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Today I decided to stop languishing and waiting for my life to improve.

It has been in a self inflicted steady decline as I avoided risks and sacrificed my character, relationships, and strength to fear.

No more of that. I intend to lead a fascinating life and will begin by gaining self control.

My basic situation is as follows.

I am a 21 year old college student that is looking at a delayed degree because a) I'm not sure exactly what I want to do with my life and B) I have been avoiding challenging things out of fear of failure.

My plan is to break the cycle by changing the destructive eating habits I have, as well as to move my body and make it stronger and more beautiful.

More specifically-I will follow the Rebel Fitness plan that I purchased earlier this week. I will record my progress and make it available online if wanted. I will also cut out soda from my diet (with the exception of going out, 1-2 times a week if that.) I'll also make an effort to eat less processed sugars and more veggies and proteins. I'll be recording this as well.

I thank the community in advance for your time and patience. I've spent some time reading through the forums here and it seems like each of you really has something awesome to bring to the table.

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In response to not knowing what to do with your life, the book "What Color is your Parachute" helped me a lot, while this article made me feel better about not knowing: http://www.fastcompany.com/node/45909/print

I shouldn't be giving unsolicited advice in this area; I still don't know what I'm going to do when I grow up :P

Sounds like you've started tackling the "avoiding challenging things out of fear of failure" quite nicely, though!

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Welcome! It sounds like you have some really good goals set for yourself :) And don't worry, none of us think about this as whining - we even have a thread designated for complaining... though I guess people would prefer it be referred to as "expressing frustrations" :P

I wouldn't stress too much about the degree either. I finished my degree a few years ago and still don't know what I want to do. I'm working in a field related to my degree, but it's definitely not where I thought I'd be going.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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In response to not knowing what to do with your life, the book "What Color is your Parachute" helped me a lot, while this article made me feel better about not knowing: http://www.fastcompany.com/node/45909/print

I shouldn't be giving unsolicited advice in this area; I still don't know what I'm going to do when I grow up :P

Sounds like you've started tackling the "avoiding challenging things out of fear of failure" quite nicely, though!

I'll have to pick up the Parachute book this week. :D Thanks for the recommendation.

And hey, I'll take advice wherever I can get it! One of the unfortunate realities I've come to terms with lately is that I'm pretty much a dumbass and in need of guidance. ^^

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Welcome! No worries on the "delayed degree" front...I am 30 and I still haven't finished mine! (Plan to in December though).

You have a good plan - do you have specific goals to go along with this plan?

Congrats on the upcoming graduation! What's your major?

Oh man, I'm not even sure. I'd like to weigh less but I'm not sure how much less. I'd like to be more fit and do more stuff and not be embarrassed at myself when I accidentally see a mirror.

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Welcome! It sounds like you have some really good goals set for yourself :) And don't worry, none of us think about this as whining - we even have a thread designated for complaining... though I guess people would prefer it be referred to as "expressing frustrations" :P

I wouldn't stress too much about the degree either. I finished my degree a few years ago and still don't know what I want to do. I'm working in a field related to my degree, but it's definitely not where I thought I'd be going.

Thank you for your kind words. /tolerance of expressed frustrations :D

I've had people tell me that life's easier when you have goals and directions and the like, but I know my life plan's all out of whack and it sort of freaks me out if I think about it too hard. Perfectionist awaaayy.

Congratulations on finishing your degree! If you don't mind my asking, what's your major?

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Thank you for your kind words. /tolerance of expressed frustrations :D

I've had people tell me that life's easier when you have goals and directions and the like, but I know my life plan's all out of whack and it sort of freaks me out if I think about it too hard. Perfectionist awaaayy.

Congratulations on finishing your degree! If you don't mind my asking, what's your major?

Don't mind at all! I got my bachelors in general biology and work in fisheries science now. I went into college planning on taking biology, but giving myself the option to change if I found something I liked better. I liked a lot of things, but didn't find anything I liked better, so continued on with that.

I've also always been a perfectionist and I'm having to try really hard to let go of some of that, but my attention to detail is still something that my co-workers appreciate in me. I think life would definitely be easier with a plan, but it's often been said that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Such is true for my life. I think the only thing that went according to my "plan" was finishing my bachelors in five years. Now I don't know what the plan is... I start stressing about it sometimes, but have to remind myself that it's not worth it. Sometimes life just can't be planned. Keep you're chin up, Willi, you'll get through!

Out of curiosity, do you have siblings and if you do, what's the relation in age (older/younger)?

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Don't mind at all! I got my bachelors in general biology and work in fisheries science now. I went into college planning on taking biology, but giving myself the option to change if I found something I liked better. I liked a lot of things, but didn't find anything I liked better, so continued on with that.

I've also always been a perfectionist and I'm having to try really hard to let go of some of that, but my attention to detail is still something that my co-workers appreciate in me. I think life would definitely be easier with a plan, but it's often been said that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Such is true for my life. I think the only thing that went according to my "plan" was finishing my bachelors in five years. Now I don't know what the plan is... I start stressing about it sometimes, but have to remind myself that it's not worth it. Sometimes life just can't be planned. Keep you're chin up, Willi, you'll get through!

Out of curiosity, do you have siblings and if you do, what's the relation in age (older/younger)?

Bio geeks unite! Are you enjoying Fisheries? I'm told that with a Bio major you can pretty much go wherever in the world you want. (And get paid peanuts, but hey. :D )

Aw, thanks. It's good to hear that the delusion of control isn't mine alone. :) It's a human trait to think we can/should control more than we can, I think. If that makes sense. I know I'd like to get a plan together and like...rock it. I plan a lot more than I succeed at following through, however.

I do! I'm the eldest of four, two little brothers and one sister.

