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Madcow Week5 Monday 04.01.2015

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching 2x10BW squats. Man by the time I got done skipping the sweat was pouring off, 31degrees C again in the shed. My fat was crying so hard!



















Shits and Gigs:

Standing Calf Raises:


BB Lunges:

2x12@20kg (each set was 6 each leg, I am weak) :)

BB Bulgarian Split Squat:

2x12@20kg (each set was 6 each leg, I am really weal and a wuss) ;)

I think this went well, although as I sit here my right glute is a little unhappy, but now I know why my right leg is smaller than my left, weak glute, hammie and quad. More lunges and split squats needed! But not today.

Eating has been ok and kept my carbs low until just before training and training was helped by a can of Red Bull. That stuff tastes like crap and smells terrible!

Time for a shower and real eats!

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Nice! Your workouts are consistent and... is it my idea or are they also getting heavier? :)



By the end of the curls I was shattered, it was so hot in the shed, 31 degrees, started sweating as soon as I started my warm up.

Still trying to figure out how to write up y goals and stuff for 2016. Hopefully will have my shit together tomorrow.


Working out in over 30C weather is the only thing that I don't miss about summer. I remember the feeling (not fondly).


Good luck on all your goals! :D



Eating has been ok and kept my carbs low until just before training and training was helped by a can of Red Bull. That stuff tastes like crap and smells terrible!


I haven't tried Red Bull. I was never convinced. Maybe it's because of its marketing? I do like Monster though. The green and the rehab.



Did I mention Roly brought me a kick arse size speaker with disco lights and awesome bass for my shed, it is the size of a large suitcase. Pumped the sounds out! So happy with my new sounds!


That sounds awesome!

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Level "I have no clue" Warrior

Current challenge

Battle log


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Yay speaker for da soundz!

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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After about 2 months of getting back into my groove, I'm considering the 5x5 routine for my bench and pulldowns.  Can you tell me how you decided you minimum and maximum wt?  I've read some articles on it but am always interested in a more personal explanation.  When you finish the last rep of the last set of each exercise, are you at the point where you could not do one more set?  


Also, how long have you been doing the 5x5 routine?  I find I start to lose motivation when I push extremely hard for too long of a period (burn out).  Do you do anything to prevent that?

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Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Started out the 5x5 and went for a year and a bit, I switched out when I mentally stalled at 77.5kg squats (I don't count the bar, so really this was closer to 85kg squats) but kept hacking away at things, while I looked around for an intermediate program, came back to the 5x5 site and decided on Madcow. I think most of my lack of progression and mental block, was the recovery. I was sore all the time, the volume was too much and each workout was so hard to push into. I'm an old girl, not a teenage boy.

Madcow allows gradual progression and recovery is a lot better. The spreadsheet worked it all out for me, going on rep maxes and weights. Easy, still doing major lifts and getting results and hitting those blocks from before and feeling confident about getting under the bar and just doing it!

5x5 the recommendation is start with the bar, 20kg Olympic is what most gyms have I believe. Then just adding 5kg each session 3x week. That's where I came unstuck. 5x5 squats at 85kg........

Look at the site, have a read, he has some good stuff in there. He can come across as bit of a dick (Medhi) but he is passionate about lifting. He has form vids and stuff so not a bad start point.

Burn out happens, this is when I look around for fun stuff, Simply Shredded workouts or hitting Bodybuilding.com and just doing some bro stuff and getting some fun out of curls and shit. Still lifting, keeping the workout habit and just resting mentally for a while. I do come back to strength though. I like feeling strong.

Hope this all helps.

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Your shed sounds like my kinda shed! party music and weights!!


(PS I also had my neck get a bit bigger too over last year as I measured; though nowhere near as much as you! It must be something to do with putting on muscle.)

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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Wasn't it just? Fecking 40 teaspoons per day and it messed that guy up. Then to find out I was getting near that much on a regular basis. You can see why I had to make it a goal this challenge.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Madcow Week 5 Wednesday 6.1.2015

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, dislocations, 1x15 BW squats









1x5@35kg (last 2 were push press) not going to lie the last set was hard, and just for a second I thought I might smash it out!





