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Men ONLY please...

Guest Snake McClain

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Dr. Horrible is awesome. I still bust out the songs every now and then and sing along. And before I take any flak about it I have to say that I'm just THAT comfortable with my manliness :) lol.

And We may need to get a men's camping/hunting trip together to help Artinum hunt the pop-star. Lol

Don't have access to Youtube out here, so I can't claim to bursting out in Dr. H songs, but I often embaress my wife by busting out into Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, or various Disney songs......

The joys of a 5 year old trapped in a 34 year old body!


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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alright men. big news/question.

It is quite possible...like...nearly 100% that i am buying a ticket to move to phoenix arizona to live with... Loren Wade.

I have no job lined up, but my job here is about to be gone. And as it stands right now I dont have anything here to...i cant think of the words. let me try it this way.

the only thing about my situation that will change is the people/scenery. but the way things have been in my life here that is probably a good thing. a very good thing. and if it doesnt work out i have a support system and could always come back.

I feel the majority of me telling me to go. but a small part of me is saying no and i dont know why. fear maybe? just uncertainty? i have no idea.

If you were me what would you do? Should I go? I think it would be a fantastic adventure. Which is more exciting to me than anything else.

I know the feeling every time I have made a large decision in my life. Joining the Army, asking my GF to marry me (both times), getting out of the Army, coming to Afghanistan, leaving Afghanistan (50 days or less. Job or no) there is always that little bit fear about what could happen or go wrong. But each time, I face it and then I kick the ever loving dog crap out of it. Got to AZ and start the next chapter in your life (and provide plenty of updates about it via this thread please.)


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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It gets worse the more effort you put into it Church.

I want to tell you that the next girl you message will send back if you just fix this or that but it doesn't work that way.

The problem with online dating is that it's impossible to "get a signal" from a girl. If you're in a social setting girls will normally signal that it's okay to talk to them, or that they like your company. The signals are normally little things like sustained eye contact, warm smile, hair fiddling and etcetera. Online you don't have any of these signals to work with so you're just approaching cold, and you have no idea what kind of mood she's in when she's reading (or skipping over) your message. It's like walking up to a woman who's obviously on her way somewhere and asking her about her favourite band. It just doesn't work that way and she gave you no signal that it was alright to talk with her.

Back when I was on match.com there was this gorgeous woman (who had a kid but that didn't bother me at all) who would look at my profile almost daily. So I would craft a well thought out email based off something she had in her profile. This went on for like 3 emails, before she responded with I don't know why you keep emailing me (the looking at my profile obviously wasn't a clue) but I don't want my son to grow up in that kind of lifestyle (I was in the military at the time and tried to explain that I was getting out and looking to stay in the area. Hey it was Hawaii). I guess that was her way of a polite rejection instead of saying no thanks.

Dating in general sucks, online even more so when you can track who has viewed your profile or read your emails. Blah!


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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I mostly agree. Do what you want, and let your kids do what they want. As long as they aren't hurting others, there really isn't anything wrong with it. The only thing I disagree with is letting the kids bully the other for wearing a dress. There's no need for that and is only going to lead to one of two things, either the kid is going to feel ashamed and horrible for wanting to wear a dress or a fight is going to happen. I don't see it ended any other way.

I don't see me wearing a my skirt (kilt) anytime soon, it is to get too cold for that. Though I did wear it last weekend to the ren faire. I'm kinda surprised I only saw half a dozen kilts there, including mine and my buddy I went up with.

I never thought of saying that. I just decided to humor her and say "Princess Twinkles wants a kiss." Surprisingly, it worked.

I also believe you shouldn't set your kids up for failure. There are rules, social norms, mores, etc in every society. If you allow your kid to grow up doing whatever they want, then I think they are going to be in for a huge suprise the further along they get in life.

Kilt is different than a skirt. It might be functionally the same, but there is a difference. I also don't recall ever seeing a hot pink kilt either.

