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what makes you a nerd?

Guest Snake McClain

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was a fit kid right up to the point that I started reading fantasy then my weight went up in direct proportion to my reading speed. Mercedes Lacky, Robin McKinley, even Anne McCaffery. Huge fan of Dr. Who classics and new stuff, Torchwood, Firefly rules. I'm a bit of a comic nerd by association, my Ex was a huge fan, got me into the Ultimate series of stuff for awhile, Walking Dead, I even own the "Secret Identity" set (he tried to take those with him when he moved out, you can be DAMN sure I got them back) gamer geek: DnD (boooo 4th ed) WoD (was the leader of a demo pack for awhile, ran games at gencon) Steampunk, GURPS, and others though I am not gaming now due to scheduling conflicts but that may change after the new year. Played WoW for about 3 years gave it up before the last expansion. I make chainmaille jewelry and sell it at renfaires. I am raising an artsy geek daughter who just turned 16 and reads almost as fast as I do though she is WAY more active than I ever was (her current obsession is rock climbing WHY WHY WHY is the closest gym over an hour away?????) and my 11 year old can recite the Green Lantern Pledge and proudly refers to herself as "mommy's little geek" and is the reason that I have to check the histories on Hulu and Netflix to make sure she isn't watching inappropriate anime.

I am my own evil twin!

~~ Paleo Challenge! ~~ Blog ~~

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was a fit kid right up to the point that I started reading fantasy then my weight went up in direct proportion to my reading speed. Mercedes Lacky, Robin McKinley, even Anne McCaffery. Huge fan of Dr. Who classics and new stuff, Torchwood, Firefly rules. I'm a bit of a comic nerd by association, my Ex was a huge fan, got me into the Ultimate series of stuff for awhile, Walking Dead, I even own the "Secret Identity" set (he tried to take those with him when he moved out, you can be DAMN sure I got them back) gamer geek: DnD (boooo 4th ed) WoD (was the leader of a demo pack for awhile, ran games at gencon) Steampunk, GURPS, and others though I am not gaming now due to scheduling conflicts but that may change after the new year. Played WoW for about 3 years gave it up before the last expansion. I make chainmaille jewelry and sell it at renfaires. I am raising an artsy geek daughter who just turned 16 and reads almost as fast as I do though she is WAY more active than I ever was (her current obsession is rock climbing WHY WHY WHY is the closest gym over an hour away?????) and my 11 year old can recite the Green Lantern Pledge and proudly refers to herself as "mommy's little geek" and is the reason that I have to check the histories on Hulu and Netflix to make sure she isn't watching inappropriate anime.

The 11 yr od quoting the Green Lantern Pledge is awesomeness!

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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- Bio and physics wonk in high school

- Math major and physics minor in college

- CS focus in PhD program (which I just started)

- Spent a summer using probabilistic methods in graph theory

- Teaching myself formal logic for funsies

- Han shot first!

- Really enjoyed reading Logicomix (if you like philosophy, [meta]mathematics and/or CS, you should check it out!)

- Love love love a good documentary. Netflix streaming has been great for this.

- Quickly falling into Dr Who (just Ninth and Tenth so far)

- Fan of Terry Pratchett

- Dressed up as a black hole for Halloween when I was 8

- I obsessively watched "A Brief History of Time" when I was 9.

- To thank the professor who turned me on to math in college, I crocheted him a hyperbolic surface.

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Mornings and afternoons in video arcades during junior high and high school;

First computer used a dial-up network, and you put the phone handset directly into the back of the computer;

Voracious reader of fantasy & sci-fi for years and years, now getting back into it;

My classmates teased me for being a nerd -- now I'm proud of the title;

Unreasonable attention to grammar and word usage;

Played D&D if I could find someone to play with me;

Spent more time with books than with people -- maybe I still do.

Two years of AP physics in high school

And now I'm proud of it all!

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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My Going Postal DVD just arrived in the mail the other day. I had previously been ordering the limited edition Region 2 releases for Hogfather and Colour of Magic, but I made myself wait for Going Postal to be released domestically.

I also have the cartoon miniseries of Soul Music and Wyrd Sisters, as well as a cassette copy of a BBC Radio production of Guards! Guards!

