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So, who tried to read the title with a french accent ? : D

I love hearing people speaking a foreign language with their native accent, It reminds me that It's not because you speak a language without thinking about it, that it's the same for everyone. (Oh you should hear me, speaking english, that's something to be remembered :P )

Anyway, hi everyone !

I'm reading Steve's blog since a few months I think, although I'm walking the improvement path for a little longer.

I moved to Nancy 2 week ago (North-East of France, coming from Paris, so that's not really and adventurous trip) for an internship, and all my beautifull decisions about re-starting running, etc, vanished in a jar of speculoos paste and a bunch of salted black chocolate (<3)

Figured out that enrolling in the NF army would be the best way to tackle the problem, so here I am ^^

A 23 ("and half !") year old student, finishing my master degree by working on soil and plant science for the moment (Effects of biochar amendements on heavy metal uptake by plants for those who are curious). I'm an ex-judo/jujitsuka, I stopped because of the master degree, and planned to work on general physical condition before returning to the mat, but I have not done much in fact.

Also I recently get into writing and calligraphy, and starded back reading.

So my main problem is the lack of physical exercice as I'm pretty much alone, in a cold region, with only a little park with wooden stuff to train.

I fact the equipments are not the problem, the motivation IS ^^

So right now i'm 1m80, around 84kg i guess (no scale in my new flat), 2 pull up, 14 push-up and 8km on 1hour.

Aiming for : no particular weight, 10 pull up, 30 push up and 10km/50mn.

Diet wise, not much to say, i'm a vegetarian (without much dairy/eggs), I just need to clean it a little bit more (I'm looking at you "speculoos paste") and bought more nuts (although I already eat quitte a lot of almonds and hazelnuts)

That's kinda a long post, so i'll quote Blaise Pascal "I apologize that this letter is so long - I lacked the time to make it short."


"Quick ! Inflate the toad !"

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Yeah.... what Book said..... *looks around dubiously*

On a different note, welcome! We're glad to have you here, Cyril. It's true, I did try to pronounce the thread topic in a French accent, but other than movies and the random phrase my dad used to throw out, I don't have much to go on when it comes to French pronunciation. Too bad it wasn't Spanish or Russian...

Your masters' project sounds very interesting. I studied biology for my bachelors and work in fish science now, so it's always nice to see a fellow life sciences nerd around :)

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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You're franco-ontarian? Cool. I thought you were hiding something :)

I just can't pull the wool over your eyes, can I? Dang! Okay, I confess, I didn't even try to understand a word of Book's French. Though... scanning it now, I think I can make out bits and pieces of the meaning... and I can see why it would be so easy to call me out. Silly me.

(Note to self: Apply language skills BEFORE responding)

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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I just can't pull the wool over your eyes, can I? Dang! Okay, I confess, I didn't even try to understand a word of Book's French. Though... scanning it now, I think I can make out bits and pieces of the meaning... and I can see why it would be so easy to call me out. Silly me.

(Note to self: Apply language skills BEFORE responding)

Bah, it's more fun this way. I'm just imagining you're a long, lost cousin now.

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