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What's your favorite whiskey? (Or other alcoholic beverage I suppose :P)

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Whiskey for me (gluten), but I love Hard Cider.

What kind of cider? I'm quite enamored with Magner's...with ice! Seems like a travesty but it's quite good.

As far as rum, aj, how do you feel about Sailor Jerry?

@Roos - me hubby and I went on vaca to Kentucky one year and went to the Maker's Mark distillery...got a tour and got to dip our own bottles! It was fun and yummy.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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See I would, but as I've stated before, I'm a cheap bastard and so I go with cheap(er) rum. If you want to send me some Jerry though I'll love you forever :D

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Oooh, Jerry and I had a messy night in the desert. Then the Captain and I had a spat in the Keys. I don't mess around with rum much any more, haha.

@Rosie - Bundaburg has the best alcohol commercial of all time. I really want to try it sometime, just because their ad guys just did a fantastic job.

There's also an apology (and an apology apology) commercial somewhere around the interwebs.

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What kind of cider? I'm quite enamored with Magner's...with ice! Seems like a travesty but it's quite good.

As far as rum, aj, how do you feel about Sailor Jerry?

@Roos - me hubby and I went on vaca to Kentucky one year and went to the Maker's Mark distillery...got a tour and got to dip our own bottles! It was fun and yummy.

My favorite is Woodchuck (Amber), not too sweet.. I've had Fox Barrell (really sweet), Crispin (sweet, but light), Hornsbys (tastes almost like beer, but gross), and Wyder's (not bad).

Haven't had what you mentioned.

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I'm a fan of Bookers (bourbon).

My favorite is Woodchuck (Amber), not too sweet.. I've had Fox Barrell (really sweet), Crispin (sweet, but light), Hornsbys (tastes almost like beer, but gross), and Wyder's (not bad).

Haven't had what you mentioned.

I tried woodchuck a few weeks ago, not a fan. I forget which it was though, I think something other than amber.

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I don't drink any more but I agree with Hannibal on Laphroaig, really nice whiskey. As for what I used to like to drink, I went through a long phase of loving Guinness and real ales are always good (nice to have some variety). I think the only thing I really miss though is proper Devonshire scrumpy cider, absolutely amazing. Magners over ice is nice and refreshing but doesn't compare to the proper stuff. As for Strongbow, not sure what you guys are drinking but that's pretty bottom of the barrel stuff over here (well not quite, that would be White Lightning but that's another story altogether...)



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Ever try Strongbow?

I don't see it around here but it's on my list to try, definitely.

Magners is actually supposed to be over ice!

Crispin is quite good out of CA.

Strongbow is just the gold standard, hands down.

In terms of ciders though, the sugar content is off the chart, comparatively so be warned!

As a former bartender this thread makes me happy ;)

Yeah, it is off the chart... but it's damned good. :)

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Strongbow is ok. Woodchuck is ok. I used to drink a lot of Woodchuck before I drank beer. Amber was my fave, pear was *puke*.

I know Magner's is supposed to be over ice...but I think it freaks some people out :P

K cider is good too.

Mmmm...Glenfiddich...although I like Glenlivet better ;) And Dewar's is pretty yummy.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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I have a bunch of Scotches, various single malts up in the cabinet. Best is probably a bottle of Highland Park, 21 years I think (Bicentennery special ed). I can't stand heavily smoked scotches (as most of the blended stuff seems to be, Johnny Walker is just gross), prefer the sweet ones instead.

Honestly though I haven't touched them in a while. Lost the urge I guess. Youngest bottle is a Lafroig (sp?) 18 year I got about 5 years ago.

Beer for me. Any sort of 100% malt based sugar lager (thus excluding everything from the American macros but Michelob), from light stuff like Becks on up to motor oil-like Dopplebocks (except for Sam Adams triple bock, goodness that stuff is horrible). I can handle Ales, just like Lagers better nowadays. Though I do love super strong Scotch Barleywines.

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Gosh far far too many to list, This is currently in our stash...

Balvenie double wood

Caol Ila


Sheep Dip

Famous Grouse






I've never met a whisky I didn't like :)

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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I don't drink any more but I agree with Hannibal on Laphroaig, really nice whiskey. As for what I used to like to drink, I went through a long phase of loving Guinness and real ales are always good (nice to have some variety). I think the only thing I really miss though is proper Devonshire scrumpy cider, absolutely amazing. Magners over ice is nice and refreshing but doesn't compare to the proper stuff. As for Strongbow, not sure what you guys are drinking but that's pretty bottom of the barrel stuff over here (well not quite, that would be White Lightning but that's another story altogether...)

I went through a Guinness phase, too. Still enjoy it when there's nothing else of note to be drunk, and it's certainly one of the better ubiquitous beers.

Despite all my years of drinking, I don't think I've ever had a cider. There's always something more appealing to be drunk. Hm, maybe I'm just afraid of change?

OK, truth time, I saw that oogiem had responded and I just wanted to see if she ferments her sheep milk or something...

And yes, I'm assuming that's what "sheep dip" is.

I don't know about fermented sheep milk, but when I was in Kyrgyzstan I had kumis, fermented horse milk. I remember it being sour but not too bad. Given the choice between kumis and Bud Light, I'd say giddy-up and pass the kumis.

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