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Third time's the charm? Shopkeeper's struggles

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Hello fellow rebels,


In the past I've made a few brave attempts at catching up on the NF rebellion. And let me start by saying that in some ways, it's helped me greatly! I've lost a decent amount of weight, I've made some healthy lifestyle changes that I'm very happy with, and in general NF has improved the quality of my life quite a bit!


But I still haven't managed to hit the point where I want to be. I really want to get to the next level, because there's a lot of things I want to do with my body that I currently just can't. I've made two very serious attempts up to now, and both died off before I could get far into them. I'm not sure what I'm looking for, whether it's motivation, someone to help me through, or a second opinion on my view of things. But I always feel inspired and motivated after reading the NF Newsletter, and I feel I'm at a point in my life where I can do it.


My only obstacle is my occupation. And I know that's not actually an obstacle, and I think that's the main reason I'm coming here for: to find a workaround, rebel style.


See, I'm a shopkeeper. It's a job I love with my entire heart, it's been my life's dream since I was a kid and I'm very glad that I finally get to live it. But it comes with a few downsides. Mainly that I work between 10 and 14 hours a day, without proper breaks (as in, don't get half an hour to go walk around the park or something). This means that by the time I get home, I'm usually pooped, and what little energy I do have is used to fix the household. It all sounds cliché, but that's why I want to break out of it. So I guess what I'm looking for is something I can do while tending to the shop? I've had dietary changes and I'm still making those and they work wonders, but I want to get a move into my body as well. I dance during days off, because I love dancing, but that's one day a week and I'd like to do more.


The upside is that my store is called "The Joker" and people expect exactly that when they walk in, so there's not much stopping me from doing anything, I don't have to mind my image or something. But I don't want to end up all sweaty, or unable to help a customer because I'm in the middle of a set of squats. Does anyone have any protips? Anything would help. If I can get into the rhythm of exercising a few times a week, I might transition into having the energy before or after work so I can do it properly.


Thanks for any insight; I'll keep fighting!

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It's 60 miles :P I used to go by train and then walk a mile from the station to work and back, but I recently got a driver's license and it honestly saves me an hour and half a day by using my car, which is more than I'm willing to spend 'm afraid ^^;


Do those weight thingies actually work though? That could be an option.

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First, dancing is amazing! Great exercise and just makes you feel good! Second, a game shop ! Love playing board games! I work in a cashiers cage once a week, I do leg lifts, squats and core crunches when no one is at my window, or no one is looking, otherwise I would go crazy or feel tired from sitting for 9 hours! Any type of movement will help! This works for me 😊 I've tried the ankle weights, it's some resistance, try it, it can't hurt to try! You'll find something!!! Good luck on your journey!

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-Jadyn Rayne-
Race: Wood Elf
Class: -Adventurer-DIVERGENT
STR: 11 | CHA: 5 | STA: 3 | WIS: 8| CON: 7| DEX: 4

Jadyn Rayne's Battle Log

JadynRayne's current challenge

"Not all who wander are lost."
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Yeah, I love dancing, it's easily my greatest passion! I just wish my body could handle doing more of it, but everything in due time of course. I'm trying to implement doing it more regularly now though!

I love board games as well, so I'm very happy with my job! I don't get to sit still for 9 hours, luckily/sadly :tongue: But I also don't get a lot of opportunities for a proper set of squats or anything. I'm afraid that if I do them during the day, I'll be hindered by it later. But I think "Just try it!" is a great advice for this one. Rather than worrying beforehand and throwing up barriers for myself, I should just try it. Worst case scenario, I'll be moving around slower during the last two hours of the day, but then I'll at least know whether it worked. Thanks for the input!

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Thanks! So much! It's amazing to find someone who loves dancing as much as I do! Just trying different things has really helped me! I have weird schedules so I have to do a little when ever I can 😊 The best of luck!!! Journeys are amazing! Do what ever it takes and works for you! You'll get there!!!

-Jadyn Rayne-
Race: Wood Elf
Class: -Adventurer-DIVERGENT
STR: 11 | CHA: 5 | STA: 3 | WIS: 8| CON: 7| DEX: 4

Jadyn Rayne's Battle Log

JadynRayne's current challenge

"Not all who wander are lost."
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Could you park a mile away and walk the rest of the way? There are lots of little things you could do. Do you have a counter at work you could lean on? Create a little circuit you could do at the top of each hour like five calf raises, five squats, five leg lifts on each leg, & two incline push ups, and by the end of a 10 hr day, you will have done 50 calf raises, squats, leg lifts and 20 push ups!

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Goal Weight: 145

Current Challenge

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It really does add up! You shouldn't worry about not being able to help a customer because you're in the middle of a set of squats. Rather, just fit them in where you can. Squat around the rest of your day. Bodyweight exercise is incredibly modular. On the plus side, the fact that you keep trying is the clearest indicator (in my mind) that you'll succeed!

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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I obtained a copy of Cize because it looks slightly less silly than Zumba, but maybe they're the same. Last time I tried Zumba I failed miserably, so I'd like to try Cize and really get the moves down.

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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Thanks for the feedback again guys! I don't check in as regularly as I should, but I am working on it. Right now I've got an alarm set every hour, and at the earliest occassion, I'll drop into some squats, push-ups against the counter and calf raises. I feel my body's way more active that way, and I'm far more energetic throughout the day in general, so that's working out fantastically! Thanks a bunch so far ^^

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