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If you're reading this then I'll go ahead and thank you for spending these moments to read this. We'll for starters I guess I'll provide you with some Intel for my reasoning of joining this rebellion. I will warn you i may jump around thoughts although the idea should stay the same. I hope.

Lately I've been losing a large mount of motivation to do anything. I used to be in great shape....but that was a few years ago. Then school kicked in. In the beginning I presumed that getting a job would provide me with the money for me to discover new things until I realized how it sucks out your free time too. I see all these people on here, on the internet, movies, shows, books, etc who are great and have self-taught themselves so many great things. They have beaten their demons and achieved their goals but I'm having issues. I can't seem to find the motivation I need without something coming up to ruin it. Mt dream is to travel the world and learn many martial arts, languages, etc. But for now I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere in Georgia. I've never been good at self teaching and I've always needed friends to help me but nobody I know has the same interest/motivation to do anything with me. Places that teach everything I want to learn are hours away. The only thing I have close to me besides school is a dairy queen. I have realized I need help to achieve my goals but no one is willing, honestly all my friends are not very active or fit. Lately I havent been either. I sleep all day. I'm falling behind in school and begining to fail. I've lost all motivation and I'm hoping to find people here who can help me. Just to talk to help motivate/compete with. New friends to make I guess. I'm shy, I have little confidence in my abilities, I know they say "I'm only a teenager, I shouldn't worry, things aren't all bad, life will get better blah blah" but with a recent family friend's death and other events happening I've been getting worse. Another thing is that i want to join the SF out of highschool and so I'm fearful I won't make it back from war, so my fear of death keeps me from thinking of the future and now im only worrying about now. So besides all my bitching and complaining, the point is I'm looking for new friends who can motivate me. Compete with me. Just all around help me.

On a side note, my goals are finally getting around top actually beginning to train in parkour, Martial arts, and bodyweight exercises. I began a year ago and lost motivation of course. I chose assassin (partially because of Assassin's Creed and The Night Angel Series by Brent Weeks. Hint my name) but because of their all around fitness,strength, agility, etc.

Plus it fits in with the freerunning, parkour, and martial arts training I hope to achieve.

We'll it's a lot so if you took the time read this maybe partially pointless lengthy post then thank you.

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Welcome Durzo. 

I'm new here too, but already feel part of a large group of friends. 

Check out a beginner "challenge". It's fun to set little goals, and feel like there are others watching you compete with yourself to accomplish them. 


Friends online, like the ones you find here, can be just as helpful (perhaps more so) than people you know in person. They say we are like the 5 people we hang around with most. (or something like that). so surround yourself with positive, motivated people.. online or in person. 


Set some goals (study more, sleep during the day less, take an online course) and find a group here who will cheer you on. 


Hang in there.. even the longest journey starts with the first step. 

Level: 2    Race: Human    Profession: Adventurer

STR: 2    DEX: 2    STA: 2  CON: 2    WIS: 2    CHA: 2

Waiting for next challenge to start

First Challenge (#40 - Adventurers)
 Workouts >5/wk, 8 Pullups, 20 Billable Hours/wk, Meditate 2x/wk, Keep drinks to <6/wk



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Hi Durzo. 

Just checking in with you. I hope you've found a challenge group to work with, including some accountability buddies. 

If not, you should join our little band over here. I'm sure you'd be welcome. We're a fun little band of misfits. :-)


I know if feels odd to be posting updates into the webesphere... that's where having a few folks who are there for you no matter what can be good. 


Drop me a note to touch base. Hope you are well. 

 - RedDavy65

Level: 2    Race: Human    Profession: Adventurer

STR: 2    DEX: 2    STA: 2  CON: 2    WIS: 2    CHA: 2

Waiting for next challenge to start

First Challenge (#40 - Adventurers)
 Workouts >5/wk, 8 Pullups, 20 Billable Hours/wk, Meditate 2x/wk, Keep drinks to <6/wk



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Welcome to the rebellion, Durzo!


Motivation is a tricky thing, but really relying on others to motivate you is not a good long term plan. Steve had a great post about motivation last year: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2014/10/30/is-motivation-useless/


Basically, even if you don't feel like doing something, do it anyway! Discipline and perseverance will carry you through. You can practice Parkour even without a gym/group/teacher. Are there trees near where you live? Parks? Benches? Go where there are potential obstacles and practice getting around and over them. Just keep at it, even if you don't feel like it.


The NF website also has some great body weight workouts you can check out:


The Angry Birds

Beginner body weight

Advanced body weight


Pick something and start doing it! Log your performance and always try to do a bit more on the next workout. You'll feel motivated as you progress and get better. 


Here's another article on how to beat the motivation monster. 


I hope that helps! Good luck and keep us posted! The Rebellion is here for you!

Current form: Chubby House Cat (lvl4)

Weight objective: 20%

S. 4 P. 6 E. 4 C. 7 I. 8 A. 4 L. 5

Battle log

Current Challenge

Handy linky.

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