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Very, very, VERY, tired today. Drove to Bunbury to pick up SO and Son1 after they flew in from work, got home at 2330, went to bed, but SO snored and snored and SNORED! He came off night shift and had a couple of beers............then out of bed at 0430 to come into town for my Emergency Roster............it is 10 minutes until 0700 and it is cold, dark, raining and just fucking miserable. Tired! 


Will do push ups during the day! Sets of 8 throughout the day just to add a couple more to the cause! :encouragement:

Wait! What............?

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Alrighty so after sleeping on an inch thick mattress on a cold Scout Hall floor for about 5 hours, my hips felt like an old lady's and I was sore, stiff and just weary to bone tired!


I was pretty tempted to just call it on the workout, and when GB said she was tired and achy from last workout, how about we just head inside for coffee, I was tempted, considering the shed was so wet in areas and we had to shift gear around to find a dry patch that wasn't slippery to put the squat rack.............However fuck it, let's just do a couple of sets and see how we go. Even my iPod was playing all the slow, mournful tunes, WTF, universe!


Then this happened!


Madcow Week8 16.07.2016 Friday on Saturday


Warm Up:

All the things plus other shit!







1x3@110kg (this is freaking woot considering I had only done this weight as a single before, felt strong and to depth and very steady!)

1x8@80kg (almost couldn't rerack, those two tiny steps seemed like a million miles)







1x3@65kg (felt a lot better tonight, not nearly as hard as they have been before)

1x8@50kg (wobbly arms)








1x8@40kg (easy as bro ;) )


Between each lift set I did my 8 push ups to finish Day2 of 22for22 Challenge. I will say that they were fucking messy, especially after the bench..........


So a win, workout done!

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Dinner for 18 last night, the Deutsche MotoGP and then no fucking sleep. I even went hunting for an empty bed because the snoring was ear shattering. Up at 0530 to get Son2 to work. Fatigue, but that's it, he is going to the fucking Dr, he needs to get this fixed before I smother him mid snore! :mad-new:

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And just to keep the angry, pissed off theme going:


1) Son1's fucking boxer took a dump in my shed on my mats, not just a turd but something that is the size of a fucking loaf of bread! I hope it hurt coming out!

2) A thread lamenting the unstoppable. A harmless thread and nothing in it that we all haven't, thought, felt or said before but it just pissed me off.

3) Trying to gather up ALL the fucking washing of Son5 before driving him back to boarding school while he sleeps because it was acceptable to him to stay up until 0330 in the morning watching videos. Trying to get washing done in a front loader that is 1 hr 15 minutes on the shortest cycle available and trying to get said washing dry in the middle of fucking Winter! Grrrrrrr 

4) Angry at myself for being too tired to workout, eating to get energy levels up and failing and just feeling like a right fucking divvy for having so much on the plate of life. Kinda thinking Day1 of new Challenge and I fucking suck already :mad-new:

5) Coming in to find the dishwasher has tripped out and now I can't reset anything and just...........

6) Son7 turns 9 today and I am just struggling to keep my head above water, he deserves so much more. At least Dad is home and has taken him to the City for birthday shopping.

Wait! What............?

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1 hour ago, Taddea Zhaan said:

To be fair to you, you do have 7 sons and you are only one woman. It's okay to feel tired and angry and pissy sometimes. You are a human being! Don't forget to take a deep breath on this Monday morning to reflect on your accomplishments. You are amazing!


50 minutes ago, Basement Cat said:

I'm sorry you're going through all that. I hope it gets better soon.


Have a silly baby elephant to cheer you up.  1397665669_baby_elephant_charges_and_the

Completing Day4 of 22for22 was good therapy, as was getting up to the wood shed and smashing the ace around :)


Thank you Ladies for helping get my head back on straight! New day tomorrow and it is going to be better!

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Madcow Week9 20/07/2016 Monday on a Wednesday


Warm Up:

All the things!
























Day 6 of 22for22:




All knee push ups, but elbows in and arse down. Good form? Who knows.


Feeling pissed off today and totally anti-social and just kinda wished the GB would not be so...........doubtful of everything, she is a person who goes all out for natural remedies and make your own ooggy-booggy juice for any ailment. Sometimes though modern medicine trumps licking fucking bark!


