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Three days in.. ARGGHGH

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So far so good on the eating front... Had some cheese off of a part of a slice of pizza today.. I'm sure the sauce wasn't great, etc. but I couldn't resist and that was still better than having the pizza.... Got a steak tip salad at the restaurant.. Wolfed it all and added some feta.. Today is day 5 and while I've been keeping up with it and doing alright I'd say the carb flu is a bit worse on day 5 than day 3 ;-)

That "you're starving me!!" feeling in the stomach even though I've been eating, mild headache, more easily frustrated. Next week will be better. Just happy I'm cutting the crap out and I've found some tasty things to whip up when hungry so far.. Will be better when that constant false hunger alarm resets ;-) GRRRR

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I've been on Paleo for about two weeks now and am starting to crave carbs pretty bad. The worse one is that somebody mentioned waffles yesterday and now I can't get the Waffle Window out of my mind. If you don't know what it is, it's this AMAZING pseudo-food cart in Portland that serves - you guessed it! Waffles. With all kinds of toppings. Best sugary waffles EVER.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Somehow I missed the Waffle Window, along with all the other cool stuff, when I visited Portland.

It's not as well-known as it probably ought to be, but there are SO many good places to eat here, that's it would be hard to hit them all if you lived here for a year and ate out every day. I eat out about once a month...

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Sunday is my middle boy's birthday party. My wife is making her legendary and famous from scratch chocolate cake... My mother in law is making her famous spaghetti sauce with plenty of pasta cooking.. She puts a little white sugar in her sauce when she cooks it but I think a good compromise would be to buy a spaghetti squash and use that but with her sauce and skip the cake... That's not too bad... A couple tablespoons of sugar in a big saucepan of spaghetti sauce made from scratch (well canned tomatoes) with hamburg and peppers/onions can't be that bad to indulge in the sauce part at least.

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Been drinking a ton of water and that has been helping. I'll have to look for a recipe for those banana pancakes.. Oh yeah the other test will be tomororw.. Taking my oldest - my daughter to "Maple Sugar Days" at the local farm museum... 3 hours of watching them make syrup, make stuff out of syrup, watching them make apple cider donuts, maple candies and then watching them make johnnie cakes from scratch the old fashioned way. It will be fun to watch my daughter eating all that ;-) I'll be sneaking in some carrot sticks and cashews in the coat pocket, me thinks.

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Been drinking a ton of water and that has been helping. I'll have to look for a recipe for those banana pancakes.. Oh yeah the other test will be tomororw.. Taking my oldest - my daughter to "Maple Sugar Days" at the local farm museum... 3 hours of watching them make syrup, make stuff out of syrup, watching them make apple cider donuts, maple candies and then watching them make johnnie cakes from scratch the old fashioned way. It will be fun to watch my daughter eating all that ;-) I'll be sneaking in some carrot sticks and cashews in the coat pocket, me thinks.

That's brutal.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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It will definitely pass and then you will feel AMAZING!

Me personally, I avoided anything that would resemble foods I'd crave because I just wanted to completely retrain my mentality and tastebuds-- seemed to work, for me anyway! It's been about 2 months and I just had Ezekiel bread for the first time a few days ago. A little bloated the day after, but SHOCKED myself that I didn't crave more the next day (I've been a huge bread freak my whole life) so, YAY!

Two weeks from now you will be in awe of how good you feel and how much mental clarity you find eating clean :)

Good recipe ideas in this thread, yum!

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Been drinking a ton of water and that has been helping. I'll have to look for a recipe for those banana pancakes.. Oh yeah the other test will be tomororw.. Taking my oldest - my daughter to "Maple Sugar Days" at the local farm museum... 3 hours of watching them make syrup, make stuff out of syrup, watching them make apple cider donuts, maple candies and then watching them make johnnie cakes from scratch the old fashioned way. It will be fun to watch my daughter eating all that ;-) I'll be sneaking in some carrot sticks and cashews in the coat pocket, me thinks.

I feel ya! Today is the day I spend with my 3 year old granddaughter and our usual ritual is she loves to eat salad with me but we usually also get ice cream at the end of the day together. Today the only ice cream I had was what dripped on my fingers while I held hers for her for a second. Thanks goodness she was in a selfish mood and said "No" when I asked if grandma can have a bite.

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

MyFitnessPal Diary

Well, looks like I'm just a Human

STR 1; DEX 2; STA 1; CON 2; WIS 4; CHA 5

Bumblebee's Quest to Play!

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Ugh, that is totally brutal...good luck yo!

Husband brought home Wendy's for lunch...curse him.

Make a huge salad and eat the meat without the bun. Fries are an optional cheat...I have no idea what they're fried in, but they are yummy and have sea salt.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Just got back from the maple sugar festival.. Had to help make maple candies by pouring still reducing, hot maple syrup from the pan onto snow... Then watched some big batches in various states of cooking.. Was handed a cup and they said it was the sap - not yet boiled down - from the tree.. I figured that would be okay so I drank.. Tasted good.. Really cold, crisp and refreshing with just a hint of sweetness.. They should market "maple sap" as a drink.. There must be some healthy nutrients in those trees and the ratio they boil it down to make syrup (40:1?) means it is a lot more water - and other stuff, than sugar... It was a small dentist office size cup 1/4 filled. Figured that wouldn't send me back in terms of progress in will power and cleaner eating this week...

Then my daughter wanted to go into the donut cooking demo... So I sat and watched her pour sugar, cinnamon, flour, eggs, etc. with the other kids and make donut dough... Then I was asked to help put the cinnamon donuts into and out of the deep fryer since I was standing.. Yeah.. That was different.. Scooping each glistening, golden brown cinnamon donut out of the oil... I snuck a little bit of one of the donut holes that we also fried from my daughter.. I'd call it a nibble.. A small house mouse would have taken a bigger bite.. It tasted great...

