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Guys, let us talk about a very important issue that is, “Body imageâ€.

How many of you really love your body? How many? Hmm? Not many, I presume~ If you do! You’re awesome! But if you don’t then it’s okay, it’s not your fault.

All of us—both men and women—go through this, “negative body image phaseâ€. Some are still facing this problem, some have accepted themselves for who they are but haven’t stepped up their game while some have accepted AND have changed themselves for the better.

Society is bull-poop; two faced?? Two faced bull-poop. It doesn’t like change! The word “Unique†is not in its vocabulary. The moment it sees someone “different†it starts pressurising them! It wants us all to fit inside a really small and shallow box called, “normal†and be fine with it!

Well! I want you to reject that! I want you to accept your uniqueness! Society doesn’t know what is best for you, only you know! So, love your body and your life!

The moment you accept your body—accept its curves as signs of beauty, accept its scars as signs of glory, accept the wrinkles as signs of experience, accept yourself whether tall or short—accept you! You’ll achieve true fitness!

I would like all of you to think about what I’ve said; really think about it. I also would like you to reflect on yourself. Have the courage to stand in front of the mirror that intimidates you but not be afraid.

Never be ashamed of who you are and how you look like! Instead of that, listen to your body for you are the most complex and wondrous machine ever built! It may surprise you~

Change your outlook on life and you’ll learn to love!

“You have a spark in you so don’t let it burn out!â€

This message was brought to you by "my five fingers and co."backed up by, "the jolt of electrical signals from my brain speeding through a network of nerves and ganglia".

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Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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This is something I have struggled with so much of my life! Whether from family, friends, random strangers at the bar, wherever. I've accepted some parts of myself, but have a long ways to go. However, I am determined to accept and love all of me before its all said and done. Soon, I will look in the mirror and really see a beautiful and amazing creature known as me; an awesome product of my own decisions, thoughts and actions.

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This a beautiful message! :D

Thank you for posting this.

I've always felt pretty confident in myself and would like to think I have a strong body image even though I have been overweight for a long time. I love myself and my body.

Even I myself have found those sad days looking in the mirror once in awhile.

It's so important to just let everyone know they are beautiful for who they are. Always. ^_^

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STR 6 | DEX 2 | STA 5 | CON 4 | WIS 6.5 | CHA 1

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This a beautiful message! :D

Thank you for posting this.

I've always felt pretty confident in myself and would like to think I have a strong body image even though I have been overweight for a long time. I love myself and my body.

Even I myself have found those sad days looking in the mirror once in awhile.

It's so important to just let everyone know they are beautiful for who they are. Always. ^_^

And might I say, your beauty makes the whole world jealous :L

This message was brought to you by "my five fingers and co."backed up by, "the jolt of electrical signals from my brain speeding through a network of nerves and ganglia".

  • Like 1

Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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This is something I have struggled with so much of my life! Whether from family, friends, random strangers at the bar, wherever. I've accepted some parts of myself, but have a long ways to go. However, I am determined to accept and love all of me before its all said and done. Soon, I will look in the mirror and really see a beautiful and amazing creature known as me; an awesome product of my own decisions, thoughts and actions.

You'll one day succeed in having that healthy mindset that'll allow you to love yourself regardless of what society says~

You're awesome! And. You. Knows it. Heck! We. Know. It!

This message was brought to you by "my five fingers and co."backed up by, "the jolt of electrical signals from my brain speeding through a network of nerves and ganglia".

Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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And might I say, your beauty makes the whole world jealous :L

This message was brought to you by "my five fingers and co."backed up by, "the jolt of electrical signals from my brain speeding through a network of nerves and ganglia".

Giiiiiiiirl, you rock!

Did you know you a fab beauty too? Forserials.


STR 6 | DEX 2 | STA 5 | CON 4 | WIS 6.5 | CHA 1

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You people are beautiful from inside out.

This message was brought to you by "my five fingers and co."backed up by, "the jolt of electrical signals from my brain speeding through a network of nerves and ganglia".

Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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Giiiiiiiirl, you rock!

Did you know you a fab beauty too? Forserials.

where have you seen me :o

This message was brought to you by "my five fingers and co."backed up by, "the jolt of electrical signals from my brain speeding through a network of nerves and ganglia".

Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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So much win in this OP + thread!

Durhurhur. Gee, thanks c:

This message was brought to you by "my five fingers and co."backed up by, "the jolt of electrical signals from my brain speeding through a network of nerves and ganglia".

  • Like 1

Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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Funny how the Pub just got similar forum. Didn't know this one exist

Surprise?? :P

Yeah, we all need this right?

This message was convincingly brought to you by,"my imaginative brain", co-produced by "my nimble but bulbous fingers".

  • Like 1

Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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Surprise?? :tongue:

Yeah, we all need this right?

This message was convincingly brought to you by,"my imaginative brain", co-produced by "my nimble but bulbous fingers".

I could stay awhile

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.†

~Paulo Coelho


I'm a level 3 moon elf, who's an druid assassin.


My Inspiration

Tumblr, which helps me stay the course for art challenge

FB, which I guess we could be friend :tongue:

My challenge



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I think that I do accept my body, but I also do not accept that the way it is is the only way that it can ever be.

I am working on stopping thinking of it as just a pile of meat that carries around my brain.

Aaaah. That's also a very positive thought. Your body is a complex life force and it's health is in your hands


Love it as much! Don't let people tell you what or what not to do or what your body is. You define what your body is not any other person who doesn't know your struggles.

This message was convincingly brought to you by,"my imaginative brain", co-produced by "my nimble but bulbous fingers".

Class and Profession: Rangers/Druid
Background: 27 year old Nerdling. Idk what to write anymore so imagine that this is a cool intro



The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are--Lara Croft.




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Aaaah. That's also a very positive thought. Your body is a complex life force and it's health is in your hands


Love it as much! Don't let people tell you what or what not to do or what your body is. You define what your body is not any other person who doesn't know your struggles.

This message was convincingly brought to you by,"my imaginative brain", co-produced by "my nimble but bulbous fingers".

Something I have to work on, especially when it comes to my old scars and burns.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.†

~Paulo Coelho


I'm a level 3 moon elf, who's an druid assassin.


My Inspiration

Tumblr, which helps me stay the course for art challenge

FB, which I guess we could be friend :tongue:

My challenge



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I am either a very shallow and vain person, someone who has been given too many negative messages by the culture I live within or not as self-aware as I think I am.

I just found out today that because I was an overweight child that the weight I put on will shrink but the potential for it, those built up fat cells, will never go away.


My first thought was to berate myself for my past that I would never be "beautiful"- always an "ugly duckling" and never a "swan", so to speak.


My second thought was against the previous one, asking how I could be such a hypocrite for seeing some other larger women as attractive but not myself.


My third thought, related to the first, was something about weight loss, sagging skin, my small breasts and how I wasn't like them.


My fourth, "maybe I should just give up since it's not going to matter" was cut off by a sincere, passionate fifth,  "No way! I'm not going to do that when I've come so far already, that would be a waist...er, waste! I'm going to wear dashing clothes, keep up my diet, exercise harder than I would have to had I been a normal weight all my life, put that damn smile back on and learn to like it! When I once threw up when ill after eating oatmeal, did I give up oatmeal? No, I was eating it the next day, determined not to let one experience ruin something I enjoyed! So, when someone comes and talks to me about my weight, I'm not going to ignore it or get upset, I'm going to speak about it logically, factually and calmly like I should because it shouldn't be the metaphorical scale on which to judge me."

That last thought sounded a little like Rudolph's father from the Rankin-Bass Claymation, oddly enough.


In summation (or tl;dr, as some put it), I don't like my body but I'm attempting to at least repair it a bit.

Calorie Counting/ Nutrition Tracking for a year on MyFitnessPal+Fitbit One (365 days = .27% per day, Day 74):



New Year's Resolution - Healthy Weight/BMI for Summer (June 1st, Get to about 130 lbs/22 BMI approx. in 152 days/21 weeks starting from 153 lbs = 4.35% per pound, currently 142):



Graduate Culinary School {20% per section: F.O.H. ( A ), Hot Foods ( C ), Garde Manger [Cold Foods], Bakeshop, Test}     Passed Certifications: ServSafe, Management



Fitbit, MyFitnessPal

Intro  Challenges: 1 2 Reset 3


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