My example is, we got to talking about dogs, and ailments in dogs, my Dad had an English Bull Terrior, best dog ever! He paid a lot for this dog and my eldest grew up with him. However like most pure breds they have problems which come with breeding desirable traits, yada-yada. So Dad's dog had allergies to grasses, his feet were always sore and inflamed and sometimes he would end up with ulcers and pusy pimple type things on his belly from laying on the grass, Dad tried all the home remedies, with varying degrees of success for periods of time, he eventually took dog to specialist who allergy tested dog, which now has dog at costing a gazillion dollars. Dog was put on a special diet, special ointments, creams, when they also failed to help anymore there  were other options, dig up all the grass at dad's place a replace with pavers or concrete, not on a quarter acre block, who has the time or money, if topical stuff don't work, medications that will eventually kill dog because they will ruin his liver function and kidneys. Dad the animal lover opts for medication, dog has at least 5 years almost free from skin ailments and a good life, happy, right until he died in his sleep at age 12, not a bad run for a Bully. GB insisted that dogs don't usually suffer from allergies to things like grass and it was probably his diet, which was probably meat only and no veggies or canned food.........she would have given him kangaroo meat and veggies! Well ok, I am not into even really talking today, so ok, your opinion, whatever. How did she even come to the conclusion that Dad fed his dog only meat? Hello special diet! This dog was his baby, so I was not even going into how this dog ate like a bodybuilder protein from chicken mostly and steamed veggies and dog biscuits that cost more per kilo than protein powder! ARGH!



I am pissed off, feeling anti social and had to listen to mung bean theories most of the morning. Let this day just finish.


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I also usually laugh in the face of essential oils and the like. Modern medicine has saved my life literally and essential oils were never gonna sew up in my exploded innards or treat multi-drug resistant infections. So you have my sympathy for having to listen to that crap.


I was telling someone the other day that I have digestion problems because I have had my intestines cut and sewn back together in so many places and other GI system surgeries and she LITERALLY SAID "you should get tested for gluten intolerance, that might be causing your digestion problems". Look lady, I JUST told you I have had my GI system taken apart and put back together, were you not listening? 

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Jǫrð, Delvian Nomad - Level 12 { Battle Log }

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I think at the end of the day people will hear what they want to hear, but offering advice on something they have no inclination of is just annoying.


I offer advice to my kids on things, eg Son2 has a sore shoulder from helping out tagging and mulesing lambs, my advice a couple of "soft" anti-inflamatories, heat rub after a bath with Epsom salts, maybe heat/ice therapy if it continues. This I offer because his complaint shows no signs and symptoms of damage to muscle, joint, cartridge or tendon, just using muscles he hasn't worked for a while. No major drama. However I can advise my kids, but no way am I going to advise anyone else. Not my place, I don't know their history, I am uncomfortable with people who ask for advice from me, I am not a freaking Dr.


This afternoon when I got home there is a little brown paper bag on the back verandah, GB (her daughter is Son2 GF) has been to the health food shop in town an brought some type of "natural" anti inflammatory, has a zip lock bag of Epsom salts and some other cream rub stuff? Origins and ingredients Unknown, just smells terrible and a note telling Son2 when to take pills and how many and when to put on rub and how to use Epsom salts.........


Now in my present mood this has pissed me off. WTF, I can look after my own kids thank you, I kinda know what Son2 may need to feel better and who the fuck are you to interfere and assume I can't do my job as Son2's Mum.


I am hesitant about things I have no idea what ingredients may be contained due to having an anyphylactic Son1, with Son2 and Son6 having a million allergies to various "natural" things in everyday life, grasses, moulds, dust mite, cat, horse, dandelion, olive tree etc, etc. LOL, Son2 always packs antihistamine in his bag when he goes to GF's house because he hates feeling like shit when he stays over, there is something in or around their property that sets his allergies off and her herbal tea doesn't quite cut it.


So while the thought was there and it might be kind of a sweet gesture..............just no thank you.


Yes I am still in a shitty mood and GB seems to be an easy target today, although there was that phone call from my Mother...........but that is another story.

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Day 7 of 22for22 done, 3x8 sets with 10second rest between, done knees only ( getting there, but triceps were a-burning ). Gonna try 1 set proper tomorrow.


8 hours ago, x Valkyrie x said:

Why is Son2's GF's mother hanging around, doesn't she have a home to go to?? 

Sounds very aggravating...also, I had a pug with similar allergies...maybe it was his diet... (just kidding,  please don't bench press me...though you very nearly could with those impressive numbers, lady!)

Hahaha, you would wriggle far too much! 


Girlfriend's mother is my Gym Buddy. Mood is better today so I can get my bobble head on and smile and wave!





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39 minutes ago, SevenofSeven said:

Day 7 of 22for22 done, 3x8 sets with 10second rest between, done knees only ( getting there, but triceps were a-burning ). Gonna try 1 set proper tomorrow.


Hahaha, you would wriggle far too much! 


Girlfriend's mother is my Gym Buddy. Mood is better today so I can get my bobble head on and smile and wave!





Oh dear, hard to disentangle that partnership when she's the GF's mother... Glad you're better today!
What is this 22 for 22 you're doing?

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44 minutes ago, x Valkyrie x said:

Oh dear, hard to disentangle that partnership when she's the GF's mother... Glad you're better today!
What is this 22 for 22 you're doing?

22 push ups for 22 days to help realise awareness of the 22 US vetrans who commit suicide everyday. In the Warrior thread we are Challenging each other to take on the cause, because any suicide by any service man/woman is unacceptable.




So @x Valkyrie x I challenge you! 

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