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Guest Snake McClain

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I think the call to "agree to disagree" here might have come from a desire to avoid confrontation, and if that's the case then I first want to thank you for the genteel spirit behind that comment.

As a side note, it's interesting to me that bullying became the focus of the matter so quickly. Nowhere in the father's original article was bullying mentioned -- you have to project our current American fascination with bullies onto his actual story in order to get that. Shame on you, Yahoo News. Doesn't anyone read primary texts anymore?

Yes, the agree to disagree was a desire to avoid confrontation. Also in part that my beliefs are not going to change. I believe that boys should dress and act like boys, and girls should dress and act like girls. So they are actually quite important to me, but I don't believe that if others feel differently, I am going to change their mind. So in order to head off a potential and useless argument, I will agree to disagree.

As for the bullying portion between the town wide problem and "A new school didn't make life any easier for his young son. Shortly after his first day, he stopped reveling in his own tastes and Pickert worried about the damage it could wreak on his self-confidence" the bullying was inferred(why else would he stop reveling in his own tastes)? And the last paragraph does mention the bullying part as well.

On an unrelated note, I gave my notice today. Nervous as hell, but I will be home around the 12th of November for good.


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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(pulls up a stool in front of a raging hearth)

Loren Wade, come hither and tip a glass with me if you will, we've business to speak to, and the air outside begins to chill my bones... autumn is coming afterall...

Now let it be known fair Brothern o' the Man council, we all repects ye and trust ye with our fair cargo, but I feels t'is my duty to let ye know a thing 'er two from what the great expanse expects from ye as well...

Loren, you done a fine job helpin' a brother in need, o're and above us regular mates, so kudos be yore'n my brother. What I needs to speak to ye regards our dear Bruce. Some say he's fragile cargo, but I disagree. What ye gots there, me fellow is a nere more than a tansplanted tree. A Weepin' Willow to be exact, and ye needs to heed to it. Lotsa folks claim Bruce as an oak, proud and strong but I says "ney", "why for?" you may ask "He's a big fellow, stands for what he believes in?", and the answer is simple: When the great wind blows, who bends to the great will o' the weather but doesn't break me hearties? Who's left when all around is chaos and rubbble? The noble Willow for sure. I know we'd all like to be equated to the noble Oak or Maple, proud and strong, dominating the landscape, but ye all know me fellows, that soon after the storm all these mighty trees be found laying horizontal, broken in half by the winds of change, simple as a night repost...take a nap ye fallen soldiers. No, me hearties, our fellow Bruce is a Willow, and sure enough the weeping kind. For simply he wears his heart upon his jacket for all to see, and all the better 'fore I speak it...it's a harsh mark to wear but those of us who are set such ways know that it's "got it's ups and downs". Now the the Black Willow, known to grow proud and strong by the riverside, often cracks in half upon the pressure if a great storm or (in fact) the pressure of it's our greateness, and this is why our fellow is likened to a Weeping Willow, weeping for now but enduring. Nay me fellows, Bruce is a willow, fore after the great storm, when all are wandering lost upon the broke vestiges of what they once knew, the Willow stands tall and strong flowing in the winds of change. Flexible to the will of nature and the better for it.

Now, Loren Wade, this tree prospers under pressure. You already know that it takes nuturing and care (and lots of water ;) ) to keep this noble creature flourishing, but it also requires space. Yes me hearty, depsite yer best intentions to heal and protect our tree, what best concerns our fellow is simply to push it out-of-doors and let it grow roots. Occassionally, ye may need to water as the baking sun gets too hot for an eastern tree, and more-than-a-few-times you'll need to fertilize our friend with advice and some tough-love, but listen close our entrusted friend: This tree needsto be be placed outside to flourish. Protection, feeding, all watering are necessities, but this tree needs to see the sun.

We here at the Man-Council have entrusted you (our most nobel of members) with a great asset, we are confident you will excel in your task, however the coucil are here to assist you in any way you may require.

Please forgive the ramblings of an "old" man (kicks the fire with his wooden leg and resets his pipe), set sail now for the great beyond. Find great adenture with your new transplant, and be sure to keep us all abreast of the great "what to come".

Fare ye well sons of the council, (raises pint) "to greatness!"


Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Guest Snake McClain
(pulls up a stool in front of a raging hearth)

Loren Wade, come hither and tip a glass with me if you will, we've business to speak to, and the air outside begins to chill my bones... autumn is coming afterall...

Now let it be known fair Brothern o' the Man council, we all repects ye and trust ye with our fair cargo, but I feels t'is my duty to let ye know a thing 'er two from what the great expanse expects from ye as well...

