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Guest Snake McClain

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Guest Snake McClain

I have this issue too, about being intimidated by people I believe are better than me at something. At work especially. But the key is to remember the one thing that you are a badass at and that you KNOW you are better than them. This helps to keep it in perspective that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. :)

Not at work so much. but things i care about a lot. Like lifting. wrestling. smoothness with ladies. I really am not good at anything but writing (seriously nothing) and i'm good with kids. Besides that I kind of suck at a lot of stuff. So lifting which i feel sort of okay at (but not really) and wrestling...and knowing things about how to fix stuff...or how to hunt. or be tough. or be manly. or confident. or...everything. I get really intimidated by people that are good at these things. When people talk about something i wish i could do but i have no idea what they're saying. It makes me feel crappy inside. It's hard to know i'm better than someone at someone when I know i am not.

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Little update: My son had four friends over at once yesterday... and one of them was former bully "Big" Ben. Ben, as it turns out, has severe epilepsy and serious problems with one eye, and apparently when he heard about my son's arthritis, they just started talking one day in the library, and now they hang out. Go fig.

Still wants to learn Go-Shin Do "so I can fight off my sisters. They're crazy-ass, dad."

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Guest Snake McClain
Little update: My son had four friends over at once yesterday... and one of them was former bully "Big" Ben. Ben, as it turns out, has severe epilepsy and serious problems with one eye, and apparently when he heard about my son's arthritis, they just started talking one day in the library, and now they hang out. Go fig.

Still wants to learn Go-Shin Do "so I can fight off my sisters. They're crazy-ass, dad."

I since he is buddies with this kid now if that will stifle further bullying from others?

And he should do this Go shin anyway. will be good for him. :D

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Not at work so much. but things i care about a lot. Like lifting. wrestling. smoothness with ladies. I really am not good at anything but writing (seriously nothing) and i'm good with kids. Besides that I kind of suck at a lot of stuff. So lifting which i feel sort of okay at (but not really) and wrestling...and knowing things about how to fix stuff...or how to hunt. or be tough. or be manly. or confident. or...everything. I get really intimidated by people that are good at these things. When people talk about something i wish i could do but i have no idea what they're saying. It makes me feel crappy inside. It's hard to know i'm better than someone at someone when I know i am not.

Why does it matter if someone is better than you at something? There is certainly something that you're better at than they are, and if you work at it, you can easily have something where you're better than 99% of the world. Maybe I've just met too many really talented people, and realized that so many of them are jerks or losers. I've lost my taste for the talented people, although I keep my enjoyment of their talent, if that makes any sense.

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1.39 vs 2.84... dear me.... got some work to do fellas.... We're being Emasculated.

Yep. My end game is 600 lb. At least it will be close.

I do the same thing with men stronger than me. It's a fear thing. I don't mind having the crap beat out of me in wrestling but put me in a room with people who are better than me at something and I'm terrified.

I used to have this problem and I began purposely being way overconfident in situations until confidence started being a part of my personality and I didn't have to try anymore. I used to not be able to talk to attractive women or athletic people, no problem now. I've actually over done it slightly and come off arrogant now and again, so I'm currently trying to tone it back down.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Guest Snake McClain
Anyone else notice we've got over 10k views on this thread? Pretty darn impressive gentleman.

I actually did notice this. I also noticed how we have near 700 replies. my only concern is how many of these views are women?


that's because we're brilliant.

It's true.

Why does it matter if someone is better than you at something? There is certainly something that you're better at than they are, and if you work at it, you can easily have something where you're better than 99% of the world. Maybe I've just met too many really talented people, and realized that so many of them are jerks or losers. I've lost my taste for the talented people, although I keep my enjoyment of their talent, if that makes any sense.

I see what you're saying and i understand what you mean by jerks being the ones that are good at stuff. I guess i just always wanted to be good at something...ANYTHING really so it's difficult for me to be comfortable around people who excel at different activities or skills. I know through hard work I can achieve what I want...but there is that bit of luck that doesn't always come for people. Genetics plays a huge role too. Maybe I just have loser stink on me and it won't wash off? *shrug*

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GOMAD might not be fully necessary. I'd suggest starting off small. Have a tall glass of milk with every meal and see how you progress. Add more as necessary - you might not need a full gallon to make the gains you desire, and if you find that point of comfort, you can avoid excessive fat gain.

ALSO: You don't need to compete with others on things like lifting/wrestling/game. You only need to compete with yourself. As long as you are constantly striving to be better on one day than you were the day before, then you have nothing to worry about.

Valar Morghulis
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I see what you're saying and i understand what you mean by jerks being the ones that are good at stuff. I guess i just always wanted to be good at something...ANYTHING really so it's difficult for me to be comfortable around people who excel at different activities or skills. I know through hard work I can achieve what I want...but there is that bit of luck that doesn't always come for people. Genetics plays a huge role too. Maybe I just have loser stink on me and it won't wash off? *shrug*

Only if you choose for it to be. Not to toot my own horn, but growing up I was squarely in the middle of the pack athletically. I kept searching around until I found the thing I could excel in, and kept at it. I ended up doing very well. As the saying goes, if I can, anyone can.

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Guest Snake McClain

GOMAD might not be fully necessary. I'd suggest starting off small. Have a tall glass of milk with every meal and see how you progress. Add more as necessary - you might not need a full gallon to make the gains you desire, and if you find that point of comfort, you can avoid excessive fat gain.

