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My own Bourne Ultimatum

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Hi nerds, geeks and... gnerks?

My name is Dave, I'm 37 and overweight, lazy, unmotivated and severely lacking in willpower. There, I said it! The overweight part I can't deny no matter what I say, the other three are personal enemies who win battles daily and are close to winning the war...this cannot happen and I won't allow it.

I struggle at sticking with things in most areas of my life. I must have spent thousands on hobbies or interests which swiftly become dulled, blurry shapes at the edges of my attention, only to be replaced by the next fad. This could be a fear of failure, I'm not sure, and without trying to sound like a complete boaster, I'm fairly good at quickly picking up the basics of the things I try, meaning that if I were to keep up with them, I'd probably be pretty good by now! The big two things I really wish I could keep up with are drumming and photography. I love them both, but always find excuses not to do them, which doesn't make any sense at all!!!

I work in the film industry as a special effects technician. I make breakaway set pieces and special props, so people can throw themselves through walls or bash each other around without hurting themselves or others. I love my job: it lets me travel, pays well, and holds my interest as most days are different. I'm very grateful for where I've ended up, and try not to take it for granted. The only downside is when I'm between films, I tend to just do nothing but play on my PlayStation and eat crappy food.

I know the one thing keeping me back in all areas of life is my fitness, both mental and physical. I also know that if I improve my physical fitness then my mental fitness will follow along without argument, so this is my primary goal.

A couple of years ago I was between films and eating the usual mix of pizza, burgers, junk food, biscuits, Pepsi....you get the idea, when one day I stumbled across the Earthlings video on YouTube, about how we abuse the worlds resources and other species. I think I'd been pretty close good to breaking point already, but this was the final straw. The next day, I was a raw vegan.

It was easy, my mind was in the right place and I just went with it.

This is me as a raw vegan, into rock climbing, running, reading, walking about town, feeling confident...


It lasted maybe 5 months.

I was over in Hungary (which is brilliant for vegans, despite what people telling you the only food is goulash!), working on the Dwayne Johnson version of Hercules. We were doing night shoots, and it was near the end of the film, so I was tired, probably a bit bored of the sets as we'd spent a long time there, and cold. Someone from craft service brought round mini hotdogs, and I was done.

It was a slippery slope from there to my present state...


I absolutely loved being vegan. My body was full of energy and vitality. I felt alert all the time, with oodles of motivation and good willpower. My conscience was clear, and that really made a huge impact on me. I lost most of my weight through just changing my diet, the fitness activities and effects were a nice little bonus.

Now I'm not even back where I started: I'm bigger than I've ever been and really not happy about it at all.

So that's where I've come from and where I'm at. Disappointed, angry, feeling like a failure... No more.

It's great to be with the rest of you rebels, and as soon as I figure out all this forum business, I'll be more active here. I'm not going to rush any aspect this time around, so please be patient :)

Dave xxx

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I haven't creeped on your posts to see if you've become more active as you said you would, so I'll just ask here. How have the boards been treating you? :)

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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