Then it was off to the johnnycakes discussion and demonstration.. White cornmeal, water, salt I think... Finished with maple syrup (what else?) My daughter enjoyed a mini one, I refrained...

Then it was more maple candy.. I had to have a little nibble as well.. Think half a pinky finger nail sized...

So I think I did alright ;-) Later in the day I was starting to feel that low blood sugary kinda feeling. That borderline shaking, feeling out of it or zoned feeling. I've been going through the carb flu a bit this week but I can't help but wonder if those tiny bites were enough to send out a bit too much insulin :-)

But.. Yeah.. 6 days eating cleaner done and I'm feeling alright. Just made another stir fry for the whole family. My wife enjoyed the break, my daughter enjoyed helping and I got to use Red Peppers, Green Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Fresh Ginger, Kale, Asparagus, Summer Squash, Zucchini and some lean stir fry beef. Plopped a fresh egg from the backyard chickens into a pan and tossed my portion in with it for a little extra protein.

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Just got back from the maple sugar festival.. Had to help make maple candies by pouring still reducing, hot maple syrup from the pan onto snow... Then watched some big batches in various states of cooking.. Was handed a cup and they said it was the sap - not yet boiled down - from the tree.. I figured that would be okay so I drank.. Tasted good.. Really cold, crisp and refreshing with just a hint of sweetness.. They should market "maple sap" as a drink.. There must be some healthy nutrients in those trees and the ratio they boil it down to make syrup (40:1?) means it is a lot more water - and other stuff, than sugar... It was a small dentist office size cup 1/4 filled. Figured that wouldn't send me back in terms of progress in will power and cleaner eating this week...

Then my daughter wanted to go into the donut cooking demo... So I sat and watched her pour sugar, cinnamon, flour, eggs, etc. with the other kids and make donut dough... Then I was asked to help put the cinnamon donuts into and out of the deep fryer since I was standing.. Yeah.. That was different.. Scooping each glistening, golden brown cinnamon donut out of the oil... I snuck a little bit of one of the donut holes that we also fried from my daughter.. I'd call it a nibble.. A small house mouse would have taken a bigger bite.. It tasted great...

Then it was off to the johnnycakes discussion and demonstration.. White cornmeal, water, salt I think... Finished with maple syrup (what else?) My daughter enjoyed a mini one, I refrained...

Then it was more maple candy.. I had to have a little nibble as well.. Think half a pinky finger nail sized...

So I think I did alright ;-) Later in the day I was starting to feel that low blood sugary kinda feeling. That borderline shaking, feeling out of it or zoned feeling. I've been going through the carb flu a bit this week but I can't help but wonder if those tiny bites were enough to send out a bit too much insulin :-)

But.. Yeah.. 6 days eating cleaner done and I'm feeling alright. Just made another stir fry for the whole family. My wife enjoyed the break, my daughter enjoyed helping and I got to use Red Peppers, Green Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Fresh Ginger, Kale, Asparagus, Summer Squash, Zucchini and some lean stir fry beef. Plopped a fresh egg from the backyard chickens into a pan and tossed my portion in with it for a little extra protein.

Sounds like a victory to me! Good job!

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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So I think I did alright ;-) Later in the day I was starting to feel that low blood sugary kinda feeling. That borderline shaking, feeling out of it or zoned feeling. I've been going through the carb flu a bit this week but I can't help but wonder if those tiny bites were enough to send out a bit too much insulin :-)

You did awesome. And yeah, the the blood sugar thing sounds exactly right--this is really a good thing, you will notice it more and more. It isn't that it wasn't happening before, it is that you just immediately and unquestioningly ate a bunch more. Protein, as I am sure you have found, is the remedy, not the additional sugar your body craves at that point. Eating a protein snack at the festival would have helped too, probably, for future reference.

Never cheat off the dumb kid.

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How about this?


I've not tried it personally but it looks damn good.

Just chiming in because I tried this pizza recipe tonight.

The kids were really hankering for some pizza, so I figured I would have some too. It's not bad, although the crust is noticeably coconutty and kind of a weird texture. I'm not sure I would make it again - but it was a good option.

In general, I hate analogues for other food. I've been strict paleo for over 6 months, and I've mentally trained myself not to want pizza, so it's actually kind of hard for me to like this. I just don't like bready things anymore. I feel the same way about things like veggie hot dogs and burgers - if you don't want to eat meat, why would you want to eat something that's pretending to be meat?


Anyway, some of you may like this pizza. I would have rather had the toppings all stirred up in a delicious saucy vegetable-meat medley!

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Just chiming in because I tried this pizza recipe tonight.

The kids were really hankering for some pizza, so I figured I would have some too. It's not bad, although the crust is noticeably coconutty and kind of a weird texture. I'm not sure I would make it again - but it was a good option.

In general, I hate analogues for other food. I've been strict paleo for over 6 months, and I've mentally trained myself not to want pizza, so it's actually kind of hard for me to like this. I just don't like bready things anymore. I feel the same way about things like veggie hot dogs and burgers - if you don't want to eat meat, why would you want to eat something that's pretending to be meat?


Anyway, some of you may like this pizza. I would have rather had the toppings all stirred up in a delicious saucy vegetable-meat medley!

Yeah, I was with family in New York for my grandmother's funeral. I spent it as a weekend away from being 'difficult' in my eating habits (Italian family). Fortunately we went out for Japanese Thursday night (sashimi saved me) and then Saturday had a lot of seafood. Friday was a paleo-disaster. Bagels for breakfast, spaghetti for lunch, pizza for dinner. However, it served as a lesson for me, since I felt absolutely terrible for all of Saturday and Sunday.

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