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Inspiration for the hardgainers!

Guest Eduard

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Guest Snake McClain
Thanks, that's exactly what I believe too.

To everybody else complaining by him having a non-functional physique or using steroids, I'll say once again why I made this thread: for inspiration. Look at them and shut your brain off, if you use "he took steroids" as an excuse to not aim that high, it's bad. And if you don't want to look like him, this thread is not for you.


Edit: Great job Fable with posting the vid.

i have no problem with steroids. it is what it is. i have no issue with it being functional or not. that's his (was his) business or whatever. i do have to question again, why use a steroid user as an example of how a hard gainer can gain and then again turn around and say "it should give you hope to gain without steroids"? this is...well about the worst example i can think of. so please...maybe i'm just stupid and i'm missing how it IS an example of hard gaining naturally, so please explain it to me. as if i'm an idiot

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i have no problem with steroids. it is what it is. i have no issue with it being functional or not. that's his (was his) business or whatever. i do have to question again, why use a steroid user as an example of how a hard gainer can gain and then again turn around and say "it should give you hope to gain without steroids"? this is...well about the worst example i can think of. so please...maybe i'm just stupid and i'm missing how it IS an example of hard gaining naturally, so please explain it to me. as if i'm an idiot

There's no way I'd consider any of you idiots. You are some of the smartest people I've ever talked to. But you asked for an explanation for why I give his physique as an example, so here we go...

It's because that physique is possible to get naturally. It took him 3 years to get there with steroids. In the worst case, if we assume that he took steroids from his first day of gym (which is ridiculous) and took 1g testosterone every week (which is ridiculous too, but I'm talking about the worst case), IN THEORY, it should have taken him 9 years to look like that naturally, relying only on its own testosterone production (which is half of the extra he used to take).

So, in theory, it would take you 9 years of hard work to look like that naturally (with as good as possible diet and as good as possible training, as he definitely had too). But this is why it'd take you less than these 9 years:

• As I said, considering that he took roids from his first week of gym is ridiculous.

• As I also said, considering that he took that 1g of testosterone through roids EVERY WEEK, FOR 3 YEARS, is also ridiculous.

• His natural production of testosterone decreased gradually because of the extra one he was getting (as it's proven to happen... and that's why your bawlz shrink when you take roids, 'cause your bawlz are of no use anymore since you already get all the testosterone ya need without them producing it), so he definitely didn't have a 3x boost. Maybe 2x or so.

• If we still think that he grew 3 times faster than he should, who would believe that he took like... 600g of protein a day in order to be sure that his gains in muscle ARE triple?

I hope my answer as good enough, and without major flaws.

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I think you need better role models dude.

Most people here believe physique should be a product of being in shape and being fit, not of taking steroids or doing things just to look that way. This is why i think many here, including myself, don't think of body building as fitness. It's just for look, it's not functional. Fitness is about getting your body to a state where it can do useful things like run at high speeds, long distances, or lift heavy things. It's about being able to carry you family out of a burning building. It's about being Bigger, Better, Faster AND Stronger, not just 1 of the 4.

I think you can look at old football players as much better role models when it comes to fitness. Guys like Ray Lewis, Terrell Owens, Champ Bailey, and Donald Driver. You don't play at a high level past 35 without being in sick shape, taking care of yourself constantly. These aren't habits that they just picked up late in their career, each was always known for being in awesome shape their whole career when compared to their peers, who themselves are a cut above most other pro athletes due to the size, stregth, speed, and endurace requirements of the game. Flexibility too, a football player can't be "tight" as it is an express lane to injury (hence the reason you don't see bodybuilder/powerlifter types playing football).

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As for this thread...

Never forget the power of "growing up".

A LOT of guys don't fully fill out until well past their 21st birthday, into their mid 20's. I used to consider myself a hard gainer, and pretty much gave up trying to get bigger because of it, around when I was 20-21. Now I wasn't supremely motivated so I really only stuck to a lifting/eating/suppliment (creatine) regimen for about 6 months, managing to gain 4-5 lbs (started around 160 ended around 165, low teens bodyfat). Before I started gaining a significant amount of fat, by my mid-20's I was in the mid 180's doing nothing more than pint curls and bar stool squats, at most only a couple % higher bodyfat (fairly defined abs became bumps). The moral of the story is that many guys who seem to be hard gainers don't fill out muscle wise until well into their 20's. Don't get discouraged because that whole hard gainer thing can and frequently does change as you get older.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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As for this thread...

Never forget the power of "growing up".

A LOT of guys don't fully fill out until well past their 21st birthday, into their mid 20's. I used to consider myself a hard gainer, and pretty much gave up trying to get bigger because of it, around when I was 20-21. Now I wasn't supremely motivated so I really only stuck to a lifting/eating/suppliment (creatine) regimen for about 6 months, managing to gain 4-5 lbs (started around 160 ended around 165, low teens bodyfat). Before I started gaining a significant amount of fat, by my mid-20's I was in the mid 180's doing nothing more than pint curls and bar stool squats, at most only a couple % higher bodyfat (fairly defined abs became bumps). The moral of the story is that many guys who seem to be hard gainers don't fill out muscle wise until well into their 20's. Don't get discouraged because that whole hard gainer thing can and frequently does change as you get older.

