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A new challenger has entered the ring! (and it's detailed!)

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Hi everyone! I have no idea what I've stumbled across, but I'm a nerd and also into fitness, so here goes nothing!


First, let's start with the basic and nerd stuff - I'm a girl, and a professional web developer for a living. I have a NES, SNES, and PS2 connected to a CRT in my studio in Chicago, with such awesome games as Battletoads, Final Fantasies IV - X, all the DDRs, Mega Mans, Castlevanias, Super Marios, and other side scrollers and JRPGs. I'm pretty good at art, and also play a few instruments (piano, accordion, and uke). Oh god, this is starting to read like a bad dating profile...


Moving on, I love camping, hiking, biking, and the outdoors. Just got a new bike since my old childhood one got stolen, and I'm really excited about riding all the time now. I do fitness stuff on weekdays and hang out with friends and go to concerts, comedy shows, game nights, dinners, and other events on weekends. 


I'm far too late for a "success" post - I was kind of a lazy, out of shape nerd as a kid, but when I turned 16 I decided to turn that all around and lost 45 lbs in 6 months by eating healthy, running and walking all the time, and DDRing with friends at the arcade, of course. I'm 26 now (27 next month!) so it's been 10 years and I've maintained my healthy lifestyle and weight. I haven't really played a video game since those days, except casually in a social setting, yet I go to every Nobuo Uematsu Distant Worlds concert, so the nerd is still alive in me...plus I make websites, so good enough.


So, 26 year old female, 138 lbs at 5'6" (22.3 BMI according to some calculator?). I've been relatively healthy, but lazy, and a few months ago I said fuck that, I'm going to go to the gym again and ACTUALLY get into shape. So I bought my new bike and have been going to the gym several times a week.


I'd like to just get some perspective on what I'm doing and if there's something extremely important that I'm missing, or support, or to make some friends!


My goal is to at least be down to 130 (I've been trying to lose that last 10 for a decade now...) or get jacked, or both, I don't know.


I was running one mile every day for cardio (I fucking hate running) before working out, but now I've been biking 5-10 miles instead.


Here's generally what I've been lifting:

(I don't know the proper way to write this, so hopefully it's right - 3x5 at 20 will mean three sets of five reps at twenty pounds.)


Free weights:

Dumbbell Curl: 3x8 at 15lbs

Bench Press: 5x5 at 75lbs

Squats: 5x5 at 105lbs

Pull Ups: 2x5 with a 30lb assist (I can do like, one normally, and this one I'm definitely not doing the correct form)

Cable Crunch: 3x10 at 60lbs

Triceps: 3x10 at 35lbs 



Hip abduction: 3x10 at 170lbs

Hip adduction: 3x10 at 130lbs

Leg Press: 3x10 at 150lbs

Linear Hack Press: 3x10 at 140lbs


I also sometimes stick in bent over row, deadlifts, standing press, and whatever else I see. I guess it's actually working, because I threw a football while playing catch on the 4th and it actually went somewhere. 


As for diet, I have no restrictions technically...if I'm out to dinner with friends or a date, someone makes something for me, or it's a special occasion, these can be broken, and it's back to normal the next day. However, I just generally do NOT eat or drink any:

- pop (soda, for all you from weird states) or any calorific beverage

- things that come in a box (Mac and cheese)

- junk food (no candy, chips, sugar etc)

- deep fried food

- cereal


and I greatly limit:

- milk, cheese, dairy

- meat

- pasta


So, most of my diet comes from vegetables, eggs, complex carbs. I've eaten many different ways over my life, and no one diet is right - I prefer a balance of all things. I lost all my weight as a kid by eating mostly oatmeal and bread, so no one will ever convince me that carbs are evil. 

But for once, I'm trying to do a thing where I stick to an actual somewhat set diet, which frees up my mind for programming projects, and recording music, and reading books, and thinking about other things, and it's something like...


- 2 eggs for breakfast

- Salad with a bunch of stuff on it for lunch (artichokes, olives, feta, mushrooms, beets, nuts, whatever is available). No meat, no dressing, just vinegar and sometimes oil.

- Variety of roasted, sauteed, steamed, or boiled vegetables (broccoli, corn, edamame, kale, mushrooms, carrots, asparagus, brussels sprouts, beets) and then some starch like potatoes, rice, whatever.

- A lot of water, and coffee/tea without sugar


If that doesn't sound like enough calories to sustain a person - trust me, other calories find their way in. Snacks will be PB, hummus, nuts, and so on... I go out and drink here and there (and of course, it's wine or hipster beer) work brings in a pizza party, someone hosts a dinner party (usually me...I worked as a chef for 8 years), and life happens. But that's what I've been sticking to for the last week or two. Before I was going out to eat every day for lunch with the coworkers, which was a lot of tacos, Thai and Vietnamese food. Also, I don't take any medication or supplements.


Man, I just keep ranting. Alright, just talk to me!

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So for your workouts- do you generally stick to the same weights or increase a bit every week? Have you checked out bodybuilding.com for set beginner programs? Going and doing a bunch of exercises is great but that's the equivalent of getting on a bike and riding around for an hour looking for a finish line- but there's no race! You'll stay at that strength level without improving if you don't increase either reps or weight. Find a program with some set goals and give it whirl!

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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Another lifting program that is very popular here (I am doing it myself) is called StrongLifts 5x5.  You have mentioned either regularly doing or sticking in all of the lifts they use so it sounds like it would not really be anything you do not know just a set progression for the things you already are doing.  Also, btw, you did write up those lifts correctly.  they are usually listed in that order of sets x reps @ weight or sometimes as weight - sets x reps.

