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Hello all!


I am new here and wanting to introduce myself! I am hoping that this forum will help me with accountability and motivation, so here goes!


I am a 28 year old special education teacher from Minnesota.  I've been working on losing the same 30 lbs for over two years with no permanent success.  I want to change that this year.


My goals:


* Lose 30 pounds.  This will get me back to what I weighed at my wedding (4 years ago).  I could stand to lose more than that, but I'm starting with 30 so it feels manageable.

* Gain flexibility.  My hamstrings.  The WORST!

* Gain endurance.  I want to be able to run a 5k again without having to train.

* Gain strength.  I would love to be able to do a pull up or 3 without the assistance of a machine

* Do another Whole30 in January and then maintain paleo until 30 lb goal is hit.

* Hit up a few actual yoga classes a week at a local studio.  I'm currently too self conscious to go in there, as I'm worried about being the fattest and the least flexible.  Building up to this with yoga at my gym and PiYo.



My nerdy side:


* Grew up on Nintendo video games and am still a hardcore gamer today.  Favorites include Skyrim, The Last of Us, and Dragon Age.

* Trekkie as a child, original series all the way!

* Obsessive fantasy/sci fi reader.  You name it, I've read it.  Favorites include Pat Rothfuss, Tad Williams, and Robin Hobb.

* LotR is my jam!  I saw the first LotR film 11 times in theaters.... and read the whole series before I was out of elementary school.

* My house is decorated in Mario wall decals.... because I am a grown up and I do what I want!

* I played text based role playing games online in my teens, and if that wasn't nerdy enough I also wrote my own RPG stories with a bunch of people on a Terry Brooks forum.

* I'm hardcore in to board games like Betrayal at House on the Hill, Zombicide, and Cosmic Encounter.


I am trying to blog about my progress on my newer blog, http://minnesotaprimal.wordpress.com/so please feel free to follow me.  I'm still learning to navigate this forum, so if there is a progress board somewhere maybe I will start a thread to track mine.  I'm excited to join the next challenge and get to know some fellow nerds!

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My blog:  http://minnesotaprimal.wordpress.com/




* Lose 37 lbs

* Run a 5k straight through, no walking

* Practice yoga regularily

* Be able to do real push ups


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heyyyyyyy :D 

Welcome to the Rebellion! My name is Bekah and I am the Druid Ambassador. Do you know about the 6 week challenges? We are currently in week 6 of the current one (it ends on Dec. 21st) and there will probably either be a short break, or a holiday mini challenge between now and the start of the next 6 week challenge period. But basically how they work is: You start your first challenge here at the Level 1 Rebels forum (it will change after this week but they will link the new one or I will find you and give it to you if they dont, ok?) and then they have a process and points and such and after you reach a certain level, you get to choose a guild to go to for your next set of challenges...they are like your family here on NF and you create a thread like this one in the guild forum of your choice (pick Druids ;) ) and you choose your goals and all (you learn about how to do all that over in the Level 1 area at the above link). Let me know if you have any questions, or you can PM any of the Guild Leaders or Ambassadors and ask any questions you have about any topic, guild, goal setting whatever and they will help you because well, everyone here is awesome :D 

I have Rainbow Brite and Hello Kitty and Care Bears and My Little Pony decorations in my house, bc I am physically an adult and can do what I want :D I like you already :) 

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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oh and there are some SERIOUSLY awesome Minnesotans around here who meet up periodically and I am very jealous that I am in Florida :( (ProtoJitters, Therealkat, Ceasefire...and I know there are others I am forgetting)

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Yay!  Thanks for the replies.  I'm excited to join a challenge and start leveling up!  Is there any info on when the next challenge will begin that I can look up somewhere, or a schedule?  I see the bar across the top that says the next challenge starts Nov. 10th.  Is that updated at the end of each challenge?


I have read up on the different professions and druids seem like the closest fit for me, though I normally prefer to play a ranger or rogue type character.  I am really trying to get a consistent yoga practice to be a part of my life, as I love the stretching and strength without the repetition.  


It makes me laugh that you said you were jealous that you are in Florida and not Minnesota, as it is totally the reverse for me!  I would love to live somewhere warm and sunny all the time!  

My blog:  http://minnesotaprimal.wordpress.com/




* Lose 37 lbs

* Run a 5k straight through, no walking

* Practice yoga regularily

* Be able to do real push ups


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