The bullying is wrong entirely. I am glad to see that the poster that was having the issue way back in the thread was able to get it resolved. I am definitely going to try and have my children involved in some form of MA, mostly for the confidence and the discipline. I also hope that will help to keep them from being bullyied (like I was)


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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So now that I have read the complete thread, I have my issue to toss out. Need more thoughts and prayers than anything else.

As yall know I am in Afghanistan. Been here for 18 months. Been looking for a job back in Houston since March. My wife and I have come to the agreement that if I am still here by the 10th of November, we will have enough funds for me to come home and not have to have a job for 6 months. So at the latest I am leaving on the 10th. I will be giving my notice sometime in the next week, depending on what happens tonight.Tonight, I have a job interview for a MS Systems Administrator position. I have the education (BS:IT), the experience (13 years), and the skill set. I am also one of the last ones to be interviewed I think (based off the list of dates available for interviews they asked me to choose from). I am nervous as heck (usually do well on tests when I am nervous) but I really just want to do great on the interview so that I can get the job and come home sooner. Less stress and I see my wife and dog sooner.

Even if I don't get this job, I can't wait to be back home. Lost out on an amazing opportunity for a job in Houston because they wouldn't do a Skype interview....


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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FFS that really sucked. I think I blew the interview really hard core. I was able to answer their questions, but I don't know if they were impressed or not. There is supposedly a second round of interviews, so I will have to wait and see. At any rate I am coming home in 50 days regardless.


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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So I've decided that the thing I hate most about match.com is that it's a paid site. You can post for free, but of you want to get any use from the site you gotta pay up. Which I'm thinking is a major contributed to my current lack of responses. Not everyone spends as foolishly as I do. Lol.

"Oh, fear not in a world like this, And thou shalt know erelong, Know how sublime a thing it is, To suffer and be strong."  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Battle Log - MyFitnessPal - FitBIt

To get something you've never had, you have to become someone you've never been.

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Guest Snake McClain
What the heck? You have nothing holding you back. A change of scenery can be good to help you get over what has recently happened, the physical distance can help you put mental distance behind the past. Also, there won't be the constant reminders of the dark times by having to go past places where she who must not be named and you have shared memories. Just be sure to bring sunscreen and an eighty bagillion oz. water bottle, phoenix is HOT.

this is exactly the final deciding factor. all of my favorite places here became OUR favorite places. it is a poison to drive by them every day or see them. fuck that. time to go.

It is better to regret something you did than something you did not. Go for it - you have nothing holding you back apart from yourself.

agreed. completly

That would be way sweet!

Make the move. Do things that scare you. I don't know about that Loren Wade fellow though. He sounds like trouble. Probably a nerd or something.

nerds. psh. who needs...er...wait.

I'd say go for it. If there is literally nothing holding you back and you feel like you can make it work. Why wouldnt you go? Youre obviously ready for a change and here it is!

yup. scary part is not having a job. :/

look what i found on the interwebs...


love it.

Hey Snake, what about school? aren't you currently enrolled in classes?

online. for a subject i hate. i'm just going to ditch school and go after the things i love. i.e. personal training and comic writing. i just have no artist. :(

My guess is that what you're feeling is that small bit of Uncertainty/Fear that everyone feels when trying something new. It's there to help you heighten your sense and make sure that your mind thinks faster so that you can consider all possibilities/outcomes, if you have a good handle on it, you can use it to think of not only Life with the infamous Darth Wader, but with possible activities and opportunities that can come with living in Arizona.

So my recommendation is simply this: Grit your teeth, and Pack your bags! You're going to live with a Nerd!

i feel the same. grit my teeth and rip the band aid off. have an adventure and enjoy some new shit as i get it together there.

Sounds to me like you got the beginnings of an epic adventure on your hands. Assuming, of course, that you're not incompatible roommates who end up killing each other. Just sayin'.

exactly. adventure.

