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Disturbing trend in the nf forums?

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Maybe it's just me, but I've noticed over the last little while that the tone of a lot of threads and posts has taken a bit of a turn.

I'm seeing (and to an extent have been guilty of writing) a lot of stuff like "I'm at x% body fat now and want to be at (x-5)% by this time" or "need to have visible abs by summer", etc.

I find it a bit depressing, as it seems to suggest that the societal impetus to "look a certain way" might be seeping in around here. For my part, I'm going to do my best from here on in to divorce myself from the aesthetic focus and instead look at it as a side effect of getting stronger and healthier.

Of course, I could be on crack - so please feel free to set me straight if I'm off base.

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I wouldn't call it disturbing. The "I want to be x% BF" is at least a decent goal since it is measurable and measurable goals are good. There are those that are just motivated by the way they look which is okay. I was like that once too, and it took me a while to realize "appearance is a consequence of fitness".

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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BTW - What really clued me into this was the 2012 Beach Challenge, which by virtue of it's title implies that a there exists a type of physique that is more beach appropriate than others...

Really? I find that thread rather motivating since back in the day when I was a larger version of me I was always too shy to take my shirt off at the beach/pool etc. I see that thread to mean: "hey lets get in shape and not be afraid to show off the goods come Summer 2012" and not advocating a body type.

Edit: I am glad this topic was started since I had not noticed this trend and the forums strive to be inclusive and supporting to its members.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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I think it's all personal preference and most people want be healthy but also want to look good, especially after investing in all that hard work at the gym, outdoors and at the table (dining). This view can become imbalanced, and I admit that I have imbalances that I am working on. I feel that this should be a place where people should be able to express their thoughts and feelings without having to be beaten down by someone else's judgment. You do you, and I'll do me.

If we see imbalances, point them out in a civil way, and it is up to the other person to decide for themselves whether they should take the advice or not. We try to look out for one another, but I think it's annoying if anyone tries to impose their beliefs on me. Over time, I think groupthink does take over and a forum norm is established.

You and I may disagree about what a beach appropriate body image is, but that's what makes an interesting conversation.

If people are obsessed with body image, it may not be healthy but it's their choice. I am glad that you voiced your concern though, and made people here, and me think about it. Thanks.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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I exercise to feel healthy on the inside, and to look good on the outside. Do I think there is an acceptable beach body? no, I don't - BUT I do think there is acceptable beach attire. Do I want to see someones thong disappear into their ass crack? nope, i do not. We all have our reasons for doing what we do, and I don't think anyone should feel guilty about it.

I find everyone on these boards to be very accepting of others viewpoints, and I find that advice is offered freely, and without judgement.

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I like jdanger's recently adopted motto:

Y'all do whatever the f*** you want...

However I do share some of OPs concerns about how some of the discussions might affect those members who are here looking to shape their views, and whether there are negative messages or tones being espoused. I think it is helpful to be aware and conscious that these issues exist, and that makes this thread worthwhile.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Fact of the matter is, the average age of the users on this forum is quite low (I would guess median around 25, average maybe a bit higher), so obviously you're going to have a lot of people who find their main motivation comes from 'looking good'

Honestly, as long as people aren't reaching for unrealistic goals, I don't really see the problem. Everyone has to find his or her own muse.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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That's a big motivation for older people too. Not too many people outgrow it, myself included....

Hehe, agreed. I don't think I know anyone who's more concerned with how she looks than my mom, and she's 52. ;)

Scotticus, to address your initial concern, I think that one's appearance can be a useful way of measuring one's progress. Being happy with how you look in the mirror, or having to tighten the belt another notch are really motivating and satisfying for a lot of people, myself included. Now, that may be a result of our appearance-obsessed culture, but I doubt I'd ever be able to shake that way of thinking. Years of reading Seventeen magazine have forever damaged my brain, hehe.


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Hehe, agreed. I don't think I know anyone who's more concerned with how she looks than my mom, and she's 52. ;)

Scotticus, to address your initial concern, I think that one's appearance can be a useful way of measuring one's progress. Being happy with how you look in the mirror, or having to tighten the belt another notch are really motivating and satisfying for a lot of people, myself included. Now, that may be a result of our appearance-obsessed culture, but I doubt I'd ever be able to shake that way of thinking. Years of reading Seventeen magazine have forever damaged my brain, hehe.

Good point - there is the whole fitness = appearance aspect of things that I completely failed to consider. I think I might just be paranoid about the nf forums going the same way as so many other fitness forums. That would suck, bro :P

FWIW, I stopped reading Seventeen YEARS ago...

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Scotticus, to address your initial concern, I think that one's appearance can be a useful way of measuring one's progress. Being happy with how you look in the mirror, or having to tighten the belt another notch are really motivating and satisfying for a lot of people, myself included. Now, that may be a result of our appearance-obsessed culture, but I doubt I'd ever be able to shake that way of thinking. Years of reading Seventeen magazine have forever damaged my brain, hehe.

I totally agree with this sentiment. At this point how I look in a mirror/how my clothes fit is about the only way I have to judge any progress I've made. I don't even own a scale, so weighing myself is out of the question, my measurements aren't really going to be getting significantly smaller so how I look is all I've got. That and my workout logs, but there's something really real about watching yourself progress in a series of photographs, at least for me there is. My primary goal is to have a body that can do all the things I want to do: climb mountains, ride bikes, run, swim, etc. but hey I'm a twenty something female and I want to look good in whatever I choose to wear. Might that attitude be a product of societal pressure? Sure, but I don't think there's anything really wrong with that as long as there are some other goals beyond looking good.

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lies an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

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I haven't been around here for long, but I have noticed the BF% and such as a goal. And I'm pretty much in consensus with everyone else. It's a good goal to have and it does represent a tangible thing to achieve.

