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☆ October 11th, 2015


Food: canned chickenw/BBQ sauce, swig of apple juice, apple, x2 20oz milk protein shake cause my mom is in a defeatist down and it was that or nothing, my awesome paleo egg muffins


Exercise: 10min walk 

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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☆ October 15th, 2015


Day 26 of 6WC and day 23 of of primal whole30


Food: pumpkin seeds, ginger beer, buffalo burger w/gf bun, five french fries, and a few bites of chocolate cake and ice cream


Exercise: Walked around the new Costco that opened up near me. I would guess at least 10min consecutive walking.


Yeah today was a naughty as far as the whole30 goes bit I regret nothing. Going on a date with my husband just seems to outweigh a heavily restricted idea. I am looking at it from an analytical perspective.


It has been interesting getting to know myself with food as well as realizing the pretty cool changes I have made as far as my thinking and food impulses go.


I will elaborate more in my challenge thread...♤

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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☆ October 16th, 2015


Food: magnum bar, pumpkin seeds, mandarins, yellow squash, pork sausage, eggs


Exercise: 25min walk


Ate an icecream bar. Don't regret it. Spent 5 hours being cool either way. Glad I did but would of been equally glad if I didn't. That is nice to know. I am only half heartedly attempting to "finish" whole40. Elaboration on my challenge thread. 

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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☆ October 18th, 2015


I need to bring for with me when I go to my mom's. Food is never consistent enough there and I ate terribly today. I am too embarrassed to even say.


I was just so hungry and there literally was no other option.


I should of just starved.


Exercise: none, this day is such shit I am so upset.

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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☆ October 19 and 20, 2015


The 19th I ate well, broccoli omelette and a date with the husband at this neat restaurant. I had cocktails and gluten free buns. Otherwise, primal. Did not walk. Got drunk instead.


Today I ate crab on rice crackers and my own primal cheese crisps. I did not walk.


I'm depressed. And I am ashamed. I'm not sure how to pull myself up to walk when I am depressed. I will ask my husband to make sure I do til I can again. That is all I can come up with.


I am extremely fearful and feel myself losing my nerve.

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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☆ October 21st, 2015 


Food: bites of chocolate controlled and portioned, lots of pork sausages!, egg, sweet potato, swig of apple juice, pita chips, humus


Exercise: 10min walk


God I need this funk to end. 

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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☆ October 22nd, 2015


Food: 5 marshmallows, bun less burger, fries, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, swig of apple juice, mandarins


Exercise: 10min walk + kinda went all over today so I probably walked more but that much is at least what I can be certain of

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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☆ October 23rd, 2015


Food: a weirdly awesome Russian milk candy thing I can'tell explain, some marshmallows and truffles, grapes, burger, so many sassy dolmas, chicken livers!, pickled cabbage, a bit of a mysteriously salty fish, 1 fingerling potato lol


Exercise: none. My ovaries are being punched repeatedly currently so even looking at my shoes is causing me to keel over from cramps. Aaaahh yes. Womanhood. 

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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Assessment time! 


Starting stats!

Doll, female, age 23
220lbs sept 20, 2015


Female, still 23, still Doll

October 24th, 2015 218.4lbs

Height: 5'3"

Waist: 33.5"

Hips: 43"

Thighs: 27"

Calves: 17"

Arms: 13"


Total overall 5 inches lost!


Remember I came in 6 days later than everyone...


Quest: primal/paleo (I interchange words) whole 30

*I learned that I hated this because it made me feel guilty and fear around foods which was way too reminiscent of my eating disorder days. I missed like 5 days of this but I feel 0 Frick because it was something that emotionally I was not ready for.

I got 83.33% 25/30 days, a B and +2CON


Quest: Eat primal 80/20

*now THIS is what I like. Way better. I struggled at my mom's when there was literally nothing to eat that wasn't okay, and again in depression rendering me too feeble to cook anything. I have come up with a strategy however. Overall I am pleased but really am going to shoot for 100 next time.

Missed 2 days out of 36, I would categorize it as half excessive dairy half lying about "special occasion" (need to make that clearer next time) 94.45%, +2CON


Quest: Walk at least 10min a day

*I kept this up for the most part and way better than I expected. I missed 2 days due to gut wrenching cramps and depression, but still, I wasn't expecting to be anywhere near as successful as I was!

34/36 days 94.45%, +3STA, +1STR


Can't wait for the next challenge! This was way better marks than I was expecting. Yay! I'll be a Ranger for challenge 2 and will make sure to link myself here. Thank you for sticking with me and supporting me through the not so pleasant stuff. I get it now. I understand the magic of this place. I use to scoff at making it seem soo important but then you lot made me learn real quick. Thank you for that.