I'm just gonna sneak in, give Snake a big girly manhug, and sneak out again before anyone notices a feminine presence...

thank you. :D

Bruce, I'm not sure why you are even asking. Just shut up and go. We are more likely to regret what we have not done than what we have.

wildross - warriors count tons, not reps

yeah. at this point the decision is sort of set isnt it?

The comfort of routine is the final thing you need to overcome.

it isnt the comfort of routine. it is the job issue holding me back. but i've decided to go. i just hate living for free on someone while i get it together. Loren Wade and his wife are amazing people for giving me this opportunity.

2782 posts. 112 pages. Request denied. Take your moment, shed your tears, lift heavy stuff, punch a wall if you must, but you will bring your arse back here. By giving up and quiting, every asshole like her ex wins, because now not only has he fucked up her life, but yours as well. Take your time, straighten shit out. Ill be waiting.

Oh i found out today the ex won. For good. i made my final move yesterday to win her. it worked...for about 24 hours. she chose him. so that said its time for me to move on. get away from the last poisonous thing here in my face.

I know the feeling every time I have made a large decision in my life. Joining the Army, asking my GF to marry me (both times), getting out of the Army, coming to Afghanistan, leaving Afghanistan (50 days or less. Job or no) there is always that little bit fear about what could happen or go wrong. But each time, I face it and then I kick the ever loving dog crap out of it. Got to AZ and start the next chapter in your life (and provide plenty of updates about it via this thread please.)

^i like this guy!

So there it is guys. Snake McClain has decided he is moving to Pheonix, Arizona. To work hard, train hard and work at being the personal trainer he wants to be. I want to help people the way steve kamb has helped us by instituting nerd fitness. i want to help people with low confidence be something better. I have decided to escape what is here in my face constantly that has gone wrong. Not failures. just things that havent worked that poison my soul.

The game is on.

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Lefeux, I'm glad you're enthusiastic about responding to everything. But don't you think it might be easier (and less spammy) to just copy/paste each quote and put everything in one response?

Wait, someone said Supernatural is a show mainly for women? Bullshit, it's awesome. :D

At a university with 20,000 students, and a dorm with 500, I put up posters my first year to watch Supernatural on the CW in the big theater room. I buttered up an RA and got her to supervise (since she loved the show) and lend the popcorn maker and get free drinks (sodas). Put posters up by each dorm and on campus.

Guess what! About 80 people came to watch and talk about the show and have fun!

Literally everyone there was a girl besides me. Every. Single. Person. Not even a gay dude. And it turns out the first thing half the people said about what they like most about the show:

"Sam and Dean are soooo hot" or "Cass is so cute."

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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I also believe you shouldn't set your kids up for failure. There are rules, social norms, mores, etc in every society. If you allow your kid to grow up doing whatever they want, then I think they are going to be in for a huge suprise the further along they get in life.

Kilt is different than a skirt. It might be functionally the same, but there is a difference. I also don't recall ever seeing a hot pink kilt either.

The bullying is wrong entirely. I am glad to see that the poster that was having the issue way back in the thread was able to get it resolved. I am definitely going to try and have my children involved in some form of MA, mostly for the confidence and the discipline. I also hope that will help to keep them from being bullyied (like I was)

I'm guessing the kid is pretty young, and doesn't yet understand the concept of societal norms. I feel at that age, it is ok for him to wear dresses. As he gets older and can start to understand the complexities of society, and he is still interested in wearing them, then have a talk about them and how society (but not you as a father) disapproves of it.

Also, where would you classify the minikilt? With skirts or kilts?


FFS that really sucked. I think I blew the interview really hard core. I was able to answer their questions, but I don't know if they were impressed or not. There is supposedly a second round of interviews, so I will have to wait and see. At any rate I am coming home in 50 days regardless.

Sucks to hear that, but maybe it is just your doubts running through. Your disappointment seems hinged on not impressing them. Maybe they are just good at hiding it for interviews?