ALSO: You don't need to compete with others on things like lifting/wrestling/game. You only need to compete with yourself. As long as you are constantly striving to be better on one day than you were the day before, then you have nothing to worry about.

I don't midn doing the gallon a day. i actually considered starting with a half gallon and seeing what that does. But...I dunno man the prescription is for one full gallon and I don't mind going all out and going for it. I think the biggest struggle will be the cutting phase but I'm working on a plan for that as well. I think/feel it is necessary. i drank milk a TON growing up. Easily three or four glasses for dinner. at lunch at least one. and definitely at breakfast. Seriously people commented on how much milk i drank...it's been a long time since i've done that however I still have a hard time gaining. even now. And i want the best and biggest muscle growth possible. On that note I have another question to bring up but i will do so below....

Only if you choose for it to be. Not to toot my own horn, but growing up I was squarely in the middle of the pack athletically. I kept searching around until I found the thing I could excel in, and kept at it. I ended up doing very well. As the saying goes, if I can, anyone can.

I think you're right. i just need to go at it and ignore what others are doing. it's just hard for me as i always feel compared to others..even though it is probabbly just me doing the comapring.

Okay so question time...I'm realizing that something is amiss in my workouts...or rather post workout??? I work out. I do 3 sets of 6-8 (sometimes 10 depending) and i get fatigued in that particularly exercise. so i can't do anymore..but then i'm not sure anymore. I can add a little weight to the exercises but...man seriously I am not getting sore from most of the stuff i do the next day or the day after. There is no DOMS. no soreness. So i am starting to feel like maybe I'm not actually building muscle? I'm at a point where I'm not sure I'm getting bigger. this is especially true in regards to my back and shoulder exercises. Not all my lifts are gaining in weight either. so...yeah i dunno. Do you guys have some suggestions? Make them as manly as possible (i.e. bench press logs, fight a rhino etc..)

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Little update: My son had four friends over at once yesterday... and one of them was former bully "Big" Ben. Ben, as it turns out, has severe epilepsy and serious problems with one eye, and apparently when he heard about my son's arthritis, they just started talking one day in the library, and now they hang out. Go fig.

Still wants to learn Go-Shin Do "so I can fight off my sisters. They're crazy-ass, dad."

Thanks for the 'Feel good moment of the day'.

Sometimes a bully isn't a bully on purpose. Sometimes there's an underlying reason for it. Maybe he thought it would be better to be feared than to be made fun of for HIS condition.

Glad it worked out.

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Soreness does not equal muscle growth. Soreness comes mainly from stressing your muscles in a new way. So if you're repeating the same exercises, you will have minimal soreness once you're used to it.

Now, you *do* want to change exercises and particularly reps from time to time to change the way your muscles stress, in which case you will feel some soreness again. BUT, you also want to give yourself a good amount of time with a given exercise so you can really push your limits. It takes a few weeks before you can really go all out on an exercise.

Put it this way. When you start a new exercise, or one that you haven't done for a while, you usually suck at it, right? You're using baby weights. Probably not building too much muscle at that point. And yet... if you push it at all, you're going to be sore the next day. This is what I mean that there's not much correlation between soreness and muscle building.

For me the best thing is to just keep doing more. Up the damn weight (this is my manly contribution). Find a workout partner and push each other hard (but safe, good form, etc). Research how to cycle exercises to give your body time to recover, and when it's time to go big, go *REAL* big.

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What's the 2.84 number?

2.84 times bodyweight, I assume

Well normal is a relative term there Tin Man :D

Touche. Normal for someone who is employed by Nerd Fitness and who's official job title is Master of the Deadlift?

I have this issue too, about being intimidated by people I believe are better than me at something. At work especially. But the key is to remember the one thing that you are a badass at and that you KNOW you are better than them. This helps to keep it in perspective that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. :)

I do this too. I'm not proud of this but when I'm intimidated by/jealous of someone's abilities I remind myself of something I know I'm better at to put things into perspective (i.e. no, they are not superhuman they're just very good at that thing)

Side note: do the boards have the ability to do an accent egu, as would go over touche?

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

Tin Man's Out of Date Epic Quest

I am what I do.


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Oh, we're talking about GOMAD now?

Right, half-GOMAD for the past 18 years (I drink at least 1L milk at lunch). I'm 1.83m (presumably my genetic limit as my father is 1.83m and my mother is 1.60m) and weigh 74kg. I run a sub-6-minute mile, a sub-50 10K, can perform 20 pushups chest-to-deck easily in good form and can pull myself up over a bar a couple of times. </brag>

Point is, milk is good for you.


Je n'ai pas d'envie de discuter ce subject. Supprimez votre post.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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On big sister/little brother rivalries. I saw an interview with Reggie Miller of NBA fame and one of the best outside shooters of all time. He HAD to learn to shoot from outside because his big sister (Cheryl Miller, one of best woman players of all time) would block everything he tried inside. Course she is 6' 4". I think he said he couldn't beat her one on one til he was a sophomore or junior in college. He scored something like 40 points in a high school game and got no comment from his parents....Cheryl had put up 98 or 100 in a college game that night.. bummer.. Course my memory may be off...

So the challenges you overcome can become your advantage later on in life.

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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