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No I moved recently and only got my 360 hooked up to the internet just as the beta ended, which was very irritating!

Played with friends again last night and I'm now beginning to get back into the swing of things. I was disappointed again though when I finally unlocked the Stinger launcher only to have jet and helicopter pilots deploy bloody countermeasures.

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I am about a third of the through Batman:Arkham Asylum. Absolutely love this game! Can't wait to finish it and move on to Arkham City (although I really want Skyrim as well)

For Collin....I will level up my life with the lessons you taught me

My attempt at a blog: just54days.wordpress.com

Battle Log: http://nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?5775-MacNip-s-Growing-Up-(Hopefully)

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Hey macnip78, I love Arkham Asylum as well, I am a massive Batman geek! Does anyone have Arkham City yet? Is it as good as people seem to be making out?

I've finished it (well the main story at least) and I'd say it's definitely a good game. I don't think it was better than Arkham Asylum but at the same time I don't think it was worse. The core gameplay was pretty much unchanged with the exception of a few tweaks to improve it. I'm personally not a big fan of sandbox games but I felt that it worked and it wasn't so much of a sandbox game that it felt too loose. I think what it boils down to is that it doesn't have the 'came out of nowhere' factor that AA did, because AA was such a great game there were big expectations on AC and I think it met them, it just didn't surpass them in the way that AA did



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Hey macnip78, I love Arkham Asylum as well, I am a massive Batman geek! Does anyone have Arkham City yet? Is it as good as people seem to be making out?

I'm only about two hours in so far. It feels like a much bigger game this time. As was said, the gameplay itself is very similar. But there are a ton more side quests this time, which I'm enjoying.

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"What we face may look insurmountable. But I learned something from all those years of training and competing. I learned something from all those sets and reps when I didn't think I could lift another ounce of weight. What I learned is that we are always stronger than we know." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Toby: It's going to be hard.
Josh: Then we'll do what's hard.
- The West Wing

"A good lawyer sees trouble coming from around the corner."
-Professor Tom Ross

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Morrowind. Im warming up my questing skills for Skyrim in this far superior Elder Scrolls to Oblivion.

I was never big into Morrowind but absolutely loved Oblivion. It's unclear how I'm going to fit in my workouts once Skyrim comes out.

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"What we face may look insurmountable. But I learned something from all those years of training and competing. I learned something from all those sets and reps when I didn't think I could lift another ounce of weight. What I learned is that we are always stronger than we know." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Toby: It's going to be hard.
Josh: Then we'll do what's hard.
- The West Wing

"A good lawyer sees trouble coming from around the corner."
-Professor Tom Ross

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I've finally finished GTA IV, it had sat incomplete for the longest time as I got stuck on a mission and just stopped playing. Went back to it after GTA V getting announced recently and powered through, and again got stuck on the final mission (kept crashing the helicopter), but got it done on Sunday.

Working my way through to the end of Red Dead Redemption now. I'm up in the third area of the game now having just completed Mexico.

Follow me on Twitter: @garth_green

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My free time is currently being absorbed by BF3 on PC. If anyone else is playing I need friends haha.

how is BF3? I was considering picking it up, but I think it may cripple my laptop and my desktop isn't fast enough to run it. I'll occasionally jump back and play BF1942 just for kicks.

Scout: STR: 20.5 | DEX: 13 | STA: 28 | CON: 13.5 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 4

http://51feetunder.wordpress.com/ - Running, Rock & Roll, Rock Climbing and Photography

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Anyone picking up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3?

Does it have a NON-online multiplayer option? I have young kids that use my Wii so I've never bothered to hook it up to my wifi, but I'd like to have a good 2-4 player shooter I can play with my buddies occasionally. If not, do you have suggestions for other games that would have it?

Scout: STR: 20.5 | DEX: 13 | STA: 28 | CON: 13.5 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 4

http://51feetunder.wordpress.com/ - Running, Rock & Roll, Rock Climbing and Photography

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how is BF3? I was considering picking it up, but I think it may cripple my laptop and my desktop isn't fast enough to run it. I'll occasionally jump back and play BF1942 just for kicks.

Pure chaos and I love it. My desktop is severely under powered so I'm getting owned by super low framerates at the moment but there's a truck on its way from newegg with some upgrades that'll solve that problem. I'm still managing to enjoy it despite the PC issues. Once I got used to the destructible environment in Bad Company 2 I never felt at home on COD again.

Eat. Sleep. High bar squat. | Strength is a skill, refine it.
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Looking for a strength program? Check out The Danger Method and remember to do your damn abs

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Geek Squeal!

This might be better placed in the "how do you know you're a nerd" thread but oh well. A fun update on this little adventure:

So when I set out to upgrade my rig for BF3 I started reasonably thinking, "I'll just buy a midgrade video card and go from there." Ruminating on it I decided that my old Athlon processor was then going to dog the whole thing down so I ended up opting for the video card, mobo, Phenom II x6 CPU, aftermarket air and 8GB of ram.. basically a whole new setup. In my excitement I failed to consider that my decent 450W power supply probably wasn't going to be enough for all this. So parts came and I wasn't shocked to find that my poor PSU wasn't up to the task as I came to the realization somewhere around setting eyes on the shear size of the video card.

Fast forward to today and there's now a truck with a 600W PSU AND and 120GB Vertex 3 SSD on the way. Haha, I feel like I went on a heroin bender and am waking up in the gutter thinking "how did I get here" but damn if this thing isn't going to run BF3 "ok".

Edit: and the punchline to all this is my good friend got rearended today and he barely even started telling the story on the phone before I was like "dude, so I was on newegg today to order a PSU and totally ended up getting a SSD too." At which point we nerded out for a solid 3-5 minutes on the whole project and how awesome it's going to be when he should have probably been on the horn with Progressive or a State Trooper or something. You know you're a nerd when...

Eat. Sleep. High bar squat. | Strength is a skill, refine it.
Follow my Weightlifting team's antics: Instagram | Facebook | Youtube
Looking for a strength program? Check out The Danger Method and remember to do your damn abs

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Got Battlefield 3 the other day, played it Friday night with some friends and got absolutely slaughtered. It doesn't help that Americans have had a few days practice over us Brits.

I got Battlefield the other week, awesome game, you play on Xbox? I am also looking forward to getting the new Batman game for christmas

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Currently playing Zelda: Skyward Sword on the Wii, and Uncharted 3 on the PS3. Zelda is getting the majority of what little gaming time I have, but now that Naughty Dog have released a patch to fix the aiming in UC3, I can return to it and complete it!

On the recently completed list: Gears of War 3 and Batman AC.

On the gotta get back to and finish list: ICO/Shadow of the Colousus HD re-release

On the replaying list: Red Dead Redemption

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BF3 and Skyrim depending on if my friends are playing BF3 at the time or whether I'm in 1) frustrated I need to shoot some bitches mood or 2) Relaxed let me go explore the world and collect me some books mood. both on 360.

Also, if I get time to be on for a bit tonight, I'm going to go add everyone who posted their gamercards on the Skyrim and BF3 threads to my friends list. I keep forgetting to. I'm RangeroftheWall (for those song of ice and fire fans).

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
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"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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