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Favourite motivational pep talk.

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I don't mean your favorite movie pep talk or some inspirational quote you heard once.

What is the thing you say to yourself when there is no-one else around. No-one to pick you up. When your hanging from a bar and all you want to do is get your chin above it one last time. What inspires you to go that extra bit.

Was on my mind tonight. Been having a rough couple days, diets gone to shit, been stuck inside studying for 8 hours a day minimum and just general stress overload.

So tonight.

I literally took off my shirt looked in the mirror and said F*** it. I'm not that lazy S.O.B anymore. Appearance follows fitness and I'm sick of being embarrassed for how I look naked/with out a shirt.

I went out to my garage gym and I pushed. Hard. It wasn't pretty, but damn I feel fantastic right now.

So what do you guys do when you're down in the dumps and struggling for that motivation? Not what other people do, what you do personally to pick yourself back up again.

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It helps that I'm seeing results now. (My pants now make me look like those kids wandering around with pants 3 sizes too large).

But for me, I try to focus on doing the best I can do TODAY. Which involves not only my available time, but my mental fortitude, "emotional strength," etc. When I'm doing really, REALLY bad, I get up and do SOMETHING, because "something is better than nothing." I also remind myself that this is a LIFE change, not a "diet thing," or "work-out thing," but a continuous journey to who I am going to be in the future. What would future me do? (WWFMD?) Order water instead of pop. Go to Cafe Yumm instead of Jack in the Box. Eat half instead of a whole. Walk around the block instead of doing NOTHING. Do some push-ups instead of nothing.

One day at a time, one step at a time, one better decision at a time.

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I have a few things that I read that make me motivated to succeed.

I have "get busy livin or get busy dying" hanging up in my bedroom, which forces me every morning when I wake up to make the most of my day, living life to the fullest. Whenever I'm feeling depressed or lost on what I want out of life...I watch

and instantly I'm smiling and busting my ass to turn NF into a business.

As far as weight lifting goes, The Iron and the Soul by Henry Rollins is one of the most inspiring things I've ever read.

Yup. Now I'm all inspired.



Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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I have a few things that I read that make me motivated to succeed.

I have "get busy livin or get busy dying" hanging up in my bedroom, which forces me every morning when I wake up to make the most of my day, living life to the fullest. Whenever I'm feeling depressed or lost on what I want out of life...I watch

and instantly I'm smiling and busting my ass to turn NF into a business.

As far as weight lifting goes, The Iron and the Soul by Henry Rollins is one of the most inspiring things I've ever read.

Yup. Now I'm all inspired.



I think I just died watching Where the Hell is Matt. Thanks for that Steve :lol:

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As far as weight lifting goes, The Iron and the Soul by Henry Rollins is one of the most inspiring things I've ever read.

I don't believe anything Henry Rollins says. He's a liar.

My motivational pep talk consists of a bunch of expletives and things that make little children cry. It get's me moving!

Ranger - Rheno - Rising Hero

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As far as weight lifting goes, The Iron and the Soul by Henry Rollins is one of the most inspiring things I've ever read.

I don't believe anything Henry Rollins says. He's a liar.

My motivational pep talk consists of a bunch of expletives and things that make little children cry. It get's me moving!

Holy crap, me too! If I have a coach or trainer yelling at me, I just drop the F bomb on them until they die. In my mind, anyway.

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I don't mean your favorite movie pep talk or some inspirational quote you heard once.

What is the thing you say to yourself when there is no-one else around. No-one to pick you up. When your hanging from a bar and all you want to do is get your chin above it one last time. What inspires you to go that extra bit.

Was on my mind tonight. Been having a rough couple days, diets gone to shit, been stuck inside studying for 8 hours a day minimum and just general stress overload.

So tonight.

I literally took off my shirt looked in the mirror and said F*** it. I'm not that lazy S.O.B anymore. Appearance follows fitness and I'm sick of being embarrassed for how I look naked/with out a shirt.

I went out to my garage gym and I pushed. Hard. It wasn't pretty, but damn I feel fantastic right now.

So what do you guys do when you're down in the dumps and struggling for that motivation? Not what other people do, what you do personally to pick yourself back up again.

Hey Dantes- (really cool name), sorry to hear you are having a rough patch. I feel similarly stressed with the studying, it never seems to end does it?! boo. My main issue is being in line at a food place, or reading a menu at a restaurant. I am so inclined to make a bad choice, and say I will figure out my calories for it later. the last few days I have said to myself, " it only takes about 5 minutes of controlling this temptation, once I make the right food choice, I will forget about the bad stuff bc my food choice is HEALTHY and Yummy " . It sounds so geeky, but it works. I have successfully avoided a lot of crap this week. Also, the other day I almost cancelled working out bc i was running late. But I calculated my food into my daily plate (great site, try it out), and realized I was 100 calories over for the day, so I made myself do 30 minutes of workout, which balanced it out in the end. Why not tell yourself, you better sweat your butt off and work out before you shower? that might pay off!

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Hey curvy, thanks I suppose reading Dante Inferno can be a claim to nerdiness.

I definitely know what you mean about the choices, I always feel great whenever I make the right one and lousy when I make shitty ones. So you'd think it would be a no brainer right?

Yea, I'm actually really proud of myself. I haven't missed a strength workout in three and a half weeks, but sometimes I make them up the following day if I do end up missing them.

But yea, thanks heaps for the support.

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When I need to get motivated to start, to stop just going through the motions, or to just keep going, I chant "appearance is a consequence of fitness" over and over.

When I'm almost at the breaking point, and I need to get just one more rep out, I yell at myself: "C'mon you little bitch, just one more, stop being a pussy!" I normally do this out loud; I'm in my garage, so no other gym-goers to hear, though the neighbors sometimes look at me weird...

In terms of healthy food choices, I need to remember to look up the calories before I decide to eat.

"Yeah, I'll have the Baconator; I'm starving, and in a hurry, and excuse, excuse, excuse..."


"I ate HOW many calories just then?!?"

And it's not always the obviously bad things. It's the sneaky ones like Jamba Juice, or a 'sensible' brownie piece or the like. Carbs have a very high calorie/fullness ratio. I know they're 4c/g, and fat is 9c/g, but I feel a lot fuller on a gram of fat than carbs.

Level 5 Human Ranger

Stats as of July 25:   STR: 9.5   DEX: 5.75   STA: 7.5   CON: 15.25   WIS: 6   CHA: 8.5



Tough Mudder CO 2012 (4hrs)

Got below 200lbs

NF Challenge #4 Winner


Current Challenge

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Hahaaha, wow...just went back and reread the original message...where it said NOT your favorite motivational quote or movie.

I'm an idiot.

So, sorry for not actually paying attention, I'll chalk it up to my post-vacation mental mush?

Time to think of what you ACTUALLY wanted to hear.


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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Hahaaha, wow...just went back and reread the original message...where it said NOT your favorite motivational quote or movie.

I'm an idiot.

So, sorry for not actually paying attention, I'll chalk it up to my post-vacation mental mush?

Time to think of what you ACTUALLY wanted to hear.


So Steve? What is the one thing you say to yourself, something unique this time.

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Hmmm, I definitely have those moments.

I usually close my eyes, take a deep breath, and say to myself "Suck it up Steve, and get it done." If i'm particularly angry at myself I'll throw in an expletive at the end there, but usually the first part is enough :)


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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