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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At a university with 20,000 students, and a dorm with 500, I put up posters my first year to watch Supernatural on the CW in the big theater room. I buttered up an RA and got her to supervise (since she loved the show) and lend the popcorn maker and get free drinks (sodas). Put posters up by each dorm and on campus.

Guess what! About 80 people came to watch and talk about the show and have fun!

Literally everyone there was a girl besides me. Every. Single. Person. Not even a gay dude. And it turns out the first thing half the people said about what they like most about the show:

"Sam and Dean are soooo hot" or "Cass is so cute."

Gosh darnit! I watched the entire series on Netflix. Now I question whether I should have liked it or not :P

TBH I don't see anything "girly" or wrong about the show at all. It is awesome.

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Gosh darnit! I watched the entire series on Netflix. Now I question whether I should have liked it or not :P

TBH I don't see anything "girly" or wrong about the show at all. It is awesome.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show. In fact, I just bought season 7, thus completing my collection. And I will begin watching it as soon as I finish Spartacus: Vengeance.

"Oh, fear not in a world like this, And thou shalt know erelong, Know how sublime a thing it is, To suffer and be strong."  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Battle Log - MyFitnessPal - FitBIt

To get something you've never had, you have to become someone you've never been.

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I didn't say the bullying wasn't wrong, I said I can't blame kids. Immature (or really, insecure) individuals will always single out differences and use them advantageously to what they think is promoting their own status. I don't think this will ever change despite all the anti-bullying seminars and lectures in the world. It might prevent how effective the bullying can be at hurting one's self esteem, but it will never be prevented.

And a kilt is a skirt. They are both open pieces of cloth worn around the midsection. You're telling me changing the colors creates a different physical item?

Sorry, but I try not to enforce gender roles. The whole "You're a man, dress like one, act like one, etc." is bull-shit in my opinion. If I ever have a son who wants to play dress-up, wear make-up, and put on skirts I'm going to let him. I'm also going to show him what everybody else does, and tell him that if it's something he truly likes, he will have to accept the consequences of a world that differs from him and will treat him differently because of it. While I think the dad should have done more than put on a silly hot pink skirt, I think his reaction was far better than how I imagine a lot of parents would behave.

On another note, Supernatural is the best damn show I ever watched. I watched the first episode come on when I was in Middle School, and I was hooked. I've seen every episode since then. I thought they jumped the shark, but then the leviathan story arc about big business kind of redeemed it. It's also the only show I know that can be so dark and awesome and yet still find tons of time to make fun of itself and give fan service.

I do hate how they keep bringing back Cass. It's obviously fan service for chicks. Eric Kripke and Robert Singer are writing gods though.

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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I didn't say the bullying wasn't wrong, I said I can't blame kids. Immature (or really, insecure) individuals will always single out differences and use them advantageously to what they think is promoting their own status. I don't think this will ever change despite all the anti-bullying seminars and lectures in the world. It might prevent how effective the bullying can be at hurting one's self esteem, but it will never be prevented.

And a kilt is a skirt. They are both open pieces of cloth worn around the midsection. You're telling me changing the colors creates a different physical item?

Sorry, but I try not to enforce gender roles. The whole "You're a man, dress like one, act like one, etc." is bull-shit in my opinion. If I ever have a son who wants to play dress-up, wear make-up, and put on skirts I'm going to let him. I'm also going to show him what everybody else does, and tell him that if it's something he truly likes, he will have to accept the consequences of a world that differs from him and will treat him differently because of it. While I think the dad should have done more than put on a silly hot pink skirt, I think his reaction was far better than how I imagine a lot of parents would behave.

At that point, I rescind my previous statement and I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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First of all, never lose your shit over a woman. There's 3.5 billion other ones.

Second, don't be such a pussy. You think you're the first guy to go through this situation? What gives you the right to curl up in a little ball over the rest of men who have moved forward? Oh, was this girl special? No. No she fucking wasn't. There is no snowflake. There are people you are compatible with and people you aren't, and this chick was the latter.

