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hi :) I am finally getting the hang of posting once (in the right spot) as opposed to 5 times where I didn't quite mean to.


Anyway, I am 43, been working on my nf skills leveling for about a year and a half now, and my whole life recently turned upside down and now I am starting over after a 3 month ....er....traumatic break. I can't go it alone any more. I decided the best thing to do was get on the forums and start checking in every day because I am really a mess right now and need people. I need the inspiration and contact. I need my good habits back and right now most of them are impossibly high barrier ranges of doom instead of faithful traveling companions.

So.... starting all over again. Now I am going to try to insert a photo and see how that goes.


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A friend told me I was delusional.  I nearly fell off my unicorn.  

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Welcome! Crappy life crap is crappy. I hope we can give you the cheerleading/commiseration/enabling/animated gifs you want or need. Do you have any goals you're working toward right now?

Level 2 Elf Assassin

Str: 4 | Dex: 5 | Sta: 3 | Con: 2 | Wis: 4 | Cha: 3


"When people called me freak, I closed my eyes and laughed, because they were blind to happiness." --hide



First challenge! Second challenge! Third challenge!


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:) this week I am all about cheeto avoidance and drinking water. I cook everything else from scratch so the batcave is pretty decent. Its that 40minute bus stop in front of safeway at 9 pm thats killing me. Its cold, dark, usually raining...and I'm hungry and tired. So all week my debit card has been left home. We can call that a triumph.

As soon as my knees stop complaining from carb overload I will figure out some kind of 30 second exercise routine and trick myself into that one too. I might do that today, actually. My schedule has shifted such that my workout days are weird now. Th fri sat mon. Sometimes sunday. Those other two I am gone for 14 hours a day and.... I can't reliably depend on them.

Ok. So. At least I have a tentative plan.

Babbbby steps so i dont overwhelm myself.

Cuz I am an unstable crying nutjob right now. I can only handle one change at a time, max. fortunately these are changes I have worked on for *months* so hopefully my body will go....oh yeah.....we like moving.

Willpower = zero.

I just have to plan on that and work around it somehow.

You guys, thanks for listening. I really do appreciate it.

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A friend told me I was delusional.  I nearly fell off my unicorn.  

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I want to give you a big hug right now!  I am so impressed with your willingness to be vulnerable here and my heart is breaking a teeny bit for you.  I wanted to ask you about your testimony of water.  I see you posting about water a lot, and I know it is important in my head, but you know it's important in your head and heart.  What experiences have you had that got you to this point of KNOWING water is so important?

Goldfish Green

level: 1   Challenge 1, 2

STR:1 | DEX:2 | STA:2 | CON:3 | WIS:4 | CHA:4


Quest Tracking for this Challenge:

Lifting 3 times a week:           OOO|---|---|---|---|---

Currently Squatting: 5 lbs  (goal is 25 lbs this challenge)

Tracking Protein: ooooo--|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------

"o" means successful and "x" means unsuccessful that day)

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Water is huge. And you dont really get *how* much this one thing affects you until you push that boundary. so for a while i had a pad of paper next to my sink and every time i went down to the kitchen.....glug a glass and make a hatchmark. I started at maybe 1 or 2 glasses per day and worked my way up over time to 16. Suddenly....poof.... i need less food. My skin is better. Fine wrinkles smooth out. I look younger. My joints move better. My elimination system works better. I dump excess water weight. I am less tired.

Now that i am at school/work 12-14 hours a day....a tiny pad is in my back pocket and i drink out of something measurable. (Our cooler has 4 oz cups and i reuse one all day. Hey. I could write on the cup.!)

So the best thing to do..... just try it and see what changes. And trust me.... in the beginning i didnt like it. I also chug 5 early on in the day before eating to compensate for not drinking at night.

A friend told me I was delusional.  I nearly fell off my unicorn.  

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Thanks for the info and please be patient with yourself.  Grief is a cyclical process and sometimes it will feel like three steps forward and three steps back, but it's part of the natural process of healing.

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Goldfish Green

level: 1   Challenge 1, 2

STR:1 | DEX:2 | STA:2 | CON:3 | WIS:4 | CHA:4


Quest Tracking for this Challenge:

Lifting 3 times a week:           OOO|---|---|---|---|---

Currently Squatting: 5 lbs  (goal is 25 lbs this challenge)

Tracking Protein: ooooo--|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------

"o" means successful and "x" means unsuccessful that day)

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hi :) I am finally getting the hang of posting once (in the right spot) as opposed to 5 times where I didn't quite mean to.


Anyway, I am 43, been working on my nf skills leveling for about a year and a half now, and my whole life recently turned upside down and now I am starting over after a 3 month ....er....traumatic break. I can't go it alone any more. I decided the best thing to do was get on the forums and start checking in every day because I am really a mess right now and need people. I need the inspiration and contact. I need my good habits back and right now most of them are impossibly high barrier ranges of doom instead of faithful traveling companions.

So.... starting all over again. Now I am going to try to insert a photo and see how that goes.



It's NEVER too late to start over.


Always keep in mind ~ you're braver than you believe and stronger than you seem. Yes, you can do it ~ :peaceful:

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It sounds like just posting here is an achievement for you right now, so drinking the water and doing even a tiny workout are cause for celebration!  


Go fejeszigana!

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A Gnomish Scribe, with an emptying nest.... looking at the Training Hall and wondering about going in


Level 1  Adventurer

| STR:2 | DEX:1 | STA:2 | CON:1 | WIS:1 | CHA:1 |


Getting to level 0: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/56895-pennychange-starts-with-a-hapenny-challenge/



Modified challenge for level one: six trips to gym

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You are so not kidding. :) I did manage to turn it into a 6 week challenge at 4 am this morning...and I posted it. So.... yeah. I also have managed to do my mini workout 3 days in a row. Every day I do a teeeeeeny bit more.

"A friend told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn."

A friend told me I was delusional.  I nearly fell off my unicorn.  

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Drink that water! I'm struggling to stay on top of this, but trying the keep a 32oz bottle on my desk at all times is a good reminder for me to keep drinking it.

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"Strong in purpose and strong in action; strong within and strong without; strong against foes that are seen and strong against foes that are unseen; all the way up and all the way down, all the way around and all the way through; first, last and always—strong!"

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