And super duper luck and blessing to all of you as well! I am so proud of you! See you next challenge. ♡

Copied from challenge thread. Still going to update this til challenge 2 comes round. Then going to start a separate battle log (linked to this one) for next round now that I know how posting in the forums works, I HAVE to have better organization lol. 


Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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☆ October 25 and 26, 2015 


25th was a can of chicken, can of peas, and some Ferrero and a walk


26th, salmon patties, canned green beans, ferreros, swig of juice, lots of chicken sausage, sweet potatoes


Exercise: 15min walk


Wooooo last day! See y'all in a week officially! Gonna keep posting here though to keep up the practice. :D

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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Second Challenge, November 2nd - December 14th


Let's do this!

Week 1
☆ November 2nd, 2015
Food: Mashed potatoes, peas, chicken, curry turkey balls, gf chocolate chip cookies, half/half

Exercise: sun salutation 10sec holds, tree pose 5sec right, 15sec left, 23 min walk!

This was such a good feeling day. I can't even care that I ate cookies. However note to self, keep the half/half for cooking and coffee. I drank some with my cookies and dear god my stomach hurts. Straight dairy is a sensitive. Got it.

☆ November 3rd, 2015
Food: asparagus, apples, a gf chocolate chip cookie, spaghetti meat sauce with like a half cup of gf noodles, seafood salad, ginger kombucha, protein shake in milk

Exercise: sun salutation 10sec holds, standing tree pose 10sec right, 20 sec left, 3 hours walking because why the hell not

☆ November 4th, 2015
Food: collard greens, handful fries, beef, tomatoes

Exercise: so much walking. Like hours. Sun salutations, standing tree pose 15sec right, 2 5sec left

☆ November 5th, 2015
Food: seafood salad, yellow squash, apple, milk protein shake, cabbage slaw

Exercise: sun salutation, standing tree pose 10sec each leg and controlled descent. 26 min walk

☆ November 6th, 2015
Food: eggs, apple, meatballs, Bleu cheese, 6oz burger meat, 5 fries, few bites of ice cream

Exercise: sun salutation 10sec holds, standing tree pose 10sec each leg, 23 min walk

Today my family all got together to spend our last day with Ziggy. I can't believe how much I care but I haven't cried that hard in a long time. We made the right decision, crystal and the senior dog place will give him the love and care he desperately needs. He very likely will get better. Thankfully it isn't one of those weird prison like faux foster things. He is going to the best of the best and staying with someone familiar who understands the gravity of the situation.

I am sad because he is waiting for us to come get him. I don't want him to feel abandoned and unloved. We love him so much. This hurts so much. But the only other option was to have him put down. Now he has a chance at a real life instead of being imprisoned in his own skin.

I just hope he knows that. I hope he feels our love forever and is happy. I can't see straight. This is too much right now.

☆ November 7th, 2015
Food: Harry potter party day. Not going to bother listing considering I basically eat like this once every 5 years. Lol. Very pleased with my ability to say no, I am full, and yes please. Moderation and indulgence have worked together nicely.

Exercise: sun salutation, standing tree pose, 1 hour walk

☆ November 8th, 2015
Food: Paleo popcorn chicken, 6oz beef, tomatoes

Exercise: like 40minutes ish, sun salutation, standing tree pose

Week 2

☆ November 9th, 2015
Food: crab, scallops, grandma's french cherry pie, a Moscow mule, 3 Ferrero rocher pc, Vienna sausage, half an apple

Exercise: hours of walking, sun salutation, standing tree pose

☆ November 10th, 2015
Food: beth's corned beef and hash w/eggs, canned salmon, Vienna sausages, apple

Exercise: 20min walk, sun salutation, standing tree pose

I GOT MY FO4 PIPBOY EDITION AND COLLECTOR'S VAULT DWELLER SURVIVAL GUIDE AND I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!! (Making my next challenge fallout themed, oooooohhhh yeeeaaahhhh!)

☆ November 11th, 2015
Food: Vienna sausages, apples, two tiny cubes of cheese, zucchini fritters, turkey, beef patty, five fries

Exercise: 24 min walk, sun salutation, standing tree pose

☆ November 12th, 2015
Food: gf pamela's cookies, 2 tacos, 1 chicken enchilada, eggs, tiny bit of potato, gf apple pop tart (was too curious)

Exercise: 20min walk, standing tree pose, sun salutation

I am getting sick! Noooo! D: Despite that, husband surprised me with a Mexican dinner date today ♡ hurray!

☆ November 13th, 2015
Food: apple tarts, cookies, so much tea, beef, Vienna sausage, apple

Exercise: I am freaking sick. Missed out on the jenny lawson book signing because of it. :c did nothing but be gross on the couch.

