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FINALLY, university preparation is over. I don't stress anymore, I have my interview invitations (MIT, Stanford AND Princeton ermahgerddddddd) and all kind of testing is over!!!
FINALLY, I have time to go to the gym again (seriously, 30 mins was too much of a 'waste of time', since I had like 1514684 school assignments too >< ), so let's get back to it!!

I took my before pictures, measurements etc and am now fully ready to commit myself again.I went to the doctor a few weeks back for my neverending headaches and cramps and lack of energy and after a few blood tests I git diagnosed with gluten and cow milk intolerance, hah! Guess that paleo lifestyle is going to be my thing after all. 

My battle plan:


workout 5 (or more) times a week, including a spinning class on Sunday, active rest day on Mondays (I have harp class ^^), yoga class on Tuesdays, weight lifting on Wednesdays, spinning again on Thursdays (or running, whichever one suits me), bodyweight training on Fridays, more bodyweight (and yoga!) on Saturdays! 


Concerning food, I'll stick with a daily calorie-limit and try to hit my 90g of protein/day goal along with a max of 100g of carbs/day. My fat intake should be moderate (around 50g?), but I am not exactly sure how much I need.




1. Complete 1 week of doing all the workouts mentioned above

2. Run that 5k again

3. Complete 3 weeks of following a paleo lifestyle

4. Squat your own bodyweight ( ~ 65 kg) this one's funnny cause as I lose weight I'll have to lift lighter stuff haha

5. Take 'progress pictures' after 1 month (25 february)

6. Run 10k

7. Do 50 push-ups consecutively


More to follow for sure!

If you have any tips and tricks or just feel like you need to give me more courage to start ''MISSION BLACK WIDOW'' (yea she fucking sexy I wanna be like her haha), don't hesitate to do so ;)


Lots of love but also lots of peanut butter






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Losing 10 kilograms


100 consecutive push-ups goal



If you are not willing to look stupid, nothing great is ever going to happen to you!

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Hey, congrats on finishing up with uni prep and getting interviews! That's awesome =D So, you hope to study in the States? Good luck; that'll be a big change but a great adventure. Your battle plan is pretty detailed; it's good that you have a set mission, but try not to wear yourself out. May the Force be with you!

"Don't trade what you want most of all for what you want in the moment." 

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Hey, congrats on finishing up with uni prep and getting interviews! That's awesome =D So, you hope to study in the States? Good luck; that'll be a big change but a great adventure. Your battle plan is pretty detailed; it's good that you have a set mission, but try not to wear yourself out. May the Force be with you!


Yea, US is one of my options, just living by the saying: ''the world is my playground'', so I'd be stupid not to try and broaden my horizon :)

I have always had issues with ''not wearing myself out, always feel like being tired can't be justified, so I really need to learn to accept the fact that it will be more difficult now :P But no worries, it'll all be back soon!! Can't wait to be able to do those push-ups again (atm 30 is my max, on a good day)


Losing 10 kilograms


100 consecutive push-ups goal



If you are not willing to look stupid, nothing great is ever going to happen to you!

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Good luck with your diet changes!  There are buckloads of coeliacs kicking around the boards - so we're here to cheer you on!

You may find that changing your diet as much as you have to takes a while to recover from.  There's the adjustment to what you can eat.  But sometimes there is also a nasty reaction to losing gluten (possibly what Steve means by Carb flu) - if you feel worse when you stop gluten, trust that it will improve and just keep eating clean.


Have a brilliant respawn!

NF challenges: March 2018 , 12 , 11 , 10, 9876, 54321



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