I think I'm in a group like this as well. When I lifted to get stronger for high school football, I had an extreme problem getting past 165lb on the bench or 225lb on the squat. A huge part was that we were unsupervised and using a routine I wouldn't ever try again, and were not coached properly on form. Another problem was that diet wasn't preached. However, I think the major issue was that my body just wasn't kicking out the hormones yet. Some guys on the same program were squatting 400 and benching 300. I was just a late bloomer as the hormones go. Now that I'm in my mid-20's and lifting, I blew all my previous PR's from 6-7 years ago out of the water in a few months.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
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"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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I think I'm in a group like this as well. When I lifted to get stronger for high school football, I had an extreme problem getting past 165lb on the bench or 225lb on the squat. A huge part was that we were unsupervised and using a routine I wouldn't ever try again, and were not coached properly on form. Another problem was that diet wasn't preached. However, I think the major issue was that my body just wasn't kicking out the hormones yet. Some guys on the same program were squatting 400 and benching 300. I was just a late bloomer as the hormones go. Now that I'm in my mid-20's and lifting, I blew all my previous PR's from 6-7 years ago out of the water in a few months.

I've never actually bench pressed 100 lbs, even on a machine. At the above mentioned time I did go to the rec, getting a high bench and big chest was my primary focus (you could literally see ribs where my pecs were supposed to be), but I never got that high. When I started strength training recently I blew through my 25 and 35 lb dumbbells in a matter of a couple weeks and had far more muscle as a starting point. I'm actually quite curious as to what my 1RM on the bench would be nowadays, given that I'm progressing into 1 arm pushup work, and declines feel easy, and it only took a few months to build up to this point. I know it isn't straight transfer and not decent math, but 2x what a 1 arm pushup tests out to on a scale is in the 260 lbs area, its pretty safe to say 100 lbs would feel light to me nowadays. If only I could go back and tell the discouraged 21 year old version of myself that the whole hard gainer condition would be gone soon.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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I've never actually bench pressed more than 100 lbs, even on a machine. At the above mentioned time I did go to the rec, getting a high bench and big chest was my primary focus (you could literally see ribs where my pecs were supposed to be). When I started strength training recently I blew through my 25 and 35 lb dumbbells in a matter of a couple weeks and had far more muscle as a starting point. I'm actually quite curious as to what my 1RM on the bench would be nowadays, given that I'm progressing into 1 arm pushup work, and declines feel easy, and it only took a few months to build up to this point.

If you're anything like me with the strength required for 1 arms, you're probably around your body weight for 1RM on the bench I'd say. My max is right at my body weight and I can do 1-2 1 arms. The form isn't great, but that's just because I don't practice it. if I did, I might be able to get out 3-4.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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As for this thread...

Never forget the power of "growing up".

A LOT of guys don't fully fill out until well past their 21st birthday, into their mid 20's. I used to consider myself a hard gainer, and pretty much gave up trying to get bigger because of it, around when I was 20-21. Now I wasn't supremely motivated so I really only stuck to a lifting/eating/suppliment (creatine) regimen for about 6 months, managing to gain 4-5 lbs (started around 160 ended around 165, low teens bodyfat). Before I started gaining a significant amount of fat, by my mid-20's I was in the mid 180's doing nothing more than pint curls and bar stool squats, at most only a couple % higher bodyfat (fairly defined abs became bumps). The moral of the story is that many guys who seem to be hard gainers don't fill out muscle wise until well into their 20's. Don't get discouraged because that whole hard gainer thing can and frequently does change as you get older.

My husband's metabolism didn't slow down enough for him to really gain until he was 30! He's still able to lose weight quite easily, and is slow to gain, but not nearly like he was back then.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Guest Snake McClain

I still don't get how a known steroid user is inspiration for a hardgainer who doesn't use steroids. like i understand what this guy COULD have done differently. but he didn't. there for not an inspiration. Is rocky balboa an inspiration to a kid who wants to learn the best butterfly twist kick in kung fu because he is great at uppercutting people? They are completely isolated in my mind. i don't see how it's an inspiration. You're losing me. granted it is POSSIBLE to gain and look like that over the course of a decade...but how much would he have to eat? I think it would be so taxing and difficult i'd like to see someone who has done it clean.

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I still don't get how a known steroid user is inspiration for a hardgainer who doesn't use steroids. like i understand what this guy COULD have done differently. but he didn't. there for not an inspiration. Is rocky balboa an inspiration to a kid who wants to learn the best butterfly twist kick in kung fu because he is great at uppercutting people? They are completely isolated in my mind. i don't see how it's an inspiration. You're losing me. granted it is POSSIBLE to gain and look like that over the course of a decade...but how much would he have to eat? I think it would be so taxing and difficult i'd like to see someone who has done it clean.

There's nothing in what you said that I don't agree with, but what I wanted to say is that he (as a person) is not the inspiration - but his body is.