Press on.

Truer words have never been spoken. While I disagree with this dude on the whole skirt issue that I haven't quite read through yet, I whole heartedly agree with this statement. What kind of fvcked woman strings along an ex for 20 years? I'll tell ya what kind, the kind you don't want to get involved with. Just be thankful it happened sooner than later.

I can speak from experience. I got married at age 20 to a girl I started dating in high school, had a son and was divorced by age 24. After dating a few women who had some 'separation from their exes' issues, I met my current wife. We've been together for 17 years now with 2 boys.

Which brings me around to the 'boys wearing dresses' issue. My youngest is 11 and wears big, fuzzy, hot pink socks around the house to keep warm. He doesn't wear dresses and if he wanted to, I'd hand him a kilt, which by the way ISN'T a skirt. I'm not even remotely Scottish and I recognize that it's a mans garment. If he wants to wear a dress and put on make up AFTER he gets older, then that's his choice. If you had a son, maybe you'd think different. Note that I said maybe, I'm just speaking from my own experience with 3 sons. They are 21, 15 and 11 and sometimes I wish we had tried for a girl. Maybe I'd change my stance...who knows.

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Truer words have never been spoken. While I disagree with this dude on the whole skirt issue that I haven't quite read through yet, I whole heartedly agree with this statement. What kind of fvcked woman strings along an ex for 20 years? I'll tell ya what kind, the kind you don't want to get involved with. Just be thankful it happened sooner than later.

I can speak from experience. I got married at age 20 to a girl I started dating in high school, had a son and was divorced by age 24. After dating a few women who had some 'separation from their exes' issues, I met my current wife. We've been together for 17 years now with 2 boys.

Which brings me around to the 'boys wearing dresses' issue. My youngest is 11 and wears big, fuzzy, hot pink socks around the house to keep warm. He doesn't wear dresses and if he wanted to, I'd hand him a kilt, which by the way ISN'T a skirt. I'm not even remotely Scottish and I recognize that it's a mans garment. If he wants to wear a dress and put on make up AFTER he gets older, then that's his choice. If you had a son, maybe you'd think different. Note that I said maybe, I'm just speaking from my own experience with 3 sons. They are 21, 15 and 11 and sometimes I wish we had tried for a girl. Maybe I'd change my stance...who knows.


This is what I am referring to. Around the house is one thing. But allowing your 5 yr old kid to wear dresses to school....another matter entirely. This is the article in question: http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/dad-protects-son-bullies-wearing-skirt-guess-works-153600107.html

I am a conservative Christian and believe that there are gender roles (no I am not saying women belong barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.) for a reason.

Here is a Christian blog that mimicks pretty much what I believe http://www.churchandculture.org/Blog.asp?ID=3168 (note this was written 2 weeks before the other article, and was originally written over a year ago)

It might be something that we may have to agree to disagree on.

Kilt as defined by Merriam-Webster:


noun (Concise Encyclopedia)

Knee-length, skirtlike garment worn by men as part of the traditional national garb, or Highland dress, of Scotland. It is made of permanently pleated wool and wrapped around the wearer's waist so that the pleats are in the back and the flat ends overlap in front. It is usually worn with the plaid, a rectangular length of cloth draped over the left shoulder. Both kilt and plaid are woven with a tartan pattern. The ensemble, which developed in the 17th century, is worn for ordinary purposes as well as for special occasions. Highland dress is the uniform of Scottish regiments in the British army; kilts were worn into battle as recently as World War II.

Skirt as defined by Merriam Webster:

Definition of SKIRT


a (1) : a free-hanging part of an outer garment or undergarment extending from the waist down (2) : a separate free-hanging outer garment or undergarment usually worn by women and girls covering some or all of the body from the waist down

I believe there is a difference between between a skirt and kilt due to the cultural and historical significance behind them. Again we may have to agree to disagree.

