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The ARGH Thread

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So this is part Woot but mostly Argh!

Woot: I told a coworker to F#©k off yesterday.

Argh: I still have to work with her!

I work at an ad agency as an art director/graphic designer/production guy. I was asked by my creative director (CD) to make revisions to a file that a teammate worked on previously.

"Sure, not a problem" cuz I'm a team player.

I pick up what I see as the latest file and then go to town on all the revisions. Finish up after about 1.5 hours and the account exec is looking it over and realizes the changes she had asked for prior to the ones I did were not on the files I revised.

"Did you pick up an older version ?" she asks.

"No I picked up the latest file from the server. Hey [insert bitch's name here], did you back up the latest file you worked on?"

"I dunno..." she said with an 'I couldn't care less attitude'.

"Well f#©k [insert bitch's name here]!!!!! I just worked on this for nothing! Why can't you back up your sh!t so this crap doesn't happen?"

At this point I got up and left to go the men's room. When I came back my CD was trying to calm things down and said:

"This is why we need to back up stuff as soon as we're done."

[insert bitch's name here] goes on to say:

"Im not the only one who doesnt back up my stuff and it's been 6 months and this is the first time I haven't backed stuff up!"

Bullsh!t! She doesn't back stuff up because she wants people to always have to come to her and ask her for stuff! And she's been complaining since the day we won this account (on top of all the other things she complains about). She's said to others in the office that she is far too good of a designer to be working on a grocery circular and since she won't be getting any extra monetary compensation she won't work on it. This work is apparently beneath her. And if she ever had to work on it she would deliberately make mistakes and screw things up so she hopefully won't have to work on it again! She has a ton of other quirks and crap she pulls that I won't bother you with but would make for a good read and have you disliking her as much as I and another coworker does!

So then she says since she has the most recent file with the prior corrections on it she will redo all the work I did thinking I will be fine with that. No, that's not why I'm pissed. Whether I do the work or she does it doesn't matter because its wasted time that we could be devoting to other things. She goes on to say more crap and again she stated she was going to do it and not to worry. This is where I went off again, dropping more f-bombs.

"Fine. You do the fucking work. Im going to lunch!"

As I'm leaving she muttered something else and this is where I turned around and told her to F#©K OFF! and loud enough for most of the office to hear.

Now I don't normally get mad as I'm a very, very calm person to which most of my coworkers will attest. I learned a long time ago that stressing over every little thing is not good and things will always work out in the end. This bitch just does crap all the time and I couldn't take it anymore! Everyone in the office dislikes her! The only other time I blew up at work in the 4 years I've been here was because of her.

We're supposed to have a team meeting today where our CD will try to smooth things over. The bitch will probably cry again. Oh yeah, when I left for lunch she started to cry and then whine to our CD. She always cries when confronted about things she does. Anyways, I doubt anything will come out of our meeting as our CD seems to placate to the bitch. Maybe it's time to look for another place of employment...

Thanks for letting me blow off some steam!


"Yeah, I got this!" -andygates

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I'm getting a biased view here but if she's anything at all what you're describing I think the only proper thing is to talk this through and, together with the rest of the team, push the boss to fire her. She sounds like a twist which tries to make everything go according to her standards and people like that destroys teams.


My argh of the day is

1) I always get tiny injuries despite plenty of rest and taking it easy. Now my running performance is dropping like mad and I can't manage 3-4k without having to stop...

2) The f"¤#g kids in the corridor that can't act like grown ups, can't do their part and push it on to the rest of us. Worst part is that there is no leverage to get them to do it, they can't get kicked out, I can't intimidate, I can't do shit without it backfiring. A punch isn't far away.

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I decided that I was going to work out on Monday (this was on sunday evening) and was all prepped to do it. Then monday morning I wake up sicker than a dog! After a visit to the hospital, it is now wednesday and still no workout from me! (Maybe God is telling me NOT to workout. Maybe he WANTS me to be fat. I think I should sit and play video games from here on out :P )

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I decided that I was going to work out on Monday (this was on sunday evening) and was all prepped to do it. Then monday morning I wake up sicker than a dog! After a visit to the hospital, it is now wednesday and still no workout from me! (Maybe God is telling me NOT to workout. Maybe he WANTS me to be fat. I think I should sit and play video games from here on out :P )

Well.... 80% of health/fitness is diet? So maybe you can be the best Paleo video-gamer ever or something ;)

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Little bastard mosquitoes won't stop attacking me! Tuesady I went for a walk and got 13 bites! No, I didn't use off that time. Tonight I lay the bug spray on thick , and still got bit! Right now I have counted at least 11 more! I look diseased. I'm itchy and pissy...

Gnome Adventurer



What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Little bastard mosquitoes won't stop attacking me! Tuesady I went for a walk and got 13 bites! No, I didn't use off that time. Tonight I lay the bug spray on thick , and still got bit! Right now I have counted at least 11 more! I look diseased. I'm itchy and pissy...

No more bananas, lots of garlic. Put some calamine lotion on that shiznit!

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Ongoing aargh!

The power rack is not for stretching and admiring your make-up in the adjacent mirror for 30 minutes, it's for my (meager) deadlifts. There's literally a whole separate room for stretching so you and your friends can lift your 2lb pink weights in there. The correct answer to "Are you guys using the rack?" in this instance is "No, go ahead" or perhaps "Just one more minute". A contemptuous "Uh, yeah!" is incorrect.

*head explode*

Kewilson - Misfit Adventurer


Operation Phoenix: 6-Week Challenge Thread

STR: 2 (+2), DEX: 0 (+1), STA: 3 (+0), CON: 4 (+0), WIS: 5 (+0), CHA: 1 (+3)

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Fainted after having a tooth extracted today. Much embarassment. ARGH!

*pat pat* I'm sure it happens to plenty of people. If it makes you feel any better, I had an oral surgeon actually laugh at me when I was little and coming out from under anesthesia... I had asked if it was over. Come on dude, I'm 8 years old and you tortured me with needles... you're really going to laugh at me?

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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*pat pat* I'm sure it happens to plenty of people. If it makes you feel any better, I had an oral surgeon actually laugh at me when I was little and coming out from under anesthesia... I had asked if it was over. Come on dude, I'm 8 years old and you tortured me with needles... you're really going to laugh at me?

My anesthesiologist informed me after wisdom tooth surgery when I was 16 that I came out of it singing the French national anthem. He thought that was hilarious!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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People not reading their goddamn work emails properly! Don't make me call up half a dozen people to find out a solution for you and when I come back to you with it tell me that you knew that but didn't realise that's what I asked you because you didn't really read my email! ARGH

They/them please

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My anesthesiologist informed me after wisdom tooth surgery when I was 16 that I came out of it singing the French national anthem. He thought that was hilarious!

I came out announcing, "It's Helios!"

Don't ask.

My Argh: I'm trying to get my driver's license updated and there's a problem with my paperwork so I won't get it before it expires. Luckily, I won't be driving, but I still need it for ID!

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