awhile, but my composition has shifted dramatically, so I wanted to get an idea of how much of me will definitely be staying.

Also, for those interested, my wife's new post is here

Level 2 Half-Orc Ranger/Warrior
[str 8 || Dex 4 || Con 3 || Wis 3 || Cha 2] 
1st Challenge: The First Ideal

2nd Challenge: Perfection Through Practice
Fitocracy: Bandcamp14

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