Repairing a lifetime of bad habits...

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- I have a Civil Engineering degree and have worked as an engineer for a decade.

- If I can't find software to solve a problem I need solved, I write my own.

- I haven't owned a computer I didn't build myself since the mid 90's.

- Speaking of which, my current beast would give many the heebie jeebies by looking under the hood. I a computer part pack rat.

- I'm into football a lot, however not playing it. I like to create models based on stats to predict wins and player success. Baseball has been cracked statistically, football is a significantly more complex system that is poorly understood from a numbers standpoint.

- Star Wars FTW. At least the originals. I have them memorized and quote them way too frequently. I have and have read every book that takes place in the Anakin-Luke era. Knowledge of the force is deep.

- Star Wars is not my favorite movie however. That would be Demolition Man. Such a great movie.

- I've logged Thousands of hours playing Civilization. From the first to the most recent. I've played them all. A lot.

- I was a skinny kid that sucked at sports as a kid. Got beat up a lot until I joined Tae Kwon Do (got a black belt eventually). Still sucked at sports, but I could win any fight.

- Played RPG's as a kid.

- As of graduation I was the only person in my high school's history to earn a math trophy.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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love of woodworking and leather stuff

Yeah, Doctor Who!

To the point, I have a large collection of Science Fiction books, in part thanks to my Dad, in addition to a large number of fantasy books, with some HP Lovecraft thrown in there. I'm into gaming and lots of science fiction stuff, and I love steampunk. Not sure if watching anime makes you a nerd, but i've watched Deathnote and I just started watching Bleach. I go to a board game meetup every other thursday (small world ftw).

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Have you seen the movies? Color of Magic and the Hogfather are usually on Netflix watch instant and I got Going Postal (one of my favorite books of his) off of iTunes for like 5 bucks :D

I caught the Hogfather last year sometime just out of curiosity having never heard of it (or Terry Pratchett), and to this day have no idea what it is I watched....hahahahah! WOW...that was OUT THERE! I loved it, but wow!

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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I'm hoping they make a movie out of Good Omens.

I'm a nerd for a whole lot of reasons.

Original DnD (old nerd)

Taught myself to program using Applesoft Basic

Was the programming instructors TA my senior year in high school

serious gamer, good games bring out my OCD traits

sci-fi\fantasy fan (I re-watch Firefly every New Years Eve)

I've been a network/security administrator for over 10 years

I have to re-read Stranger in a Strange Land every 3 years

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In undergrad I had a double major in English and Astronomy. True English isn't very nerdy by itself, but my focus was on science fiction and fantasy, and when combined with Astronomy I think it's more nerdy than even Astronomy by itself :P.

For grad school I am studying computer science because two majors, apparently, is not enough. I love programming and the one thing that bums me about Fitocracy is that I didn't invent it first :P

I'm a HUGE sci-fi and fantasy geek. I especially love it when the two are combined. I love Star Wars, regardless of who shot first (though it was Han, of course). I tend to prefer sci-fi movies and TV shows, and fantasy books, but I'm happy with either.

I love anime, I'm heavily involved in my school's anime club, and I met my husband at an anime convention.

And, perhaps, nerdiest of all, I made this powerpoint presentation: https://csel.cs.colorado.edu/~mcnultym/oo/tdd/

To be honest, though, I don't much care for video games, at least not as much as most people do, so I probably lose nerd points for that. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Zelda or Final Fantasy, but I usually get bored and move on to something else before actually beating the game :P

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Guest Gemeaux

I don't really know if I am a nerd , I am pretty basic with computers but my boss at work asks me all the time to solve problems because no one else can apparently . Makes me feel nerdy ha ha .

I love Star Wars , other Science fiction movies and shows , I like Carl Sagen and all things space

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Guest Gemeaux
1. I used to play WoW.

2. I go to Ren Faires.

3. I have a bio-degree and teach 8th grade science.

4. I'm and X-phile.

5. Walking dead.

6. Comics.


8. Lots of reading

9. 80s cartoons

Also, superhero day at school had me teaching like this all day:


That . Is . Awesome .

I may ask if we can have superhero day at my school too now , just so I can dress up .

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