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Wandering Wanderer Wanders

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Hi NF community! Been around a bit, sniffing things out and decided to jump in with both feet. Here is a bit of me. 

At 36yrs old, I was lost. I mean, life is good. I have a beautiful, smart and funny wife, and two crazy, energetic, and brilliant boys that hold my heart. I have a good job as a NICU nurse that gives me some of the adrenaline and intensity that I need in life. Forgive the hubris, but most everything comes easy to me. I know, I know. By this point you are rolling your eyes and saying, "poor you and your perfect life." I'd be saying the same thing. But here is the kicker. My soul is restless, unquiet. I stand on metaphorical glass seas and wish for nothing more than a storm to fight against. I am drowning in boredom and monotony. Cause, only in the chaos of the storms (after I freak out for a bit) can I see who I really am, where my limits are, and how, someday, those limits could only become a suggestion rather than a ceiling. Then two things happened: I was issued a challenge, and I found this site.

I've always been a wanderer. Not so much in the sense of travel, but rather in interests that pique my curiosity. And I am curious about everything. This world is a big, multifaceted gem, that casts lights and shadows in the forms of things to do, things to see, things to learn, etc. And I've held on tight, trying to be the child, full of wide eyed wonder, chasing from speck to glimmering speck. Well, life has a way for getting to you. Telling you to grow up, be mature, telling you what is and isn't possible, and normal, and right. I was letting it mute the child who was still chasing after the light.

Fast forward to now. A buddy of mine issued a challenge. 90 days to see who could work out the most, lose the most weight. Honor and riches for the winner, embarrassment and a lighter wallet for the loser. I LOVE challenges. My weakness is that I have problems properly motivating myself, but when someone else pushes me to it... well, I would like to think that I shine. I did some research, found Nerd Fitness. Found the book "Level Up Your Life," and bought 2, one of which I promptly sent to my friend. I admit it, I haven't finished it. It keeps sending me on quests, sparking my imagination, and has me running after the beautiful tangents that make up life. But I have direction now. Goals. I know that there are other nerdy souls on the battle fronts of life, fighting with everything they have to play their own epic games, and to win.

So, 2/3 of the way through our challenge, I stand here today stronger, healthier, and leaner than I have been in years. But most importantly, I have direction. While I may only be in the foothills right now, I can see clearly the mountains that I aim to climb.

So, goals, huh? I've got goals! Right now the things that interest me are triathlons and rock climbing. I'd love to be able to manipulate my body weight as I did in my youth. Love gymnastics, rock climbing, the sheer sadism of peg board climbing and pull ups. So Assassins definitely resonate with me. But I also love hiking, swimming, biking and am trying to learn to love running (barefoot) again. Scouts and Rangers, well, they're pulling at me, too. Anyway, I'll put up some immediate goals and some Lvl 50 goals. 

Immediate: trim down under 200#, run 5k without dying, spend more time in the outdoors. start rock climbing again.

Lvl 50: Hit Holy Grail body weight exercises - Aztec push ups, muscle ups, dragon flag, natural ham curl, pistol squat, handstand push ups. Do an Iron Man triathlon, Compete once in Ninja Warrior before I'm 40. Take a week to hike part of the Continental Divide.  

That's about it. Sorry bout the wall-o-text, but that's kinda part of me, too. If anyone has suggestions or advice, I'd love to hear it.

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Poor you and your per......nvm, you already said it haha, j/k. It's great to have you here man. Great goals, and it's perfect that you're already on the path to victory!


I let my boredom get the better of me too long and it became laziness and that's when the weight came, but now it's going away. Look forward to hearing about your first Iron Man competition!





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Thanks, man! Yeah, I hear ya. Got bored, got fat, got lazy and before I knew it, things I loved doing seemed to be too much work. But then you workout, or go on a hike or whatever and you say to yourself, "why did I stop doing this?!" Followed by the next morning, when it seems like too much work again. Bleh. I see you are a Ranger. How do you like it? How are the challenges? Any input?

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Thanks Dreamspin! I actually do write on occasion, mostly as a form of mental exercise and a meditative practice. ;) Was working on a Dystopian Trilogy for a while now, but it took a seat on the back burner as I got other things in order in my life. Small goals, got it! Probably the bane of my existence... small goals, I mean. I prefer grandiose goals that frustrate me. Which may explain a lot, now that I think of it.

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Thanks, man! Yeah, I hear ya. Got bored, got fat, got lazy and before I knew it, things I loved doing seemed to be too much work. But then you workout, or go on a hike or whatever and you say to yourself, "why did I stop doing this?!" Followed by the next morning, when it seems like too much work again. Bleh. I see you are a Ranger. How do you like it? How are the challenges? Any input?

Im a rookie here like you. I use to just be focused on pure strength so now as a the Ranger type Im focusing on a balance. Its a struggle now just because its not what I'm use to. I didnt sign up for the challange because Im late to the party, but I am doing something on my own to kick my own ass in gear.

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