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My name is Ryan and I am now living in Mundelein, Illinois (formally from Texas).

My workout aspirations started the Summer of 2009 while I was living in San Antonio. I was in desperate need to get in shape in that I had really let myself go in my 21 years of life. I was tipping the scales at 376 ibs, and was feeling pretty hopeless.

While mulling over the seemingly impossible task of weight loss while eating a Subway sandwich, I was approached by a couple who had recently opened a "weight-loss clinic." They were selling Herbalife products which are essentially meal-replacement shakes. Feeling desperate, I gave it a go that summer. Ended up dropping 40ibs. I continued my weight loss endevors throughout the school year, and I am now at 292ish.

This was not an easy road. I'm swearing off the scale in that it had done nothing more than discourage me. I have also sought a exercise routine in that sweating my butt off on the elliptical machine for an hour has become dull. I don't want to go back on my awesome successes, but I think my body is ready for something more.

After binging on Tortilla chips, I searched the web for something I could turn to. That is when I found Nerdfitness. I was sold and purchased the Rebel Fitness guide. I plan to start the process on Monday.

I look forward to advice and encouragement. Can't wait to begin this endeavor.

Probably the biggest challenge presents itself when it comes to cooking. I don't have a kitchen available to me where I'm currently studying. Looks like I'll have to start reconsidering some things.


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Welcome Ryan! I just started the rebel fitness guide myself and that combined with tracking my food has already made a world of difference. If you don't have control of your food I definitely recommend something like sparkpeople. I don't use it for much more than food tracking but so far it's been a decent way to figure out how you're doing nutrition wise

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“I must not fear. / Fear is the mind-killer. / Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. / I will face my fear. / I will permit it to pass over me and through me. / And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. / Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. / Only I will remain.†– Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear, Dune

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Thanks, everyone!

jsunderland: Thanks for the encouragement an support!

Book: We have a cafeteria at the University, but they cook EVERYTHING in grease and butter (hard when you cook for masses). They occasionally have roasted/baked chicken, so I'll probably be there those days.

TheChris: I usually depend on food joints' "healthy" sections for my diet. I'm a big fan of the grilled chicken sandwiches at Wendys, grilled chicken and vegitable at Applebees, Chilis, etc. I'll check out sparkpeople. Thanks for the recommendation!

Morethanjustamom: It's against university policy. There is actually talk of providing a common kitchen space for the dorms.

AKLulu: thanks!

So Late So Soon: Thanks!

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Love the Sparkpeople. I've used their trackers since 2007 and I've met a lot of really awesome people to walk, run, and be challenged with!

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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"Love does not throw the book at you because love doesn't have a book to throw." -CS Lewis

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The first week of the Rebel Fitness Guide is done! While it was challenging, it was well worth it.

When I got on the scale last week, I was sitting at 290ibs (early morning before my shower). I got rid of the scale shortly afterwards (gave it to a friend) and just focused on getting through this first week.

I have also been trying to incorporate Paleo elements into my diet. This past Monday-Friday, I ate nothing my fruits, veggies, and Grilled Chicken/Fish. On Saturday, a buddy of mine came into town and we went to Fogo de Chao (Brazilian Steak house). I definitely ate my fill of meat and greens (a bit of parmesan). Earlier for Lunch, we ate some deep-dish pizza (I had three slices). I got on the scale, and was weighing in at 292. I know that the weight gain has more with the fact that I ate some hearty meals this weekend, and I expect my weight to regularize within the next couple of days under 290.

Just thought I'd share that for now. Let me know what you guys think? Successful? Suggestions?


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I have also been trying to incorporate Paleo elements into my diet. This past Monday-Friday, I ate nothing my fruits, veggies, and Grilled Chicken/Fish. On Saturday, a buddy of mine came into town and we went to Fogo de Chao (Brazilian Steak house). I definitely ate my fill of meat and greens (a bit of parmesan). Earlier for Lunch, we ate some deep-dish pizza (I had three slices). I got on the scale, and was weighing in at 292. I know that the weight gain has more with the fact that I ate some hearty meals this weekend, and I expect my weight to regularize within the next couple of days under 290.

Just thought I'd share that for now. Let me know what you guys think? Successful? Suggestions?


You're doin' good buddy, but ditch the damn scale! You don't need to keep weighing yourself, it will only hinder your results. You did a smart thing by giving it away, but you should stop weighing yourself altogether. Numbers don't matter -- the way you look and feel do. Base your success on how you look and feel.

Keep up the good work with the mostly meat and veggies. You've got what it takes, man.

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You're doin' good buddy, but ditch the damn scale! You don't need to keep weighing yourself, it will only hinder your results. You did a smart thing by giving it away, but you should stop weighing yourself altogether. Numbers don't matter -- the way you look and feel do. Base your success on how you look and feel.

Keep up the good work with the mostly meat and veggies. You've got what it takes, man.

What Rush said! Ditch the scale and just work on doing healthy things for yourself. I just started Paleo a few weeks ago and CrossFit about 2 months ago. I don't think I've weighed myself since before Christmas (243 lbs.) and if I did, I'm pretty sure it'd just frustrate me more. If you need something to help you keep track, I'd recommend taking measurements. I haven't been as good with the diet and exercise as maybe I should be, but my "natural waist" measurement has already dropped about an inch! THAT feels good. I'll probably weigh myself in a month or two after my results become a little more visible - just to see where I'm at, but I'm definitely over depending on the scale to tell me how I should feel about myself.

It sounds like you've got a great start with the Rebel Fitness Guide to help you and you're doing great with the eating. Just don't feel like you have to change everything at once or that you have to cut out everything. I still allow myself little "treats" (like a square of dark chocolate in the afternoon or a glass of wine in the evening) and it helps keep me on track. Keep it up, Rian! We're rooting for you :)

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Thanks, everyone! It's just SO tempting to jump on that scale. I gave it away because I was on there two, three, and even four times a day. It became an unhealthy obsession which would ultimately leave me discouraged (as it kind of did today).

However, I just feel like my clothes fits me a tad-bit better after two-weeks of working out. I committed myself to a month of the Rebel Fitness Guide, and I am going to do it. I compared a picture I took two-weeks ago with one I took today, and I feel like I see a difference. We'll see where I'm at at the end of April.


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