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I'm with BruceMacInness in this one, I dont think anyone could find that inspirational. Shouldn't inspiration be finding someone who actually lives and breaths a healthy lifestyle and has an awesome body as a by-product? Like when I go to the climbing centre and I see all those guys having a great time bouldering and they are fiiit! but I know they're not just doing it to get a great body, the body come second after having a great lifestyle.



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I think the point is, Eduard, that since you're saying the means he used to get that body are unimportant, Zyzz is no more inspiring than, say, this picture of Captain America. Oh look! An awesome but somewhat unrealistic physique which probably can't be achieved by most people without pumping themselves full of chemicals, you say?

(Actually, I am totally inspired by Captain America. But the big thing about Captain America is that he did not become a douche, even after he became uber-strong and ripped, you see.)


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Yeah, me either. If a guy is going to be totally muscled, I'd go for physiques like the guys on World's Strongest Man - huge, enormous amounts of functional strength, and clearly doing it for function above everything else. Some of those guys even have pot bellies, heh.

My boyfriend is Scottish and looks like a highland warrior, especially when he takes his ponytail down and/or wears a kilt. It's the best thing ever. :love-struck:

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

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Yeah, me either. If a guy is going to be totally muscled, I'd go for physiques like the guys on World's Strongest Man - huge, enormous amounts of functional strength, and clearly doing it for function above everything else. Some of those guys even have pot bellies, heh.

My boyfriend is Scottish and looks like a highland warrior, especially when he takes his ponytail down and/or wears a kilt. It's the best thing ever. :love-struck:

You have a highland warrior kilt wearing boyfriend? Jealous! Nothing sexier than a man that knows how to wear a kilt ;-)


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*owns a kilt* #justsayin

Seriously... I used to compete in the Highland Games, and perhaps may again. I *loved* competing in my kilt. I'm thinking about going über-nerd and wearing it at my Track and Field competitions (did it once), but I'm a little afraid of offending the organizers, particularly at the college meets.

Apologies for the thread jacking. I've stayed out of this so far, but I guess I'll throw my two cents in. This guy and his body are the anti-inspiration for me. Form without function? And a form which is actually unhealthy? Bleh.

To me this is inspirational the way an 800 lb man is inspirational. Impressive if you really think about it, but not something I want.

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This guy and his body are the anti-inspiration for me. Form without function? And a form which is actually unhealthy? Bleh.

Woo! I'm way more impressed with someone like Mark Sisson, who looks this good at 3 times his age (I admit, I'm a complete MDA fan) and created a base of health and fitness which led to looking how he does.

Or, as Mark Twight puts it, "appearance is a consequence of fitness." There are other ways of achieving appearance, but it's fairly obvious they're not even remotely worth it.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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I'm thinking about going über-nerd and wearing it at my Track and Field competitions (did it once), but I'm a little afraid of offending the organizers, particularly at the college meets.

Do it. Kilts are sexy and manly*. Ignore the jocks, it's the nerds you want anyway, right? And you won't offend the organizers (as long as you wear some underwear)!

Or more sensibly, ask ahead of time if they'd mind.

Man, I have got to get to a Highland Games sometime. I've been living here for five years, you'd think I'd go to them all the time.

*How do I know they're manly? Well, think about it this way. Kilts are the Scottish national dress, and traditionally worn without underwear. Thistles are the Scottish national flower, and are waist-high and very very prickly. Seriously, you have to be pretty tough to do that on purpose. Especially running around tossing rocks and swigging scotch that way. Or maybe the scotch is a coping mechanism?

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

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Oh, I'm not worried about my man card. I used to go to my company's annual golf outing in my kilt, just as an excuse to wear it.

I have thought about asking in advance, but that might be just as bad. They barely let non-college athletes in as it is, if they think I'm not taking it seriously, it would be that much harder, and not just for me, but for any open athlete looking for a meet. The thing is, I experimented, and at most I lose about 2% of my distance.

Sadly, the trick to being allowed at these things is to cause as little trouble as possible, and blend in. And considering that I'm usually winning them anyway, this would make it just that much harder.

Now, the state meets on the other hand, and others like it? They don't have much of a choice but to let me in :)

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Guest Snake McClain
There's nothing in what you said that I don't agree with, but what I wanted to say is that he (as a person) is not the inspiration - but his body is.


You have a highland warrior kilt wearing boyfriend? Jealous! Nothing sexier than a man that knows how to wear a kilt ;-)

I'm jealous that i don't have epic beard and long hair. i try to grow a beard but it comes in all patchy.

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But people exist with bodies! Bodies, I say!

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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Woo! I'm way more impressed with someone like Mark Sisson, who looks this good at 3 times his age

This. The guy in the OP has achieved something, but like anything done by cheating, its not impressive.

I'm similarly more impressed by someone like Sisson but he does freak me right out because he reminds me of Gary Busey.

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he does freak me right out because he reminds me of Gary Busey.

Cannot. Unsee.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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When i read about this guy in the newspapers, from memory they advised contributing factors to his death were a combination of alchohol, various drugs(steroids and recreational) and dehydration whilst in a sauna. Whilst his body was muscular and defined and toned and whatever else bodybuilders go for, the lifestyle he achieved by the means he chose came at too high a cost. Thats the reason why i wouldn't consider him as inspiration.

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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