Oh and sorry about the wall o' Rob posts. It was the easiest way to respond to a post as I came across it.


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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This is what I am referring to. Around the house is one thing. But allowing your 5 yr old kid to wear dresses to school....another matter entirely. This is the article in question: http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/dad-protects-son-bullies-wearing-skirt-guess-works-153600107.html

I am a conservative Christian and believe that there are gender roles (no I am not saying women belong barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.) for a reason.

Here is a Christian blog that mimicks pretty much what I believe http://www.churchandculture.org/Blog.asp?ID=3168 (note this was written 2 weeks before the other article, and was originally written over a year ago)

It might be something that we may have to agree to disagree on.

Kilt as defined by Merriam-Webster:


noun (Concise Encyclopedia)

Knee-length, skirtlike garment worn by men as part of the traditional national garb, or Highland dress, of Scotland. It is made of permanently pleated wool and wrapped around the wearer's waist so that the pleats are in the back and the flat ends overlap in front. It is usually worn with the plaid, a rectangular length of cloth draped over the left shoulder. Both kilt and plaid are woven with a tartan pattern. The ensemble, which developed in the 17th century, is worn for ordinary purposes as well as for special occasions. Highland dress is the uniform of Scottish regiments in the British army; kilts were worn into battle as recently as World War II.

Skirt as defined by Merriam Webster:

Definition of SKIRT


a (1) : a free-hanging part of an outer garment or undergarment extending from the waist down (2) : a separate free-hanging outer garment or undergarment usually worn by women and girls covering some or all of the body from the waist down

I believe there is a difference between between a skirt and kilt due to the cultural and historical significance behind them. Again we may have to agree to disagree.

Oh and sorry about the wall o' Rob posts. It was the easiest way to respond to a post as I came across it.

We'll probably both get blasted by someone, but I agree. I try to teach my boys self discipline, self respect, and respect toward others. I hope that will help them rise above any bullying. They will also know self defense and when it is appropriate to use it. I don't think the area I live in know is near as rough as where I grew up and I pray they never have to use what they are taught. They are sharp and I hope they can use their minds to defuse any situation. My oldest is five and I don't see drawing more attention to himself as the best way to prevent a bullying situation. I have not read the article, but I would assume it is a kid in his class that is doing the bullying. What kind of parent would make a five year old so vindictive that he takes it out on another five year old? IMO, at that age bullying is an outlet for something going on at the house or lack there of. You don't have a lot of social interaction and as a parent of a five year old I can tell you that his innocence astounds me, but he is like a sponge and absorbs everything. I do my best to protect that and feed his mind with what is good and right while explaining when he hears something wrong and especially when he repeats it why it is wrong. Raising children is not easy and I fear some peoples warped perception of reality and ego do them harm and makes their life a bigger struggle than it should be.

Dwarf Monk

Challenge thread

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difference between between a skirt and kilt due to the cultural and historical significance behind them.

so like everything else, this 'difference' is little more than opinion. decontextualized, they are the same thing. a dress/skirt can be manly, if given enough context (such as the case of kilts). see also: link, robin hood, the entire samurai class. Even the ancient greek and roman togas are dress-like. Pretty sure most of the images of Jesus show him wearing a robe, which is just another name for dress.

AND even if that child is wearing a dress to 'be girly', that's not a terrible thing. He's not hurting anyone, are you worried that this might reflect poorly on you or something? That other parents might shake their heads and 'tsk' at you for not loving your child enough to make him wear pants?

lets not forget that going against the grain, being different, and being weird are all parts of nerd fitness. embrace that about yourself, and embrace those qualities in others.


AZSF - lvl 4 assassin

STR - 9 | DEX - 12 | STA - 10.5 | CON - 7 | WIS - 8.5 | CHA - 1

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alright men. big news/question.

It is quite possible...like...nearly 100% that i am buying a ticket to move to phoenix arizona to live with... Loren Wade.

