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ETFnerd workout log

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You know what's live and kickin? Your new avatar. I'm just gonna go ahead and say it's my favorite.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Went over 10K charater limit on December post so it continues here:

Sunday 12/25/2011 - Miles: 10.8 Cum: 1,077.7 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 87 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Inverted Punching Bag Sit-Ups (minimum 50) 15, 15, 10, 15 - Weekly summary: This week, my BMR estimate was 12,390kcal (1,770/day x 7days). I also burned an estimated 4,437kcal this week through exercise, for a total of 16,827kcal expended. I ate an estimated 19,958kcal this week according to my food log so I came in way over maintenance by 3,131kcal. Will need to watch my diet after this week of indulgence. Ran/walked five out of seven days for 37.5 miles, 102 pullups, 206 inverted punching bag situps. Today: Attempted nerdees 2x again. Did 55 isolation inverted punching bag situps; not that tough. Leveled up to 6.9 mph pace this weekend and went on long run for just over 10 miles for Christmas. Run was easy peasy today.

Monday 12/26/2011 - Miles: 6.7 Cum: 1,084.5 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 52 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Inverted Punching Bag Sit-Ups (minimum 50) 3, 15, 15, 12, 13 - Messed up again and did situps when I should have done pullups. Was fairly easy today after an aborted first set when my leg grip gave out. Run was hard after the ribeye dinner last night as it felt like I was running with a cow strapped to my back but pulled through the entire run at 6.9 mph as scheduled.

Tuesday 12/27/2011 - Miles: 6.7 Cum: 1,091.2 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 52 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - BW wide-grip pull-ups (minimum 50) 30,22 - Run was hard in the beginning while the residual effects of the ribeye were dissipating. Last half of the workout was easy. Pulls were also challenging but no problem.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Do you wear a HRM or body bugg regulary to monitor your BMR?

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Sunday 12/25/2011 - Miles: 10.8 Cum: 1,077.7 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 87 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Inverted Punching Bag Sit-Ups (minimum 50) 15, 15, 10, 15 - Weekly summary: This week, my BMR estimate was 12,390kcal (1,770/day x 7days). I also burned an estimated 4,437kcal this week through exercise, for a total of 16,827kcal expended. I ate an estimated 19,958kcal this week according to my food log so I came in way over maintenance by 3,131kcal. Will need to watch my diet after this week of indulgence. Ran/walked five out of seven days for 37.5 miles, 102 pullups, 206 inverted punching bag situps. Today: Attempted nerdees 2x again. Did 55 isolation inverted punching bag situps; not that tough. Leveled up to 6.9 mph pace this weekend and went on long run for just over 10 miles for Christmas. Run was easy peasy today.

Monday 12/26/2011 - Miles: 6.7 Cum: 1,084.5 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 52 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Inverted Punching Bag Sit-Ups (minimum 50) 3, 15, 15, 12, 13 - Messed up again and did situps when I should have done pullups. Was fairly easy today after an aborted first set when my leg grip gave out. Run was hard after the ribeye dinner last night as it felt like I was running with a cow strapped to my back but pulled through the entire run at 6.9 mph as scheduled.

Tuesday 12/27/2011 - Miles: 6.7 Cum: 1,091.2 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 52 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - BW wide-grip pull-ups (minimum 50) 30,22 - Run was hard in the beginning while the residual effects of the ribeye were dissipating. Last half of the workout was easy. Pulls were also challenging but no problem.

Wednesday 12/28/2011 - Miles: 6.7 Cum: 1,097.9 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 52 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Inverted Punching Bag Sit-Ups (minimum 50) 20, 18, 15 - Did an hour long diagnostic with personal trainer. Said I needed flexibility and prescribed yoga. Run and situps were easy. An hour after the gym, headed out for 90 minutes of sparring. Lot of out of town fighters in for vacation. Sparring was good with a few good fighters and one excellent fighter who side kicked me in the ribcage.

Thursday 12/29/2011 - Miles: 6.7 Cum: 1,104.7 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 52 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - BW wide-grip pull-ups (minimum 50) 29, 31 - Well I got sidekicked last night on both the right and left sides of my ribcage. The pain went away, but I could feel both sides were sore when I was lying down in bed last night. Any move sideways hurt like a ^%#$. Today I was 2.1 miles from reaching 1,100 miles for the year so I was excited, even as I was worried about my ribs and the ability to finish my run. I started running and I immediately felt at the warm up that my ribcage did not want my body to make contact witht he ground as I stepped. I ignored the pain and barreled through. Ironically one of the things that helped me was that both sides were injured so I wasn't favoring one side; both hurt equally. My running form was ugly but I barreled on. At the 20min30sec mark the pain became unbearable and I turned the speed down to my warm-up 4.5mph speed and walked. As I did this I thought to myself whether I wanted to walk or run through the 1,100 mile milestone. I decided I wanted to run through it. At 21min:30sec, after 1 min of walking, I turned the speed back up to 6.9mph and grinded to the end of my 52min run. Form was ugly, I was in agony, but with 10 minutes left I said to myself that nobody can stop me from getting to the end of this at a full run. I was right. I'm happy that I was able to secure this small victory for myself. Pulls were also hard because of the ribs, but got it done in two sets of 29 and 21 by grinding. A good day at the gym.

Friday 12/30/2011 - Miles: 6.7 Cum: 1,111.4 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 52 min 6.9 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Inverted Punching Bag Sit-Ups (minimum 50) 20, 15, 20 - Situps were easy. Ribs were still smarting but got through the run without thinking of quitting so they are getting better. Run was tough towards the end when it felt like I was getting weaker. I think I've had a slight cold during the past week.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Final post of 2011 and this log as it will be moving to my blog. Thanks for all your support.

Saturday 12/31/2011 - Miles: 6.8 Cum: 1,118.2 - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - Run 52 min 7 mph - Walk 5 min 4.5 mph - BW wide-grip pull-ups (minimum 50) 30, 20 - Ribs were feeling sore again, more than yesterday. This was coupled with shallow breathinbg from a cold. Leveled up a day early from the new year by cranking the speed up to 7 mph. All three of these combined made the run very challenging, escecially toward the end, but never thought of quitting on the run. The pulls were tough as they were the day prior and just eeked it out.

Monthly Summary: In December of 2011 I ran 27 out of 31 days for 188.3 total miles. Averaged 6.1 miles per day. Did 622 pull-ups and 1,073 inverted punching bag sit-ups. Ended the month at 158lbs and 13.5% BF.

Annual Wrap-Up: In separate blog post.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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