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So i didn't see a general guideline for this post but i figured i would give it a shot. 


Current Body: 


336 lbs

26 years old

Body type is rather big boned


Goal Weight:

200-220 lbs or since muscle ways more then fat, i want to see muscles everywhere no handles for easy lifting.


My doctor placed 250 as a fairly ideal weight for me but i want my fat gone, i have no confidence to meet women and i'm tired as hell of where my life is going.


Other goals:

1) learn japanese

2) go to japan

3) possibly get job there but i need some kind of college degree usually XD


Limitations to my goal:

Hemophilia, meaning if i feel pain i have to stop.... which pisses me off. i'm the type who goes in gung ho, read gung ho as lifted a 20 lb dumb bell 50 times each arm, i spent five hours in the hospital due to muscle bleeds for that. Mostly because if someone with a degree hears hemophilia they shit themselves, gimme an infusion and send me hope ya bastards.

I have a bad back from last year, mostly better due to phsyical therapy i stopped doing.


Possible solution:

1) i limit my workouts, yay XD

2) i learn to self infuse which requires a summer camp....


Milestones i'm looking forward to:

1) being able to jog around my block

2) having toned arms

3) deep water running 2hrs

4) lap swimming 2 hrs

5) running around my block not needing to catch my breath

6) first pull up

7) lost all my weight, day named in my honor


Milestones subject to change, placed them in order or likely hood as viewed by me.


Current exercises and plans moving forward:



         i recently took it back up, i managed an hour and a half of none stop back and forth leg movement simulating swimming while i supported myself off the side of the pool  with my head. tomorrow i plan to spend 1hr in the slow lap lane, mostly holding onto a floating board will try for actual lap swimming towards the end.

i would like to make swimming an important part of my routine, it reduces the stress on my joints while allowing me to strengthen them as opposed to just trying to run now which would hurt me bad, i do have to worry about bleeding in my joints so 330 on my knees sounds bad. shooting for 2-3 times a week at the pool.



    i stopped buying all my groceries and snacks (more on it later) so to get myself moving i buy what i need for that day for snacks and up to two days for food then i walk to the store if i want or need more.

i started going the long way and checking out new roads as i walk while i listen to japanese language courses because i find the efficiency of doing two things at once i want done to be particularly motivating for me. i would like to get to the point i can walk to the pool for my swim, a distance of 4.5 miles, swim and walk home. eventually i plan to walk/jog/run everywhere if my health goals come to fruition. 


Muscle Training: 

So i black slid after my whole muscle bleed incident, you probably would too five hours sitting in a hospital bed nothing to do but hate your genetics because you expected a 30 min infusion and you hadn't eaten for 4hrs before coming. i currently have a 5lb dumb bell i use at home to try and get results but i plan to hit the gym in 2-3 days depending how my muscles feel after my swim. i am going to try the 20 lb weights again because to do less would be humiliating, i plan to stop once any pain starts so i won't be tearing down my muscle and rebuilding it which i know is the optimal way to build muscle. going past your limits blah blah, it's one reason i skipped past the warrior class, the other is i want to have muscles that do something other then look big. i don't have a concrete plan for body building, just one major goal as far as muscle strength goes. i would like to do a hand stand push up.


Biking: been using my apartments gym so i have tried their bike that freaking sucks, hurts my ass and i worry about my back if i were to get a normal bike so i was looking at one of those with an actual back. i know it would be easier to move around with, probably a better idea if i do move to japan but i think it would be counter productive to my goal to being able to run everywhere. 



i mainly eat chicken, meat, trying to throw in stuff like carrots for a snack i really enjoy watermelon raspberries and black berries. i make my own jerky actually, constantly trying new recipies and cutting the unhealthy bits out of them. i also eat a good deal of cheese for a protein snack but i am going to work on limiting that. i had the gastric bypass so bread is actually annoying to eat yay.( i have plateaued where i am so other then volume i'm like everyone else moving forward)

So the aforementioned snack that i need to kick off my diet, energy drinks (and a lesser degree flavored coffees), yes i know they are bad in so many ways. i have tried giving them up before, still trying but i find them so useful when i have headaches. something you get with convergence disorder of the eyes. either way i am taking steps to remove them from my diet, first with i no longer buy large amounts or even more then i need for a day. if i want more i have to walk to a store to get one. if i continue drinking them for more then headaches in two months i will only purchase them from the store a mile away, even though they are bloody price gougers there. i am trying to switch to drinking only tea, no sugar. it's a hard sell but i find the more tea i have the less energy drinks i want. buying enough variety and keeping the pots cleaned often enough is my main problem.


i think that's all i wanted to cover, or at the very least what i can think of right now. i welcome suggestions on work outs, i will say i have issues with stuff that feels like it serves no purpose but to make me look dumb. swimming, walking, weight lifting all have a purpose i can see and feel. getting on all fours on my bed and focusing on trying to move my back a certain way feels dumb and i hate to feel dumb.

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You are on the right track, but hemophilia.... I suggest you consult a good doctor and a real personal trainer. I suppose anyone can't give you more than suggestions about training without real expertise. I have to admit, you have some strong will in you if you are willing to train knowing the risks. I want to hear the how your training goes on and i wish you all the best. But be careful. I know you'll be fine :-)

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honestly i find it more annoying then difficult, had it all my life so it's just a daily part of life. luckily i'm mild intenisity so i can mostly ignore it, not being able to do contact sports is sad though. far as grocery shopping goes i suggest you keep an eye out for tall people, people ask me to grab them stuff fairly often. 


i did go swimming yesterday, 1hr 15mins i did mostly deep water running tell i got a headache and went home. i lifted a few weights today as well, fairly sure i didn't go to far this time :). tomorrow i'm going for a decent walk maybe some more squats and such. hehe i think i found a happy starting routine for myself. combine it all together and make it a habit and i think i'm going good.

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