I have no job lined up, but my job here is about to be gone. And as it stands right now I dont have anything here to...i cant think of the words. let me try it this way.

the only thing about my situation that will change is the people/scenery. but the way things have been in my life here that is probably a good thing. a very good thing. and if it doesnt work out i have a support system and could always come back.

I feel the majority of me telling me to go. but a small part of me is saying no and i dont know why. fear maybe? just uncertainty? i have no idea.

If you were me what would you do? Should I go? I think it would be a fantastic adventure. Which is more exciting to me than anything else.

Delurking to say:

1. my fb is being stupid

2. DO IT, even though I'm pretty sure you already are

3. Keep December 1st open ;) Unless you have an equally hot (yeah right) equally awesome (ha) friend in the Midwest....yeah, didn't think so!

4. I wish my fb was working

5. I still haven't been reading any personal posts in this thread because I feel it's disrespectful to the dudes when I'm not 'fessing up to reading, but

6. Snake, you're the bomb. You deserve true happiness and all the good things in the world. And, THANK YOU. LOVE to you. SO much. This is a good thing.

7. Loren, I will walk to Phoenix and kick your ass personally if you don't take care of my broski. At the same time I know there's no question you are doing just that and so much more. 'Specially after seeing the pic of your lovely lady's gams and your Chucks....good people, obviously :) I've always been drawn to and respected who you are here at NF, and that is tenfold now. Much props to you, and Much Love.

Um...and because i totally am a men's thread creeper, because I MISS SO MUCH the banter between my 'boys' and read here to recapture that easy back-and-forth with no games-- Church, you're a hottie. Hang in there. From my girls that've been where you are, it's worth the anguish and stress, because if you figure you're sending messages to anyone that seems compatible that's the same thing as TALKING to every girl you see in person that seems remotely 'right' -- the numbers are always going to be skewed one way, but none of the statistics matter when you find the one that fits. One of my best friends found her fiance online, but actually wrote him off after the first date-- she had a preset idea of "dealbreakers" while he merely thought she was awesome-- I talked her into giving him a chance (ok he did too) and they've been blissed out for over a year now, getting married next summer-- he was a total introvert whose brother made his profile, he had set it to cancel 2 days after she contacted him, and he came across all awkward and nutty in person the first few times (it took her friends including me a few more times to really get him hahaha, we could see THEY gelled but he is a true introvert and didn't give a shit what we all thought :D ) -- not that any of that is very motivational for you, but maybe helps in the sense of Be Yourself even if the venue is the internet and you're more likely to stumble on something real. Patience and practice, just like anything else :) On the flip side, from my own experience, if you're suddenly finding yourself in a place of being lonely it's sooo hard to pull out enough to project total confidence and don't-care-ness -- I never never never thought I'd be the 'casual fling' type, but the one and only casual hangout I've had was just the kick to build confidence and practice interacting with a relative stranger in a situation that had no emotional stakes -- so if you get hit back by girls you don't *think* are girls you'd want to hang with, do it anyway just for the "practice" ....yeah I know I'm not any help. I would be if you lived closer ;)

To the rest of you: You are AMAZING. You are TRUE MEN. And I FUCKING LOVE YOU ALL.

Peace. Blessings. LOVE.

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AND even if that child is wearing a dress to 'be girly', that's not a terrible thing. He's not hurting anyone, are you worried that this might reflect poorly on you or something? That other parents might shake their heads and 'tsk' at you for not loving your child enough to make him wear pants?

As I said, it is something that we will have to agree to disagree on. I don't agree with his parenting choices, but I am not going to attack him because of it. I also think that the entire situation could have been avoided or prevented by having the boy wear "normal" clothes outside the house.


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

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Guest Snake McClain
Delurking to say:

1. my fb is being stupid

2. DO IT, even though I'm pretty sure you already are

3. Keep December 1st open ;) Unless you have an equally hot (yeah right) equally awesome (ha) friend in the Midwest....yeah, didn't think so!