On a similar note I think it would be an issue if it became a single concern for everyone about weight and how much body fat they have. Instead of overall health. But then again it's up to the people who post here to keep it from getting there. I also figure that if you train for strength, endurance, and agility, the weight will drop and you'll get to the fat percentage you want. So as long as you're exercising and eating right all goals are achievable.

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That's a big motivation for older people too. Not too many people outgrow it, myself included....

Agreed. I mean, I'm only 26, but I can't see myself not caring anymore when I get older. In fact, one of my many, many reasons for wanting to do this is to take care of my body now, while I'm young and (if I do say so myself ;)) already looking good. I don't want to sit around on my ass, get older, have my body fall apart on me, and then have a much harder battle to face to turn it around.

That said, certainly the aesthetic aspect isn't my main motivation. Being healthy is, and I do find it a bit troubling when people only care about how they look. Looking great is a wonderful side bonus of being physically active, but taking care of yourself and being aware and informed about health should come first. So says me, anyway.

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However I do share some of OPs concerns about how some of the discussions might affect those members who are here looking to shape their views, and whether there are negative messages or tones being espoused. I think it is helpful to be aware and conscious that these issues exist, and that makes this thread worthwhile.

I think that you've hit the nail on the head here. The only thing that I would add is that I've never seen anyone here act in a negative manner intentionally, so any negative messages or tones would be completely inadvertant (i.e. someone starts to get down on themself for not being <=10%bf because that's a benchmark that just happens to get trotted around frequently).

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I'd be lying if I said that I didn't do the mirror-flex...everyday ;) Looking "good" is definitely not my main goal, but it is ONE of my goals. The thing is, what's "good" to me isn't necessarily what's "good" to you or anyone else. True, this can be misinterpreted by some users but in reality almost anything anybody says can be misconstrued i.e. - %BF, getting huge, getting smaller, getting cut, getting strong, getting bulky. As long as the intent of what you post isn't to explicitly exclude others than it's really up to the reader to interpret what they read for themselves. hugs & kisses

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The only thing that I would add is that I've never seen anyone here act in a negative manner intentionally, so any negative messages or tones would be completely inadvertant

I think that the zillion pictures of my naked torso that I posted in my thread were intentional, and I wonder whether it is a way to feed narcissistic and exhibitionist tendencies stemming from personal insecurities. It was supposed to be a way to track progression in ab development, but I look at it every day to see if any crease has become more pronounced. I wonder if the wrong message is being sent about how to go about this, and whether others feel bad if they are not getting results after a lot of effort, feeling that there is something wrong with them, thereby sinking their self-esteem. But at the end of the day, everyone has to deal with their own issues. I can lend a helping hand sometimes, but each individual needs to take primary responsibility for their well-being.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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I think that the zillion pictures of my naked torso that I posted in my thread were intentional, and I wonder whether it is a way to feed narcissistic and exhibitionist tendencies stemming from personal insecurities. It was supposed to be a way to track progression in ab development, but I look at it every day to see if any crease has become more pronounced. I wonder if the wrong message is being sent about how to go about this, and whether others feel bad if they are not getting results after a lot of effort, feeling that there is something wrong with them, thereby sinking their self-esteem. But at the end of the day, everyone has to deal with their own issues. I can lend a helping hand sometimes, but each individual needs to take primary responsibility for their well-being.

Just checked out the thread - looks like things are coming along pretty well for you! Bonus points for the multiple neon bodysuit things!

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Also; might I say it could be worse? At least people are focusing on BF% and not something stupid like total body weight. ZOMG NEED TO BE UNDER 100 POUNDS !!!!1!11!!!

Note* MMA fighters need not apply. You guys are unique little snowflakes.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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To be perfectly honest, my motivation for working out is physical appearance. This time around, I have personally chosen to never step foot on a scale until I am satisfied with my appearance. As a bonus, I will get healthier, stronger, have more energy, etc.; but that physical look is a goal for me. Of course, that look can and does differ person to person.

I am new here myself, so I can't speak to trends in the forums, but to me, the reason I joined was in the name....NerdFitness. Joining a community of like-minded "nerds" and "geeks" focused on getting fit and encouraging each other only as nerds and geeks can do is a big boost. Going with the name, a lot of nerds like stats, tracking progress, %bf, weight, measurements, etc. It gives them something to chart, graph, and gives context to what they are doing.

Personally, in the short 2 or so weeks I've participated in these forums (I lurked much longer), it is incredible the kind of people I have seen from encouragement stand points, real life fitness "heroes" hitting their targets and not stopping, and much more. Again, just coming from a newbie standpoint, I have yet to notice anything disturbing in the discussions here.

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I come from the standpoint of the better I feel, the better I look. There's a direct correlation each day to me waking up going, "I feel great!" and my photo that day also looking great. So it's a fitness -> appearance thing for me. That said, saying "I want x BF%" isn't so much an image goal for some people. For instance, I'd love to get below 20% BF at some point. Why? That's the only way I'll be 'light' enough to do a lot of horse-riding stuff without endangering me or a horse (I'm a giant btw). Looking awesome would be a great side effect, but ultimately I want to do things that require a high level of fitness. And a high level of fitness generally includes a lack of extraneous body fat, in my mind. Unless I was going to do some crazy survival course where I would be in a constant calorie deficit, in which case I would want more bf, I imagine.

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I see what you mean by this, I think as long as people are getting to there goals in a healthy way it shouldn't matter I guess, personally I want both, I want to be fitter and stronger, as well as being able to be confident with the way I look, but by getting to goals like this, I think most people gain a decent amount of fitness in the process :)

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