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My One Mile Woot Thread

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I've worked out that it is almost exactly one mile from my house to the street light (my town has one street light, and it's a blinker... awww yeah) and then BACK to my house. If it's a little more or a little less, then so be it, but it's close enough to one mile that it's my benchmark for running prowess. Last summer, I started a "One Mile Reduction Challenge" with my forum, which was to knock 10% off of your One Mile Time over the course of the summer. I am... not a runner. "Lumbering" is a closer approximation. My first mile was 11min 45sec. Yeah, boo, I suck.

Over the course of the summer I managed to get it down to 9:45, a full two minute reduction, and 17% faster. Not bad, considering my start time!

All through September and October my time hovered around 9:45, so I figured I had hit a bit of a fitness wall. My working out was really sporadic, and I ate like crap.

I haven't properly run since mid-October, due to snow. Today was a disturbingly nice day, t-shirt and no coat weather, so I decided to try it again and see how much I had degraded.

9min 30 sec. I've somehow gotten faster.

SO this is going to be my w00t thread for everything I bang that puppy down. Now that I'm eating paleo-friendly (most of the time) and working out properly again, AND losing weight AND doing a six week challenge thingie, I'm hoping to get this below 8:00 before summer.

(I hope this is acceptable use of the Woot Room facilities.)

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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That's great! Just don't give up your other workouts entirely, as they'll help you a ton when it comes to speed.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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Oh, absolutely not. My 6-week goal is to perform a pull-up, so there's lots of core, arms, back and diet required to make that happen! Right now, though, this is far and away the best metric of my ability to self-improve. EVERYTIME that number goes down, I feel unstoppable.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Woot for you! My out of shape self banged out a 11:49 mile this morning, and I was proud to get it. :)

9:30 is awesome...I'm in awe of my 14 yr old daughter, she ran a 6:58 last week in track, and still didn't win. I would die on the side of the road if I tried to run a mile that fast.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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It's an unfortunate matter of pacing. I can run a 4 minute HALF mile, but that second half mile is just murder. Building range is my other major fitness goal, since this summer I want my morning exercise to be a) run TO the beach (1 mile), B) swim out to Goose Island (I dunno, 300 yards), swim back, then c) run home again.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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It's an unfortunate matter of pacing. I can run a 4 minute HALF mile, but that second half mile is just murder. Building range is my other major fitness goal, since this summer I want my morning exercise to be a) run TO the beach (1 mile), B) swim out to Goose Island (I dunno, 300 yards), swim back, then c) run home again.

Oh, wow, that's an awesome goal. I would love to have a beach or lake with an island to run/swim to!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Goose Island is pretty much 1000 square feet of giant rocks that have somehow acquired dirt and trees, you can't even walk on it because of the jagged rocks (and the goose crap), but it sure LOOKS cool to swim out there, sit on one, and look around you at the lake. But yeah, that's one of my favorite things about my tiny one-blinky-traffic-light town.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Great job so far, and an awesome goal to run an 8:00 mile (I did it myself recently, and was very pumped about it). I don't know if you're doing anything specific to try and speed up that time, but I would recommend adding some strides to the end of your runs. Just sprint enough to get your legs moving fast, but slow down before you get tired. Do that 4-6 times once a week or so, and you'll be amazed at what it will do for your mile time (at least it did for me).

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What the hell...?

Ok, so I took a few days off running because I was either sore, or sick, or busy, or both. Today, I figured I'd try it in the middle of the day, when it wasn't too cold and I wasn't too tired. I warmed up a little bit with some negatives on my kid's swing set (not very good, and my triceps are killing me, but I know where my weak spots are), did some stretches, and then set out. Almost immediately I felt a tightness through my core, and I wasn't happy with the pace I was setting. I WAS Happy that I didn't stop once, no matter how out of breath and exhausted I felt... I was able to keep my body going. I put on a bit of speed at the very end, but it didn't feel very good. I felt slow and weak.

But the clock doesn't lie. 9min 17sec. 13 seconds FASTER than last week.


Woot the hell! I'll take it. I guess it was a better pace all around, even though I felt slower. Go fig!

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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