B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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Wait a second.... YOU HAVE A NES???? Oh my god! That's so cool! **drifts fondly into childhood memories**


Im with you on the "mixed and balanced" diet. I try not to eat to many processed grains - bread, cereals, pasta. I prefer to eat things like oatcakes, wholemeal rice and such. 


I think you will fit right in with the community here, and I'm sure you have a lot of experience to share with other members. :) Especiallf if you are prepared to help/advise people with cooking ideas? There's a LOT of people who want to start eating right and making home cooked meals but they have never had any experience of cooking. 


Have you found your way around the forum ok? There's a new challenge going to start on the 17th if you want to join in? It's a great way to meet other members and make friends as well as being great for focusing you on your goals. 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hey, another midwesterner! 


I'm no expert on weights but Stronglifts 5x5 is popular around here, and from what little I tried before I fell off the wagon, I liked it. Just make sure you're getting enough of your macros. There are a lot of really smart people on here when it comes to nutrition, and definitely take their advice, but it'll still take a bit of experimentation to find something that works for you.

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10 hours ago, Slates said:

So for your workouts- do you generally stick to the same weights or increase a bit every week? Have you checked out bodybuilding.com for set beginner programs? Going and doing a bunch of exercises is great but that's the equivalent of getting on a bike and riding around for an hour looking for a finish line- but there's no race! You'll stay at that strength level without improving if you don't increase either reps or weight. Find a program with some set goals and give it whirl!


I only started the lifting a few months ago - I've increased a lot since I started. For example, I could pretty much only bench the bar when I started, and now I'm doing 75 - so that's a 30lb increase. Everything is steadily going up, that's just currently where I'm at.  I try to go up a bit each week.


5 hours ago, bker1370 said:

Another lifting program that is very popular here (I am doing it myself) is called StrongLifts 5x5.  You have mentioned either regularly doing or sticking in all of the lifts they use so it sounds like it would not really be anything you do not know just a set progression for the things you already are doing. 


Cool! I started doing something with a coworker - Ice Cream Fitness, I believe? Almost everything was 5x5, maybe it's the same thing. 


4 hours ago, Guzzi said:

Wait a second.... YOU HAVE A NES???? Oh my god! That's so cool! **drifts fondly into childhood memories**


Im with you on the "mixed and balanced" diet. I try not to eat to many processed grains - bread, cereals, pasta. I prefer to eat things like oatcakes, wholemeal rice and such. 


I think you will fit right in with the community here, and I'm sure you have a lot of experience to share with other members. :) Especiallf if you are prepared to help/advise people with cooking ideas? There's a LOT of people who want to start eating right and making home cooked meals but they have never had any experience of cooking. 


Have you found your way around the forum ok? There's a new challenge going to start on the 17th if you want to join in? It's a great way to meet other members and make friends as well as being great for focusing you on your goals. 


Oh, awesome! I haven't explored much yet, but this combines TWO things I love - anything nerdy/RPG, and fitness/food, so I feel like I have to find some kindred spirits here. :D I'm such a boring cook, most days I just cook vegetables and put salt, pepper, and olive oil. I can make some pretty good Mexican and Middle Eastern food, though. I'd love to advise and join challenges!  And the NES is awesome - recently started playing Maniac Mansion, a classic!


1 hour ago, Cataleya said:

Hey, another Chicagoan! 



Are there more? If you guys do a meetup or anything, I'd love to attend!

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Here is a post by Spezzy explaining how the challenges work. You can make a whole story about your epic quest and create a character for yourself. If that's your thing. ;) 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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1 hour ago, Slates said:

Awesome, you look like you've got everything figured out, way to go!


Thanks! I'm still working on it, but I think I'm on the right track. :)


2 hours ago, Guzzi said:

Here is a post by Spezzy explaining how the challenges work. You can make a whole story about your epic quest and create a character for yourself. If that's your thing. ;) 


Ooh, that sounds cool. Looks like I'm a rebel, adventurer, scout, and warrior, haha. I've never been great at stories, which is why I've only played D&D once or twice, but I always like making up characters and drawing them, even though they never had a plot or story to go in. :D 

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16 hours ago, Floppy Diskette said:

So, 26 year old female, 138 lbs at 5'6" (22.3 BMI according to some calculator?). I've been relatively healthy, but lazy

Hi Floppy! Those were my measurements as well the last time I checked. The weight may have changed slightly, but I bet the height is the same.


I'm also reasonably healthy with no real strength. Nice job with the increases you've already gotten! I'm going with bodyweight exercises, because I know I'll never make it to a gym 3 times a week. 

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


Current Challenge

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4 minutes ago, M_J said:

Hi Floppy! Those were my measurements as well the last time I checked. The weight may have changed slightly, but I bet the height is the same.


I'm also reasonably healthy with no real strength. Nice job with the increases you've already gotten! I'm going with bodyweight exercises, because I know I'll never make it to a gym 3 times a week. 


Hiya! Thanks! I will admit, being single at the moment and living a bit far from most of my friends is the part that makes it really easy - weekdays are pretty much dedicated to working out and making healthy dinners, haha.

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11 hours ago, Floppy Diskette said:

Looks like I'm a rebel, adventurer, scout, and warrior, haha.


Actually sounds like you are a Ranger, where our motto is "Do ALL the things"  LOL

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B'ker Level 1 Half-elf Ranger  STR: 3  DEX: 3  CON: 3  INT: 3  WIS: 2  CHA: 2

Bker Survives December Challenge Tracking Spreadsheet

Walking to Mordor (2019) Spreadsheet

 MyFitnessPal | FitBit | Instagram

Walking to Mordor 1879.44 miles/1779 miles

Mini Challenge:  Week 1:  | Week 2:  | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

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