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I'm Jonathan and I live in the DC Metro area (specifically...Arlington, VA). I have been in this area for 3-4 years now, have lived in quite a few states and a couple other countries while growing up.

I have added a Workout Battle Log that you can check out here: Tripping the Light Fantastic (an icedtrip battle log). I'm looking to lose weight, and bulk back up properly. Although this is on the battle log, here are some more details about me.

  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 32
  • Height: 6'3
  • Weight: 250lbs
  • Bodytype: Mesomorph
  • Lifestyle: Sedentary (desk job; occasional sports league, but not competitive)
  • Other: Athletic childhood playing competitive sports, but stopped at college. I have been 245-255lbs for around 10 years (post college), never dropping below 245 and peaked at 260 once. Four years prior to that, I started college weighing 200-210lbs.
To start, this is the first time I have ever taken working out seriously. Any of my earlier attempts lacked motivation as well as any form of knowledge of what to do, and therefore never lasted more than a month at a time. I feel that to truly become serious about how you look, and your health, you need proper motivation. That motivation happened about 3-4 months ago.

So, I started hitting the gym about 3 months back in order to start cutting. I focused solely on cardio at first, thinking this would be the main (possibly only) way to drop the weight (again, it started out as another feeble attempt like I had tried in the past). About 2 months back, I discovered muscleandstrength.com, and about a month ago I discovered NerdFitness. Since then, I've been reading a lot (strength training, diet, cardio, ratios, suppliments, etc, etc). Discovering that cardio and diet didn't have to be the only answer, I began the "Dumbbell Only Home Or Gym Full Body Workout" (a beginner workout from the Muscle and Strength site) since my condo's gym primarily has dumbbells. Of course, now, I don't want to just cut...I want to cut, see what muscle I have underneath the fat, then gain back properly!

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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Thanks! Yeah, I love it in this area. I can see myself staying in the DMV for quite some time.

Kinda been lurking on these forums for awhile (and the Muscle and Strength forums for the past 3 months), but held off on posting anything until I could make my routine stick. I didn't want it to be another failed attempt with a simple post and never be seen again thing. I'm loving what I see with this community and can tell that it is going to be a very positive experience! I love the challenges and other kinds of "camaraderie" I see here!

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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You can't succeed if you're afraid to fail. If you fail, you can always dust yourself off and try again. I know I am a walking cliche but I really believe this. I decided not to be afraid to do the things I want to do. Hope you will too. I've been laughed at plenty of times and know what that feels like. It drove me to do things I never thought I could do, so I try not to shy away from what hurts or what I am afraid of. Having said that I don't feel like I want to step in front of a moving bus, but hopefully we are sensible in the choices we want to pursue.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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