☆ November 14th, 2015
Food: salmon, beef, tomato, apples, cheese

Exercise: none. Still sick. Slept all day.

☆ November 15th, 2015
Food: bites of cake, beef, chicken patties, zucchini, apple

Exercise: nothing, still sick. However I am going to attempt a very slow go at my exercise goals. I keep feeling faint/short of breath/light headed when I get up/move too quickly and I am extremely fatigued, but three days is seriously enough. IF I try slowly, I think it will be okay...


 Week 3


☆ November 16th, 2015

Food: eggs, potatos, swig of apple juice, apple,  cake


Exercise: very very slow and lethargic 1 and half hour walk of sweaty grossness. I am still quite sick but needed groceries so I went verrryyyy slow. No yoga cause when I tried I almost fainted.


☆ November 17th, 2015

Food: Vienna sausages, lil smokies, egg, cake


Exercise: sun salutation, standing tree pose 


No walk. Feeling very faint.


☆ November 18th, 2015

Food: cake,  Vienna sausages, peaches


Exercise: 22 min walk, sun salutation, standing tree pose  


Yayy!! No longer faint and feeling well enough to actually move again. Yay!!


☆ November 19th, 2015

Food: greek yoghurt, maple syrup, apple, Vienna sausages, salmon, mandarins


Exercise: 20min walk, sun salutation, standing tree pose 


☆ November 20th, 2015

Food: Vienna sausages, apples, cheese, 6oz chicken, beef, fries


Exercise: 20min walk, sun salutation, standing tree pose 


☆ November 21st, 2015

Food: Vienna sausages, apples, cheese, zucchini, greek yoghurt, maple, beef, tomatoes, fries


Exercise: 23 min walk, sun salutation, standing tree pose 


Weighed myself this morning! 217.4lbs! Yayyyy! Down 3lbs! Almost 4! Yayyy!


☆ November 22nd, 2015

Food: vienna sausages, salmon, swig of apple juice, homemade primal onion rings, and homemade primal gouda cheese sticks


Exercise: 23min walk, sun salutation, standing tree pose


Holy shit now I am 216lbs! Yessss!

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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This was such a good feeling day. I can't even care that I ate cookies. However note to self, keep the half/half for cooking and coffee. I drank some with my cookies and dear god my stomach hurts. Straight dairy is a sensitive. Got it.


Going hardcore GOMAD now? :playful:

My Battle Log

Challenges 1, 2,

Escape the Matrix Quest



Those are challenges I couldn't complete during previous 6 Week Challenges. While they won't be my focus for the next 6WC, I am keeping them here until I complete them. I WILL complete them.


Push ups challenge (3 sets of 30)



Freaking pull ups challenge (10 consecutive pushups)


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Oh it's just that milk drinking strategy for skinny people like me. I was reading about it and your post reminded me of it but in half and half version *shivers*

My Battle Log

Challenges 1, 2,

Escape the Matrix Quest



Those are challenges I couldn't complete during previous 6 Week Challenges. While they won't be my focus for the next 6WC, I am keeping them here until I complete them. I WILL complete them.


Push ups challenge (3 sets of 30)



Freaking pull ups challenge (10 consecutive pushups)


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Oh it's just that milk drinking strategy for skinny people like me. I was reading about it and your post reminded me of it but in half and half version *shivers*

Do you mind explaining that a bit more. Milk drinking strategy? c:

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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Well I can't say I tried it but the idea behind it is to drink a full gallon of whole milk a day. It's to gain weight. I found out about it here on NF

My Battle Log

Challenges 1, 2,

Escape the Matrix Quest



Those are challenges I couldn't complete during previous 6 Week Challenges. While they won't be my focus for the next 6WC, I am keeping them here until I complete them. I WILL complete them.


Push ups challenge (3 sets of 30)



Freaking pull ups challenge (10 consecutive pushups)


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Well I can't say I tried it but the idea behind it is to drink a full gallon of whole milk a day. It's to gain weight. I found out about it here on NF

I......I can't even imagine. No way I could do that lol oh man the pain... The poor plumber I would have to call. D: No thank you!

Doll | Gargoyle | Ranger | lvl 7th
STR 17, STA 8, CON 14, DEX 2, CHA 7, WIS 4
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | Current | B L

Main Storyline: Drop 55lbs 06/55lbs

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Yeah I agree with you there. I bet it works but ewww, my life would be very sad

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My Battle Log

Challenges 1, 2,

Escape the Matrix Quest



Those are challenges I couldn't complete during previous 6 Week Challenges. While they won't be my focus for the next 6WC, I am keeping them here until I complete them. I WILL complete them.


Push ups challenge (3 sets of 30)



Freaking pull ups challenge (10 consecutive pushups)


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