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Starting Over, Yet Again is the title of a fictional self-help book referenced in Sex and the City. :tongue:


So a long time ago, I joined this website and I made a post. I was full of Bright Ideas and Shiny Ambitions and Aspirations and Self-Righteousness! This was my introduction thread a little over 2 years ago: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/23620-so-an-orc-a-human-and-a-troll-walk-into-a-bar/


Not a whole lot has changed and yet EVERYTHING has changed. I really want to be part of a community and make it stick this time around. I don't want to be long winded or make any big declarations. 


My goal has boiled down to this: Just Eat Real Food (#jerf) and stop being sedentary! Because I am still a lump. It turns out I don't actually wanna do Tai Chi or CrossFit. Who knew?! I still like yoga and I recently signed up for a regular gym and I intend to go there every day (3 out of 3 days  so far!) and walk for 20 minutes (the only thing my morbidly obese body can handle apparently.)


This article really resonated with me, especially in my current life situation:  http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/01/26/why-you-need-to-be-selfish-and-put-fitness-first


I still dabble in WoW and just started up in Final Fantasy ARR. I love to read and watch Netflix but I am doing a lot less of all those things in my pursuit of being healthy, which requires me to get up at 5 AM (and thus go to bed at 9 PM.) :tongue: I have a full time job plus a contract job plus an SO plus plus plus plus *falls over* 


Do people here use instagram and post under any particular hashtag? Instagram is my favorite social media platform. I am also working on my own blog but not ready for reveal. ^^






"Seize the moment, cause tomorrow you might be dead!" - Buffy Summers 

level 1 Orc Warrior at heart, training with the Adventurers
STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

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My best bit of advice is to set very small goals at first. Accomplish those goals and build from them. You can set long term goals, but really focus on those first steps, because they will begin the good habits that will cary you along your journey. Being a part of the community is partly about being accountable to everyone here, but more so about yourself. I am not sure about instagram, but I know of several people just starting that post their progress everyday. It doesn't have to be much, but it is good to put down something.

Good luck! And ask lots of questions!

'Not all who wander are lost.'

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So eat better, move more. Sounds simple enough. Just remember you also progress in levels in fitness. As you learned, you can't just walk up to a Level 20 Dragon as a Level 1 and expect to slay it just because you want it bad enough. (Maybe you can, but it will probably do more harm than good in the long run.)


Think about it as experience-gathering. When you're trying to level-up, your only concern is accumulating experience points. Questing and exploration take on a back seat because they'll distract you from the main goal. When you concentrate on one act at a time (e.g. slaying critters) you leave no room to confusion and distraction. So try one quest at a time for a couple of weeks. Only eat meat and vegetables (without worrying too much about quantity for now) for two weeks, or get a pedometer to wear all day and get 10'000 steps in each day. That one simple change turned into a habit can go a long way.

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thanks for the replies!


I agree that habit is more important than sweeping changes and grand gestures, and habit building is definitely my approach this time around. for example, 2 months before i decided to join the gym, i started altering my sleep/wake schedule to ensure that I could go when I was ready. It took me about 6 weeks to move my wake up time from 6:30 to 5:15 successfully. 


This week my goal was to go to the gym every day and do something. I did achieve that goal so I am proud of it! =) Next week the goal is the same. I am going to add one set of Steve's beginner bodyweight exercises after my cardio. 




"Seize the moment, cause tomorrow you might be dead!" - Buffy Summers 

level 1 Orc Warrior at heart, training with the Adventurers
STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

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Woo, I'm just echoing others here, small changes over time. I am a HUGE proponent of this as I started....almost a year ago to date and I have never felt better, healthier or stronger in my life. Once you start building them it's hard to stop and you want to keep pushing yourself to see what you can accomplish. You can totally do it :D 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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