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Bio geeks unite! Are you enjoying Fisheries? I'm told that with a Bio major you can pretty much go wherever in the world you want. (And get paid peanuts, but hey. :D )

Aw, thanks. It's good to hear that the delusion of control isn't mine alone. :) It's a human trait to think we can/should control more than we can, I think. If that makes sense. I know I'd like to get a plan together and like...rock it. I plan a lot more than I succeed at following through, however.

I do! I'm the eldest of four, two little brothers and one sister.

*Bio nerd high five* I'm liking it pretty well. I grew up commercial fishing in Alaska, so I didn't think I wanted to have anything to do with fish for a career, but that's where I ended up when I moved to Portland and it's treating me well so far. And yeah, that's kind of what I figured with bio - that it was pretty general and I could do whatever I wanted with it. I'm fine getting paid peanuts so long as I'm happy.

And yeah, I think there are a lot of people with the control issue. I think it's great to have an idea of where you want to go, but it can still be hard to plan. I call my "plans" dreams, so if they don't happen, it was a nice thought anyway ;) And it gives you something to think about or look forward to, even if it's not what ends up happening.

Oldest.... I knew it. I'm the youngest of 6 (5 brothers). I think it's usually the oldest that's the perfectionist, but somehow, whether it was the gap in ages or the fact that I was the only girl, I ended up a perfectionist too. Yay for big families!

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Congrats on the upcoming graduation! What's your major?

Information Technology Management. I think it'll be a good fit for me.

As far as not having specific goals yet, that's ok. Sometimes it takes a little while...I still don't really have set-in-stone goals yet. Mine are things like "finish New Rules of Lifting for Women program" and "have less than 30% bf". After I'm done with the program, I'll reassess where I'm at and make new goals from there :)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Welcome aboard! I understand the not knowing what to do with one's life thing, really. I transferred schools twice and changed majors a handful of times and eventually went with English because I enjoy it, but let me tell you: I still don't know what to do. I work in a library, which is cool, but who is to say that won't change. Be open to change, but don't be afraid! Either way, good luck!

I hope you find success here, definitely post your food/workout tracking!

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*Bio nerd high five* I'm liking it pretty well. I grew up commercial fishing in Alaska, so I didn't think I wanted to have anything to do with fish for a career, but that's where I ended up when I moved to Portland and it's treating me well so far. And yeah, that's kind of what I figured with bio - that it was pretty general and I could do whatever I wanted with it. I'm fine getting paid peanuts so long as I'm happy.

And yeah, I think there are a lot of people with the control issue. I think it's great to have an idea of where you want to go, but it can still be hard to plan. I call my "plans" dreams, so if they don't happen, it was a nice thought anyway ;) And it gives you something to think about or look forward to, even if it's not what ends up happening.

Oldest.... I knew it. I'm the youngest of 6 (5 brothers). I think it's usually the oldest that's the perfectionist, but somehow, whether it was the gap in ages or the fact that I was the only girl, I ended up a perfectionist too. Yay for big families!

That's totally the right attitude to have. :D Growing up in Alaska must have been an experience. Did you find anything strange, moving to the continental US?

You know, I read a book on birth order a while back and that's totally a thing! A kid born with enough of a gap between themselves and the last kid can sometimes act as the 'eldest'. Woo family! :D

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Information Technology Management. I think it'll be a good fit for me.

As far as not having specific goals yet, that's ok. Sometimes it takes a little while...I still don't really have set-in-stone goals yet. Mine are things like "finish New Rules of Lifting for Women program" and "have less than 30% bf". After I'm done with the program, I'll reassess where I'm at and make new goals from there :)

:D Sounds sensible to me. Seeing as you've been here for a while, I might have to stalk your workout history for a bit and see what can be learned. Huzzah!

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Welcome aboard! I understand the not knowing what to do with one's life thing, really. I transferred schools twice and changed majors a handful of times and eventually went with English because I enjoy it, but let me tell you: I still don't know what to do. I work in a library, which is cool, but who is to say that won't change. Be open to change, but don't be afraid! Either way, good luck!

I hope you find success here, definitely post your food/workout tracking!

Hey, thanks for the encouragement!

Is working in a library as awesome as it sounds? I'm imagining stacks of books and endless learning galore.

I will do so! Being accountable to the internet's scary. o-o

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That's totally the right attitude to have. :D Growing up in Alaska must have been an experience. Did you find anything strange, moving to the continental US?

You know, I read a book on birth order a while back and that's totally a thing! A kid born with enough of a gap between themselves and the last kid can sometimes act as the 'eldest'. Woo family! :D

Growing up in Alaska was great :) I miss "home" a lot, but it's just not where I see myself living my life right now. It was a bit different moving to the lower 48 (also known as "down states" and "outside" to Alaskans), but I've traveled around a little bit, so it wasn't completely foreign. Nothing unexpected I guess.

I've heard things about birth order too :) That kind of stuff is SO fun.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Growing up in Alaska was great :) I miss "home" a lot, but it's just not where I see myself living my life right now. It was a bit different moving to the lower 48 (also known as "down states" and "outside" to Alaskans), but I've traveled around a little bit, so it wasn't completely foreign. Nothing unexpected I guess.

I've heard things about birth order too :) That kind of stuff is SO fun.

Oh my goodness regional slang. Now that we are friends you must show me your waysss.

Right? It's like you have this whole set of rules programmed into you from the get-go that you didn't even know about. Psychology is fun. And scary!

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Oh my goodness regional slang. Now that we are friends you must show me your waysss.

Right? It's like you have this whole set of rules programmed into you from the get-go that you didn't even know about. Psychology is fun. And scary!

Hahaha, I don't think we're that mysterious, but I'm willing to try to impart my wisdom ;)

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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