1x5@105kg (belted), mixed grip but felt pretty strong doing it. That is all my plates on the bar. I might have to drop hints for birthday presents........:). I just wish I had bumper plates to lift the bar higher, my little plates make it a necessity to almost squat these suckers. If I were shorter it probably wouldn't be a problem. :)

Shits and Gigs:

Laying Leg Raises 3x12

Russian Twists 3x12@5kg

Planks 3x30s explosive breathing, or pushing all the air out and sucking in as much as you can, makes it pretty intense.

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105kg deadlift awesome work.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Rest and Recovery:

8 205 steps

1hr 18min

6.77 km

499 calories

So my dog is getting older, she was on the chase 3 times today, 1 fox kitten, 1 juvenile emu and 1 kangaroo with a joey in the pouch. I am kinda glad she didn't run any of them down, didn't feel like watching death this morning. It wasn't until we got home and she dispatched with 2 pigeons that were stuck in the chook pen did she satisfy her blood lust!

Alrighty time to get some lunches happening and off to work.

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Wait! What............?

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*language warning*

So today here rant 1:

Story starts yesterday when this woman comes into the pool and allows her two children under 3 to roam around unattended or "watched" by older children between 5-17 years by looking at them, 6 kids total, her best effort of keeping her smaller kids safe is putting "toy" life vests on them. Not one of the six is in the swimming lessons or good swimmers. The pool manager/life guard chats her about letting her youngest, the little girl who looks to be no older than about 20 months jump off the .5m diving board, mother argues child has vest on and other parents are letting their kids in vests jump from boards, pool manager points out, the other children have parents in the water waiting below boards to grab them up, they are not sitting 30 meters away on their phones. Chat gets heated, woman leaves in a huff. Pool manager is angry at apathetic parents and their unwillingness to believe their children can die in the pool.

Today, same woman, I have started my class, we are sitting on the lawn about 5m from pool edge, as I talk to my class I watch young girl in vest (same one from yesterday) move to the big pool with her 8year old sister, they enter the water via the steps and sister loses control of vest girl who ends up face first in water unable to turn herself face up. I get to girl and pull her from water, tell older sister she needs to take little sis to Mum, who I cannot see anywhere. Older sister about 12 comes to get vest girl. Ok so about an hour later as I am clearing away the gear from the days lessons, my Son6 says "Mum there is someone drowning" I'm going "where?" Looking all over the place, directly across from us about 18m away in the pool the vest boy from yesterday who looks about 3 is in the water, trying to keep his head above water, (no vest today), as I reach the waters edge, pool manager/lifeguard grabs boy after entering the water and pulls him to the edge. As we sit there Mum comes over grabs child and starts telling him off, gives me and pool manger the voodoo stare of death, strides away screaming for her tribe to come on and promptly sits on her towel and berates all her children. What The Fuck!!!!

No crisis today but fuck me, she really needs to get a fucking grip and look after her fucking babies. I have been stewing on this for at least 2 hours and I am fucking angry. There is no excuse for her kids to not do lessons, it costs $6.50 per child to do the lessons, if she can afford a fucking 6S phone she can afford lessons.

Rant 2:

Some twaddle has started a fire which has turned the sky black, now this fire is in an area 2 hours drive from my place, but the sky is black, the 2 major roads to the South West have been cut off. So Roly flew into Perth this afternoon and cannot get home! Fucking arsonists need tougher penalties than the soft shit they get now. I just hope no lives are lost in this latest disaster. I am still angry!

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Not more than a month ago a young boy in Perth nearly drowned, well he did drown but they managed to get him back. He is now unable to do anything for himself. He has basically entered the vegative state we would not wish on anyone or any parents. Does the woman above not watch the bloody news? Stupid woman!

Wait! What............?

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In America, the same parents would sue the life guard, the pool owner, the state gov't, and God (for creating water) when there child drowns.  And 12 nitwits on a jury would find all of the above guilty and reward the parent.