4. I wish my fb was working

5. I still haven't been reading any personal posts in this thread because I feel it's disrespectful to the dudes when I'm not 'fessing up to reading, but

6. Snake, you're the bomb. You deserve true happiness and all the good things in the world. And, THANK YOU. LOVE to you. SO much. This is a good thing.

7. Loren, I will walk to Phoenix and kick your ass personally if you don't take care of my broski. At the same time I know there's no question you are doing just that and so much more. 'Specially after seeing the pic of your lovely lady's gams and your Chucks....good people, obviously :) I've always been drawn to and respected who you are here at NF, and that is tenfold now. Much props to you, and Much Love.

Um...and because i totally am a men's thread creeper, because I MISS SO MUCH the banter between my 'boys' and read here to recapture that easy back-and-forth with no games-- Church, you're a hottie. Hang in there. From my girls that've been where you are, it's worth the anguish and stress, because if you figure you're sending messages to anyone that seems compatible that's the same thing as TALKING to every girl you see in person that seems remotely 'right' -- the numbers are always going to be skewed one way, but none of the statistics matter when you find the one that fits. One of my best friends found her fiance online, but actually wrote him off after the first date-- she had a preset idea of "dealbreakers" while he merely thought she was awesome-- I talked her into giving him a chance (ok he did too) and they've been blissed out for over a year now, getting married next summer-- he was a total introvert whose brother made his profile, he had set it to cancel 2 days after she contacted him, and he came across all awkward and nutty in person the first few times (it took her friends including me a few more times to really get him hahaha, we could see THEY gelled but he is a true introvert and didn't give a shit what we all thought :D ) -- not that any of that is very motivational for you, but maybe helps in the sense of Be Yourself even if the venue is the internet and you're more likely to stumble on something real. Patience and practice, just like anything else :) On the flip side, from my own experience, if you're suddenly finding yourself in a place of being lonely it's sooo hard to pull out enough to project total confidence and don't-care-ness -- I never never never thought I'd be the 'casual fling' type, but the one and only casual hangout I've had was just the kick to build confidence and practice interacting with a relative stranger in a situation that had no emotional stakes -- so if you get hit back by girls you don't *think* are girls you'd want to hang with, do it anyway just for the "practice" ....yeah I know I'm not any help. I would be if you lived closer ;)

To the rest of you: You are AMAZING. You are TRUE MEN. And I FUCKING LOVE YOU ALL.

Peace. Blessings. LOVE.

d'awwww. katscratch you're too good to me. an amazing friend. but you know this.

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Opinion. Sure, we can go with that. I have a pair of nice shoes that have a bit of a heel. So does my wife. Technically they're both shoes, but I can tell the difference between the girls shoe and the mans and so can anyone else. If I was wearing her denim skirt and she was a wearing a kilt, would it still be someones opinion wether or not we had picked up the wrong clothes that morning? I think it would be obvious.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome what the dad did for his boy. It's just not something I would do. I also wouldn't go as far as saying that there is something wrong with the boy. He is far too young to try and understand the whole gender thing. That's another problem with adults, they think children are miniature adults that can think and rationalize just like adults. They can't, so we need to stop treating them like they can.

My oldest son carried a doll around until he was 8. My youngest collected stuffed animals until he was 9. While I was a bit uncomfortable with it, I never discouraged them. There is nothing wrong with either of them and there is no doubt as to wether or not they are boys.

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Loren, I will walk to Phoenix and kick your ass personally if you don't take care of my broski. At the same time I know there's no question you are doing just that and so much more. 'Specially after seeing the pic of your lovely lady's gams and your Chucks....good people, obviously :) I've always been drawn to and respected who you are here at NF, and that is tenfold now. Much props to you, and Much Love.

Thanks a lot. :) I love that pic too. Hahaha.

Let it be known that we are taking very good care of Bruce. :)

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