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I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life... and by struggled, I mean, occasionally I have exercised and dieted, but mostly I have been mugged by my natural physical laziness and love for junk food.  


At the age of 46, and probably about 100 lbs over my ideal weight, but married to a wonderful woman, and with three amazing young boys (ages 2, 5 and 7), I feel I need to turn this battle around and keep on the winning side if I want to fulfill my dream of growing old with my wife and seeing my kids tortured by their kids as much as they currently torture me (Just kidding.. though they can be trying sometimes, they are the best thing that ever happened to me bar nothing).  Since the first of my boys was born, it has gotten increasingly difficult to get out to the gym in the morning as my wife needed me to stick around in the mornings until she got ready (Showering without any supervision for  toddler or younger child in the house is a gamble we have not generally liked to take), and by the time the kids are in bed at night, I have generally been too tired to do any serious exercise.  


Recently we have moved to a new house, one that is a fair bit bigger than our old one which gives me a possible solution to not making it out to the gym; I can use it for exercise.  So, last week I ordered a rowing machine for general cardio training and it should arrive later this week.  In the interim I thought maybe I should look into some strength training, especially for the few muscles that rowing doesn't work.  While googling body weight exercises, I found Nerd Fitness, and now here I am.


On the diet front, I have started to work really hard at cutting processed sugars from my diet.  My goal this week is to drink no soda at all.  Just a little bit of sugar in coffee and a little orange juice with club soda in addition to water.  I might give paleo a try, or get back on the South Beach diet which I had great success with in the past.  


I did my first body weight workout this morning and while I could only keep it up for about 15 minutes, I feel slightly sore in a good way now several hours later.  Anyway, I hope by joining this group to be able to stay motivated to get into shape using diet, rowing and body weight workouts.  This looks like a great community and I look forward to being a part of it.


Now for my nerd credentials.  I am a computer system admin, who hasn't willing run an operating system other than linux in about 15 years (unfortunately I have to occasionally use windows.. and my work computer is a Mac.).  I enjoy reading science fiction, playing Irish Traditional Music on the concertina, and amateur astronomy as well as pool noodle light saber duels with my children (more like gang up on daddy... but hey I can take it.. and hope to be able to outrun them for longer soon :)). 


Best Regards, 



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welcome to the rebellion

Well you have three kids and now a bigger house. Why dont you play with them once in a while. Light cardio games lite running around, playing catch ...  can help you ass well as the kids. Plus introduce the kids to some easy workouts. Thay will grow into the habit of staying fit

Have fun

                                                             If you want something, go get it. Period 


                                   Epic Quest                                     Intro post                                    Duolingo

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5 hours ago, ajoylucid said:


welcome to the rebellion

Well you have three kids and now a bigger house. Why dont you play with them once in a while. Light cardio games lite running around, playing catch ...  can help you ass well as the kids. Plus introduce the kids to some easy workouts. Thay will grow into the habit of staying fit

Have fun


Actually, I do play with my kids when I can... pool noodle light saber battles where everyone gangs up on Daddy are not an uncommon site in our back yard.  Fortunately I am actually a Sith Lord :)... er.. well, I know a few basic fencing moves, and I helped coach my oldest Son's baseball team last spring.  Ultimately, lack of light activity is not my problem.  Sugar is, and serious exercise is.    


I did my second body weight workout this morning (I climbed up and down our stairs about 15 times yesterday for some cardio if the rower doesn't arrive today, I will try to make it 20 times tomorrow).  My rower should arrive in the next few days.





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14 hours ago, MarylandBill said:

Actually, I do play with my kids when I can.

I helped coach my oldest Son's baseball team last spring.



Thats cool. I am sorry on the quick read i took you to be idle.


14 hours ago, MarylandBill said:

Sugar is, and serious exercise is

Dont keep track of just your weight. Keep tack of your measurements. Or better your body fat percentage.

Also keep a log of your food( take a photo every time you eat) this will create an awareness of how much you are eating.

(Idea credits: 4hour body)

Also keep a workout log. Or use daily battle logs here


Also make a plan on sugar control and workout and join the next 4 week challange

                                                             If you want something, go get it. Period 


                                   Epic Quest                                     Intro post                                    Duolingo

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