At a short rapid where I frequently go, I saw 5 canoes of people and kids go down.  Now I never go near white water w/o helmet, PFD, and am well trained.  None of these people or kids had PPE and some of the boats had no adult.  Sure enough, one of the canoes w/ just kids tipped.  Fortunately it was near the end of the rapid and no one was hurt.


You are required to show skill and knowledge to get a drivers license.  To have kids, you just have to breed.

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Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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I am constantly horrified by idiots who never should have had children and the danger that they put them in. Unfortunately it's extremely stressful for the rest of us as you can't blame a kid for the fact that their parent is a moron. Sorry you had such a bad day. 

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Cephalopod Dreams

Halfling Monk

Challenges: Level 4 | Academy: Level 10

Str 4 | Dex 4 | Sta 4 | Con 7 | Wis 5 | Cha 2


My Character


I'm aiming for my black belt in Shotokan Karate, training to defeat the monster that is chronic pain.


Battle Log | Current Challenge | Previous 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


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Oh for ffs. We always make sure that Bec's sister or mother join us at the pool. That way we are one adult per two kids. Oldest pair often become extra eyes as well. Our last visit to the pool was our most relaxed as only our youngest pair (5&7) lack confidence in the water. Even so when any of our kids went into water more than a metre deep there was an adult nearby. It doesn't take much to supervise your kids properly, and you get to create a great memory for them as they see you playing with them rather than making sure the little buggers don't drown themselves.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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I hear you Thom. I stopped taking the kids to the beach when I had 4 underfoot. Not bloody worth it, even though we frequented a little lagoon area at Doddi's Beach in Mandurah and it hardly got any swell, too hard to watch all of them. Like you, my Mum or Roly would need to come to the pool with me if I wanted to take all of them. We tried to time the lessons they were in so two at a time in lessons and the rest having a swim.........supervised, in the appropriate areas!

We had a similar experience to Peelout on a Scout canoeing trip. We were all trussed up in PPE and watch mortified as a father and young son with no PPE powered past us towards a small drop off, the boy lost his paddle to cling to the canoe as they went over, Dad lost control and they ended up in the water, let's just say the son was not laughing when he came up! But he did come up!

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Yeah before I joined the crew, Bec hated going to the pool.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Oh shit, Sev, are you guys in danger over there? Yarloop got wiped off the face of the planet last night because of those fires. So much loss... :(


I hope that lady learns to look after her kids before something horrible happens, although, natural selection...

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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Yeah we're all good Tea. So sad about Yarloop. I am hoping today will be better for the crews out there. We have a crew from Bridgetown going out. My partner on the ambulance is going out today. Yep, he volunteers for the ambulance and the fire and rescue!

So yesterday had been an eye opener. Because the two major roads To the Southwest may. Be closed for a week due to the bushfires, the panic buying started yesterday, I reckon every man and his dog was in IGA tearing the shelves apart, literally. It was amazing to see, I was chatting to the girls in the produce section and they were flabbergasted at how rude some of their normal customers had been.

We have no diesal in town and I reckon that unleaded will be gone today. Mum rang Bunbury service stations to see if any of them had gas.........no. (The joys of owning a gas car in the country, there is only one town between Bunbury and Albany who supply).

My guess is we have no dooms day peppers down south. Might be worth looking into, we would be stuffed down here with no fuel.

Full circle to needing to hunt, and gather seeds and look into a few generators. :)

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Madcow Week 5 Friday on a Saturday 9.1.2015

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, BW squats 1x10.






1x3@80kg (fuck yeah)
















Shits and Gigs:

Kroc Rows:



High Pulls and BB Curls:


I was so knackered by the time I finished the second set of Kroc Rows it took everything I had to finish anything else, that's why I super set the last two exercises so I could do a couple of sets at least.

The day has been really hot. 33degrees in the shed tonight. The town of Harvey has been evacuated because of the fires. The same town where I am supposed to be sending my Son5 in February. I just hope there are no lives lost.

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