Loren, you done a fine job helpin' a brother in need, o're and above us regular mates, so kudos be yore'n my brother. What I needs to speak to ye regards our dear Bruce. Some say he's fragile cargo, but I disagree. What ye gots there, me fellow is a nere more than a tansplanted tree. A Weepin' Willow to be exact, and ye needs to heed to it. Lotsa folks claim Bruce as an oak, proud and strong but I says "ney", "why for?" you may ask "He's a big fellow, stands for what he believes in?", and the answer is simple: When the great wind blows, who bends to the great will o' the weather but doesn't break me hearties? Who's left when all around is chaos and rubbble? The noble Willow for sure. I know we'd all like to be equated to the noble Oak or Maple, proud and strong, dominating the landscape, but ye all know me fellows, that soon after the storm all these mighty trees be found laying horizontal, broken in half by the winds of change, simple as a night repost...take a nap ye fallen soldiers. No, me hearties, our fellow Bruce is a Willow, and sure enough the weeping kind. For simply he wears his heart upon his jacket for all to see, and all the better 'fore I speak it...it's a harsh mark to wear but those of us who are set such ways know that it's "got it's ups and downs". Now the the Black Willow, known to grow proud and strong by the riverside, often cracks in half upon the pressure if a great storm or (in fact) the pressure of it's our greateness, and this is why our fellow is likened to a Weeping Willow, weeping for now but enduring. Nay me fellows, Bruce is a willow, fore after the great storm, when all are wandering lost upon the broke vestiges of what they once knew, the Willow stands tall and strong flowing in the winds of change. Flexible to the will of nature and the better for it.

Now, Loren Wade, this tree prospers under pressure. You already know that it takes nuturing and care (and lots of water ;) ) to keep this noble creature flourishing, but it also requires space. Yes me hearty, depsite yer best intentions to heal and protect our tree, what best concerns our fellow is simply to push it out-of-doors and let it grow roots. Occassionally, ye may need to water as the baking sun gets too hot for an eastern tree, and more-than-a-few-times you'll need to fertilize our friend with advice and some tough-love, but listen close our entrusted friend: This tree needsto be be placed outside to flourish. Protection, feeding, all watering are necessities, but this tree needs to see the sun.

We here at the Man-Council have entrusted you (our most nobel of members) with a great asset, we are confident you will excel in your task, however the coucil are here to assist you in any way you may require.

Please forgive the ramblings of an "old" man (kicks the fire with his wooden leg and resets his pipe), set sail now for the great beyond. Find great adenture with your new transplant, and be sure to keep us all abreast of the great "what to come".

Fare ye well sons of the council, (raises pint) "to greatness!"

I know there is a compliment for me in there somewhere (kidding i saw it). Thank you guys. Seriously. That just made my (first) morning (in Phoenix). After paying my bills I have and seeing what money I have left, and seeing pictures of the now ex online with her new (old) man. It isn't exactly...it's been a rough morning. This brightened my day.

Loved the way it was written K-Grill

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(pulls up a stool in front of a raging hearth)

Loren Wade, come hither and tip a glass with me if you will, we've business to speak to, and the air outside begins to chill my bones... autumn is coming afterall...

Now let it be known fair Brothern o' the Man council, we all repects ye and trust ye with our fair cargo, but I feels t'is my duty to let ye know a thing 'er two from what the great expanse expects from ye as well...

Loren, you done a fine job helpin' a brother in need, o're and above us regular mates, so kudos be yore'n my brother. What I needs to speak to ye regards our dear Bruce. Some say he's fragile cargo, but I disagree. What ye gots there, me fellow is a nere more than a tansplanted tree. A Weepin' Willow to be exact, and ye needs to heed to it. Lotsa folks claim Bruce as an oak, proud and strong but I says "ney", "why for?" you may ask "He's a big fellow, stands for what he believes in?", and the answer is simple: When the great wind blows, who bends to the great will o' the weather but doesn't break me hearties? Who's left when all around is chaos and rubbble? The noble Willow for sure. I know we'd all like to be equated to the noble Oak or Maple, proud and strong, dominating the landscape, but ye all know me fellows, that soon after the storm all these mighty trees be found laying horizontal, broken in half by the winds of change, simple as a night repost...take a nap ye fallen soldiers. No, me hearties, our fellow Bruce is a Willow, and sure enough the weeping kind. For simply he wears his heart upon his jacket for all to see, and all the better 'fore I speak it...it's a harsh mark to wear but those of us who are set such ways know that it's "got it's ups and downs". Now the the Black Willow, known to grow proud and strong by the riverside, often cracks in half upon the pressure if a great storm or (in fact) the pressure of it's our greateness, and this is why our fellow is likened to a Weeping Willow, weeping for now but enduring. Nay me fellows, Bruce is a willow, fore after the great storm, when all are wandering lost upon the broke vestiges of what they once knew, the Willow stands tall and strong flowing in the winds of change. Flexible to the will of nature and the better for it.

Now, Loren Wade, this tree prospers under pressure. You already know that it takes nuturing and care (and lots of water ;) ) to keep this noble creature flourishing, but it also requires space. Yes me hearty, depsite yer best intentions to heal and protect our tree, what best concerns our fellow is simply to push it out-of-doors and let it grow roots. Occassionally, ye may need to water as the baking sun gets too hot for an eastern tree, and more-than-a-few-times you'll need to fertilize our friend with advice and some tough-love, but listen close our entrusted friend: This tree needsto be be placed outside to flourish. Protection, feeding, all watering are necessities, but this tree needs to see the sun.

