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Hi everyone--I did a brief introduction in another thread looking for help on a few things, but figured I'd put together a better picture here. (Long post warning alert!)


I'm Dea, 24, 4th-year postgrad student, long-time nerd, and formerly fit. I could say starting grad school + work ruined my life, but that would be using them as an excuse--I really just failed to plan for a healthy routine when I started three years ago. Prior to that, I was very active: competitive dancer, fencer, stunt swordswoman, martial artist, runner, climber, yogi, Quidditch chaser, archer... but what I didn't drop in college definitely fell out of practice in grad school, as did most good healthy living habits. I definitely noticed myself getting out of shape and gaining some flab by the end of year one, but attempts to tell myself I needed to get my shiz together usually ended after two weeks of motivation before falling back into my fairly new bad habits.


Now? Relatively inactive, having trouble making clothes fit, dissatisfied that within 3 years I went from someone who had a good handle on balancing things to someone who couldn't keep motivation to do so more than a month--so enough is enough. I want my happier, healthier lifestyle back--eating better, less difficulty finding clothes that fit, making time for the things I enjoy. As of now, that means getting back into more climbing and running, and starting weightlifting, with some help!


Particular challenges:


Strength training / weightlifting. I don't really know where to start (although I got some excellent advice in the other thread), and I have to be extremely careful starting out--I've dislocated my shoulders 20+ times, and although I'm used to it, it's still not fun. I'm hoping getting some muscle will help with that, as that's been my physical therapist's recommendation.


A "normal" sleep schedule is pretty much impossible at the moment. I'm finishing up two post-grad degrees and working three part-time jobs, one of which is scheduled overnight at least once a week. Consistency is good, but there is 0 consistency in day-to-day or week-to-week hours; one day I might have to be up 20 hours, another only 8, and no start or end times are the same. (Yes, I am a great practitioner of the power nap.)


Body recomposition. I'm 5'10" and 130 lbs. at my heaviest (like now); usually I'm between 120-125. Most tracking apps I've tried won't let me use their features because they don't like my BMI. I don't want to lose weight; I want to regain lost muscle plus some and shed the excess fat that's been creeping in. 


Accountability. I know the lack of this has been part of my failures in the past. I'm also hoping to find some of it here--most of my RL attempts have resulted in "you're already slender, you don't need to work out" reactions that are very frustrating and counterproductive. 


Limited healthy food accessibility. I live in a very bad area--healthy food is hardly anywhere to be found (I think the healthiest around is Panera Bread salads), and the campus dining halls have not only the distinction of being some of the worst in the country, but in making me sick every time I try to eat there. I also have a very limited budget, so getting groceries shipped to me is not something that can happen very often. My plan at the moment is to pilfer less-questionable meat and raw veggies from the halls when they're offered and cook them myself, try to get groceries at least once every few weeks, and thank god I'm only in this living situation for nine more months. 


Looking forward to meeting fellow nerds working to level up! 





Level 2 Elf Assassin

Dauntless | Slytherin | Scorpio | INTJ 

Current Challenge: 2 (Assassins)

Past Challenges: 1 (Recruit)


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