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Heel is not so bad, still weird feeling, but at least I'm not hobbling anymore, just wincing every now and then. Will keep up with the stretches when sitting and before getting out of bed.

Madcow Week 1 Wednesday. 9.12.2015

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, dislocations, BW Squatsx10, Front Squats@22.5kgx3x5





All done without knee sleeves, but won't be ditching them altogether, on the heavier squats they are good to have on.





Weird bicep thing going on in last set, but I reckon it is my push form letting me down. Really trying to keep in mind Alan Thrall's video on OHP. For what seems like a simple lift there is a lot to think about!






I was done by the last set but yah me, overhand grip all the way, didn't have to switch grip which was really cool. I set the bar up for 105kg and just knew it wasn't coming off the floor, so put me plates away and called it a day.

Son6 really hates DL's, he didn't even finish his first set. Trying to talk to him met with a brick wall of "I can't", so he finished up without even giving it another go. Fair enough, I tried to explain that I have been working at this for two years and I should probably be DLing about 140kg by now, but I ain't. I also don't have testosterone and youth and energy on my side, but he got bogged down with his thoughts. Once he swithches off that's it, no point pursuing it. I feel for him.

Will have to do my Friday workout tomorrow as we have a Scout camp this weekend and no way of lifting. I do have access to a beach and walk trails, so will try to make the best of it.

Time for a shower and food!!! :)

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LOL, Boys are fickle creatures! :)

I have some cheap Crossfit type sleeves, "Exosleeve" is the brand I think. They are doing the job and give that little extra support, but they are slowly stretching out, thinner neoprene than the more solid types.

I have my eye on some "Rock Tape" ones but not till next year. I would absolutely love some SBD sleeves but until I lift like Miss Marissa or Special Sundae, not an option. :)

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Well done on the lifts.

You'd think with all that testosterone kicking around your place some would rub off on you for extra lifting power.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Madcow, Week 1 Friday on a Thursday Workout 10.12.2015

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, dislocations (gonna look at bringing grip in a little, challenge)








Definitely feeling fatigue in the legs, but pretty strong on my 3, 70kg's, no knee sleeves and less crackle and pop. Maybe the fish oil and glucosamine is working!















So finally did my three workouts, woohoo! More update to come.

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Have started a Diary to keep an eye on foods and other stuffs, just to keep it more regular and see where I can improve on things. Will see how successful we are at keeping that up to date.


Washed the bus after my workout and managed to water the fruit trees and the garden. My poor orchard is in dire need of some TLC and was keen to get into it this weekend until I remembered I have this Scout camp. Which I am really losing motivation for, Son6 has decided he doesn't want to go, so will be taking only Scouts that do not belong to me for the first time in a long time. I will be lost without Son6 he was my go to guy and a great motivator for the others. Oh well, guess I will have to enjoy the beach without him. :neglected:

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Madcow Week 2, 14.12.2015

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, BW Squatsx10, 30kg Squatsx5



















Shits and Gigs:

Laying leg raises, 2x12

V-Ups, 2x12

Russian Twists, 2x20@5kg

3 push ups, proper military form, hence only 3! :)

Got a good Sweat up and smashed it out in an hour, the Laying Leg Raises and V-Ups were really hard, see what happens when you neglect the ABS. ;)

A wee bit of cardio tomorrow.

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You said the magic word and made them disappear.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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My mind can hardly comprehend sub-zero, sure we get a zero or even -2 every now and then but to have these things daily........yeah nah, can't even..........

Madcow Wednesday Week 2, 16.12.2015

Warm Up:

Trifling stuffs really, skipping, stretching, dislocations (narrower grip) BW squats and 30kg squats.








1x5@30kg (last rep push/press)





1x2@95kg (missed the last 3 reps, some gains Daemon nailed that sucker to the floor)

I was tired going into it, had a shyte sleep last night, the restless leg thing got me a beauty, my left leg just got all twitchy and shit and wouldn't let me settle down. Put the iPod in, no good, got up, no good, next thing you know it's 0230 and I a have to be up in 4 hours. So getting in a full set of 95kg DL was probably not going to happen anyway. Oh well next time.

Off to Perth this morning, leaving the Lads with Son1 and his GF overnight. Catching up with my little brother and finishing off some Christmas shopping, just really not looking forward to the 3 1/2 hour drive. The Forrest Highway is the most boring bit of infrastructure in Western Australia. Picking up Roly (significant other) at the airport tomorrow and then more shopping, hopefully that is the end of it. :)

Legs are feeling really weak, like a kitten and I am not a cat person!

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Lunch was really nice, but really expensive and the cook needs to learn the subtlety of medium rare and rate waygu steak. Awesome though.


The Lads and Grandad


Good looking fam!  


For someone in the Northern hemisphere, it's weird to see everyone in shorts at Christmas.


Of course, I"m in FL now, so I"m coooooooooooooooooooooool with it.

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<--<< Daughter of Artemis >>-->


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Plantar fascitis.  It's a bitch.  If it's for real fascitis, it's tough to deal with because it's avascular, so no blood.  I had a cousin who had to get surgery.  He worked at Lowes (concrete floor) and wore boots all day.  I too recommend rolling your foot around on a ball.


Also, we sleep with our feet in plantarflexion




When you step out of bed, think of it as squishing the foot.  The foot has been healing in place in plantarflexion, a shortened angle.  By immediately stepping on it, putting weight on it, at a different angle, and on a cold floor, it creates little tears in the fascia.  So all that healing that happened, boom, tears every single morning.


So before you step out of bed, roll your feet around a little and step into slippers or a soft carpet.  Also, make sure your shoes fit.  Also, massage :)


Since starting running, I've noticed tight feet too.

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<--<< Daughter of Artemis >>-->


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