We here at the Man-Council have entrusted you (our most nobel of members) with a great asset, we are confident you will excel in your task, however the coucil are here to assist you in any way you may require.

Please forgive the ramblings of an "old" man (kicks the fire with his wooden leg and resets his pipe), set sail now for the great beyond. Find great adenture with your new transplant, and be sure to keep us all abreast of the great "what to come".

Fare ye well sons of the council, (raises pint) "to greatness!"


I don't even know what to say except +1.

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Guest Snake McClain

The movie WILLOW is amazing. Val Kilmer's best role ever second ONLY to his performance in "the doors". seriously incredible fantasy movie. Fantastic.

I will get Loren to watch this.

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I've always like Val Kilmer in Tombstone as Doc Holliday.

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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So I had quite a bit too much to drink last night. Went to bed at 4:00, woke up at 9:00 with the most amazing pains in my right shoulder, neck, back and on my head. Turns out I somewhat randomly had decided to get out of bed and go downstairs. I then fell off the stairs and banged my head into a closet. Doctor diagnosed a concussion. I'm somewhat dizzy most of the time, have to focus on walking straight. But that's relatively minor compared to the damage of the impact. My shoulder issue has gone haywire, I can barely do anything with it now. Neck is feeling off as well. Oh, and look at my back!


Yeah, kids, don't drink too much. Bad things happen.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Guest Snake McClain
So I had quite a bit too much to drink last night. Went to bed at 4:00, woke up at 9:00 with the most amazing pains in my right shoulder, neck, back and on my head. Turns out I somewhat randomly had decided to get out of bed and go downstairs. I then fell off the stairs and banged my head into a closet. Doctor diagnosed a concussion. I'm somewhat dizzy most of the time, have to focus on walking straight. But that's relatively minor compared to the damage of the impact. My shoulder issue has gone haywire, I can barely do anything with it now. Neck is feeling off as well. Oh, and look at my back!


Yeah, kids, don't drink too much. Bad things happen.

but man what a story!

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Here's a question for the man-council. And any of the lovely ladies that follow this can chime in as well.

The other day I was going through my stuff and I came a cross my grad ring. I graduated in '06, when I was 17. I'm now a few months shy of 24. Can I get away with wearing it still? Or should it remain packed away?

It's a silver band with a blue gem set in it. It is otherwise unmarked anywhere that is visible.

"Oh, fear not in a world like this, And thou shalt know erelong, Know how sublime a thing it is, To suffer and be strong."  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Battle Log - MyFitnessPal - FitBIt

To get something you've never had, you have to become someone you've never been.

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Guest Snake McClain
Here's a question for the man-council. And any of the lovely ladies that follow this can chime in as well.

The other day I was going through my stuff and I came a cross my grad ring. I graduated in '06, when I was 17. I'm now a few months shy of 24. Can I get away with wearing it still? Or should it remain packed away?

It's a silver band with a blue gem set in it. It is otherwise unmarked anywhere that is visible.

personally i never had a class ring. didnt care for it. so i would say don't wear it. what is the point? my feelings are that a piece of jewelry is a symbol of something...at least a ring like that is. so i dunno...i would say no. but...then i dont like those kinds of rings to begin with.

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Here's a question for the man-council. And any of the lovely ladies that follow this can chime in as well.

The other day I was going through my stuff and I came a cross my grad ring. I graduated in '06, when I was 17. I'm now a few months shy of 24. Can I get away with wearing it still? Or should it remain packed away?

It's a silver band with a blue gem set in it. It is otherwise unmarked anywhere that is visible.

If it is relatively plain, I say there's no problem wearing it. Until it disappeared, I would normally wear a silver spinner ring with faint crosses on it. I have no specific reason for wearing it other than it looks good.

Now, if it was something like these I would say that's too gaudy to be worn even during graduation.


Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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If it is relatively plain, I say there's no problem wearing it. Until it disappeared, I would normally wear a silver spinner ring with faint crosses on it. I have no specific reason for wearing it other than it looks good.

Now, if it was something like these I would say that's too gaudy to be worn even during graduation.


It's a similar style to the one on the bottom right, except with no engraving. I'm thinking of just wearing a cheap silver band instead, or getting a purely aesthetic one like you describe.

"Oh, fear not in a world like this, And thou shalt know erelong, Know how sublime a thing it is, To suffer and be strong."  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Battle Log - MyFitnessPal - FitBIt

To get something you've never had, you have to become someone you've never been.

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personally i never had a class ring. didnt care for it. so i would say don't wear it. what is the point? my feelings are that a piece of jewelry is a symbol of something...at least a ring like that is. so i dunno...i would say no. but...then i dont like those kinds of rings to begin with.

If you like it, wear it!


Scout Commander (ret.)

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