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suse and the motivation crisis

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About me… mid forties, 5'3", live in NZ… yes the best place in the whole wide world, but I am biased. Weigh in at 59kg which is 130lb. Not so bad you think. I have been skinny my whole life, my chicken legs are legendary!! Once I passed through 40 though, the weight started creeping on, and especially around my waistline. In fact, my waist is 32cm, and my hips are only 36cm… I am not liking being a barrel.

I don’t like exercise and I don’t like dieting (not that I've put a lot of effort into dieting cause I haven’t had to). I love a good NZ sauvignon blanc, however I like to use it to wash down potato chips and cheese and crackers before dinner. :) We are blessed in NZ with an abundance of fresh beautiful food. I don’t eat a lot though, I can say hand on heart that portion control is not my problem. I eat small and regular meals that for the most part, are balanced. I drink coke rarely, and never touch diet drinks. I have two midsized dogs that I saunter with rather than walk.

Don’t know how nerdy I am… I like playing bejewelled blitz on facebook, shockingly addictive trying to beat my friends scores! :shock: Love reading, enjoy flipping through people's blogs when I have the time.

Motivation is my biggest problem. Motivation to get started, to keep going, whatever. Basic laziness seems to prevent me from getting off my butt and exercising but I know I need to. I hope that here I might find people to give me a bit of support and encouragement. I find that I don’t want it from friends and family - that accountability to them just doesnt seem to work for me. I probably need to find people who don’t know me to push me along, and hopefully I in turn, can help someone else in the same boat.

Tomorrow I am starting a team training fitness program. 5 weeks, every Wednesday and Friday morning at 6am, meet at the local park with a group of strangers and do whatever it is we're told to do…I'm thinking its worth a crack, heck, I might enjoy it. But how to ensure I keep going for the 5 weeks is going to be my problem. The fact that I pay up front for the 5 week programme is not a guarantee I will go! You see my problem! Getting out of bed will be the hardest part of it. Mind you, doing exercise when I get home from work doesnt exactly thrill me either. So please… encourage me and hopefully I can encourage someone else.

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I think the best thing you can do is try a few different activities until you find one that you like...so that exercise doesn't feel like work.

Yoga, Tai Chi, Running, Bootcamps, Frisbee, Surfing, Kayaking, hiking, etc etc etc.

Just keep running through them until you find one that makes you go "weeeeeeeee!"

and stick with it :)


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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Hi how are you? welcome! You remind me of myself a little bit. I'm the same height, I portion control easily, and I am addicted to bejewelled blitz as well. i haven't touched it for 2 months, but now talking to you is making me think about it:S and i read blogs all the time and love to read.

For starters, make a posting in the weight loss battle page if you haven['t already. and every single day post in it. whether you worked out or didn't but post. know we are waiting to read about your day.

I used to do this half attempt at working out and losing weight. I would have some amazing kick butt days of working out and eating healthy, then fall off the wagon for a day or two, and then repeat the cycle. that has let me climb an extra 20 lbs to the already 30 I had to lose. NOT a good idea.

I started weight watchers, just go to a meeting or just google "bootcamp buddies" they can tell you what it is about. you don't have to pay , information is free on the internet.

either way, ensure that.....

you are drinking 8 cups of water daily, 4-5 fruit or veggie servings, 3 servings of protein and dairy. start with that, it is intimidating for sure.

since portion control isn't a problem try to pick better foods don't make drastic changes they dont last long. whatever you are craving to eat, eat half of it and a side salad.

put on your favorite season of a tv show, or a movie and work out to it. i'm so busy that the only time i get to watch some tv is if i work out.

if you just change and burn 500 more calories daily, in one week u can lose a pound. in little over a month thats 5 lbs. on our height, 5 lbs makes a huge difference!!

post your trials, n ur celebrations on here, we are here to help:)

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thanks curvy girly. I've started my challenge on the 28 day challenge board! Will be interesting to see how I go. My motivation is high today, but it is always the "tomorrow" that is the hard part!

I need to give up playing bejewelled blitz. I see jewels moving when I am trying to sleep :roll:

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Omg, haha i know what you mean about seeing jewels in your sleep. I think I've been without it for a few months now, and honestly... I feel alive again. Though I found a new addictive game,,, don't worry I'm not going to tell you.

Just think of it this way..

"today if i work out and eat well.... I am a lot hotter and closer to that hot bod, than I was yesterday"

for me, I try to burn 7000 calories a week, just from exercise. that's 2 lbs lost a week. I know a lot of stuff plays into it, but that's my mini goal. So every day I know I have to deposit some calories burnt to see a diff. Honestly, sometimes it's only a pound lost that week, but wow do I feel happy!!

Think of it that way. You are saving up every day a little bit and getting a big bonus at the end of the week`

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