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I only discovered nerdfitness.com last week, and already it feels like it might help transform my life.

By way of an introduction, I'm 32 years old and work in a pretty sedentary job as a Financial Planner. My weight has been creeping up gradually over the past five years or so. Whilst I've never been particularly 'skinny', I was in good shape until around my mid-twenties.

At the start of last year, I weighed in at 236lbs. It was an all-time high and an all-time low for me.

During 2011, I made a concerted effort to get my weight down through better eating and more exercise. I managed to get down to 212lbs in the summer, but by the end of the year my weight was back up at 228lbs.

In addition to weight problems, I've been suffering with what I've believed to be IBS for about ten years. Whilst there has been a clear correlation between what I eat and how I feel, I've not had the willpower to date to make fundamental changes to my diet and lifestyle to help fix this. Someone recently gave me an article which suggested SIBO as a potential reason for IBS, so whilst investigating that (and confirming it was most likely the real cause of my digestive problems), I stumbled across the Paleo Diet as a way to sort out SIBO and stop feeding the bad bacteria in my gut.

I only started on the Paleo Diet a few days ago (on 2nd Feb) but in the space of four days I have dropped 3.2lbs and already feel much (much) healthier. I've committed to following the diet for the rest of February to see what results I get. Depending on how that goes, it may become a permanent lifestyle change.

Another introduction to my life since the start of the year has been a rowing machine. I treated myself to a WaterRower and have spent the last month working up to the first 5km row I completed this evening in 21 minutes and 53 seconds.

My main fitness goal is to get from 228lbs and 26% bodyfat down to 185lbs and 10% bodyfat (or lower). I want a visible six-pack! Since starting out towards this goal, I have managed so far to get down to 215lbs and 24.5%, which is much better progress than I had expected. With the inspiration and support from nerdfitness.com, I'm confident I can keep moving in the right direction towards these goals.

I look forward to meeting people here with similar health and fitness goals, and hopefully sharing some of what I learn on this journey.

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hey martinb...I just started myself. It is amazing how much the diet can help you feel better. I am interested in the rowing machine. what did you get and what is your work out. Are you going to do weights at all? I think even alittle lifting or just body weight stuff like push-ups and pull ups will make you feel better. I started just trying to do push ups in the morning and night and have seen improvements in just 2 weeks.

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Welcome! I personally love me some paleo diet. I eat steak and bacon and eggs to my heart's content. We have similar goals (10% BF).

One thing you should know is that you're going to drop some muscle in your weight loss, it's never just fat. Right now you have 165lb lean body mass and at the end your looking at 167 lb. You'll probably drop down to 160lb and lower. Consider adding in weight lifting as this will a) minimize muscle loss while you lose weight and B) help build muscle back up later if you look to go that route after losing the muscle.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Thanks, washdcirmd. I went for the WaterRower Natural rowing machine; it was a choice between that and a Concept 2. I've bought cheap exercise machines in the past, and they never saw much use as they were not as comfortable or reassuringly sturdy as those found in the gym. My logic was to spend £900 on the rowing machine ($1,200?) and that would partially inspire me to workout regularly. Plus it's a work of art!

My workouts usually start at 2:20/500m and gradually speed up throughout the row, ending at 1:45 to 1:50/500 on the home straight. I'm aiming to keep these are 20 minutes or shorter, so going for intensity rather than endurance. At some point soon I will pick up a heart rate monitor strap, so I can workout in the right 'zone' for weight loss.

I do occasionally lift dumbells (3x10-12 reps with 26lbs), but for the moment my main focus is on weight (fat) loss. As soon as the weather warms up a bit (it was -3 when I woke up this morning), I will get back out onto the river to kayak for 5-6 miles once or twice a week as well.

It's amazing how quickly you find your fitness and strength improving, or at least that has been my experience so far. Hope your mission is going well also!

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Thanks, CoreyD. My vices on the Paleo diet so far have been eggs and grilled salmon - can't get enough of them! I included a sweet potato with my dinner last night of the first time, and was expecting to have added some weight as a result this morning, but was down another 0.4lbs - and that was after a day of eating three eggs, cheddar cheese, half a pack of smoked salmon, five large carrots, a pack of ham, a grilled salmon steak, spinach wilted in garlic and olive oil, a sweet potato, assorted small packs of cheese (including some brie) and two packs of parma ham. Is it possible to go hungry on this diet?!

I'm hoping not to lose too much muscle as I work towards my weight loss target, although I guess it is inevitable. At the moment, I would rather get rid of the fat in the first instance and then introduce some weight lifting and body weight exercises to the plan as I get closer to my weight target. Comparing some photos from the start of last year, when I was 21lbs heavier than I am today, I seem to have larger arms and shoulders, so the rowing machine might be keeping on some of that muscle mass as I drop non-lean body mass! Hopefully!

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Sounds like you have some good goals in place. I recently started eating more paleo and also found it has assisted my weight loss. I'm pretty close to my goal, though, so I've started adding in calories and weight training. If you're interested, check out the Barbarian Strength Guild - it's my new home away from home.

I love sweet potatoes. I've been eating them instead of regular potatoes. If you like mashed taters, you could also try mashed cauliflower...tastes remarkably similar.

My husband and I spent some time in London last summer and really enjoyed it :)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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