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it's so easy to backslide

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last week was crazy. i'll spare you the details (job interviews, shopping for interview clothes) but what it amounted to was only 1 workout and lots of fast food. there are things i could have done better in hindsight but i'm not gonna beat myself up about it. i half-heartedly tried to get back on the wagon over the weekend but that didn't really work. so today is monday and i'm ready to go. well, sort of. it's so funny how quickly my body forgets that it feels better when i eat healthier and exercise. so, yeah, i don't want to go to the gym tonight. and, yeah, i'd much rather go out for lunch than eat the bland salad and tuna i brought with me. but i'm posting here because i need to do these things. and i'll thank myself later.

hope everyone had a wonderful st. patty's day and good luck in the week ahead. if you have any advice on recommitting yourself or correcting a backslide that would be awesome.

namaste :)

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Reread the literature on what the foods your backslide involved do to your body. It makes it a lot easier to avoid grains when imagining inflamed arteries everywhere.


I've tried eating junk for a whole day or two until I get sick of it and will then be motivated to get back on the wagon, but that never goes well.

If I get really excited for one day and have enough time to get a lot of groceries or plan a bunch of healthy meals, that sticks longer...

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last week was crazy. i'll spare you the details (job interviews, shopping for interview clothes) but what it amounted to was only 1 workout and lots of fast food. there are things i could have done better in hindsight but i'm not gonna beat myself up about it. i half-heartedly tried to get back on the wagon over the weekend but that didn't really work. so today is monday and i'm ready to go. well, sort of. it's so funny how quickly my body forgets that it feels better when i eat healthier and exercise. so, yeah, i don't want to go to the gym tonight. and, yeah, i'd much rather go out for lunch than eat the bland salad and tuna i brought with me. but i'm posting here because i need to do these things. and i'll thank myself later.

hope everyone had a wonderful st. patty's day and good luck in the week ahead. if you have any advice on recommitting yourself or correcting a backslide that would be awesome.

namaste :)

We're pulling you back up on the wagon!!! and no judgement!!!

I'm not eating an exciting lunch either: 2 cups of kale & spinach (a diet staple now for me) and some leftover homemade beef stew. It's not the most exciting thing, but it is just my lunch and just my fuel and not a "treat". My treat is a small clementine today! Hurrah for the little things. Yummy!

As for backsliding, it happens. At least you have perspective - that's so great!!! I just beat myself up over and over again.

Maybe you needed a workout rest? Maybe you just needed to get sorted. Kinda like when people go on vacation and don't work out.

You're back on the wagon now. Go outside (hopefully it's lovely there today) and take a long walk. Eat your YUMMY paleo lunch and get moving. You'll feel great. Nobody gonna make you go to the gym until you want to. If you want to do something else fun instead, do it!!

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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...immediately after Pi Day, and four birthdays for my kids' friends. It was kind of a wagon-jumping week.

My diet (as in, the rules by which I take food into my body, not "I'm going to eat like this for a few weeks!") depends on tasty, zingy, delicious foods: red peppers, onions, mustard and hot sauce. As long as I make things that I crave, it's so easy not to backslide. Unfortunately, for a little while it was just EASIER to eat the crappy stuff... turning that around today.

After one more cookie.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Yesterday is gone, as they say, so don't beat yourself up about any slips. I know I've missed a week's worth of workouts twice in the past couple months, but once you get going again, you're right back on track.

If you're having trouble getting yourself to want to go to the gym, go through your goals and all the reasons you are doing this again. Hopefully you also somewhat enjoy or at least like the feeling of completing your workout, so remind yourself of that too. Then, you can say something like, I'll just gear up and do 10 minutes of exercising and I can stop after that if I want. And most likely once you get going you won't want to stop after 10 minutes.

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I had a few meals this weekend that didn't fit my diet either (Working 3-8...didn't make dinner so I had to make due with what someone brought me and what I could order for delivery). Didn't stop me from buying a bunch of good stuff today for the rest of the week. My workout revamped me this morning too, which I knew it would. A weekend with very little activity kind of got me down (working on a Sunday I was supposed to have off didn't help, but I made some money behind the bar...which I needed).

Anyway - I also recommend what Nickls said above - look back over your goals and give yourself a reminder of Why you're eating well and working out. Then plan a short workout (maybe even just your normal warm up) and see how you feel. If you still want to go home, go home. If after you want to continue working out - then continue working out.

Anyway, on to preparing big-ass-salads for dinner tonight / lunch tomorrow! Good day!

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BTW, drank 3.5 beers Friday night (Bobcat hoops!) and did I ever feel terrible the next day.

In the olden days (read about 4 mos ago) I could drink way more than that and still kick out a yoga class in the a.m. Well, changed life, went paleo, cranked up working out, cut down (seriously) on drinking and guess what? Backslide b/c my team was kicking it. Bah.

But I made a promise to myself to do boot camp and so it went. and it was outdoors and it was hard work and we were all there huffing and puffing (except for some people who just won't take it seriously) and I did it. and then I did gardening at the community garden for two hours. And then, after a nice shower, I felt better.

Backsliding happens. Sometimes we can blame it on march madness..... (that's what I'm doing)

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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You can do it! Most people trip up every now and then (lord knows I have, especially around the holidays... christmas cookies are NOT my friend!) I am so worried I am going to backslide in a couple weeks when we get home from vacation... we've made so many reservations at different restaurants and while I will try to make good decisions, I know i am not going to want to go back to my everyday lunches/dinners after sampling so much amazing food.

Dust yourself off, and kick some ass! You got this. :)

"resistance is futile."

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Wow... it seems like a lot of NF had a bad week/weekend. What the heck?

I did. It was Spring Equinox and there was a potluck. I got up early, did some writing, did some heavy lifting and then went without eating. I normally have strong resolve, but the weights were very heavy and it was many hours. Half of it was gluten free cookies. I take a tiny solace in that.

Level 3 Human Ranger
STR: 9 DEX: 5.25 STA: 14.5 CON: 5.5 WIS: 16 CHA: 5.5 
My Current Challenge

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ack, i didn't have a bad weekend, but I had a bad saturday....ran out of options and had to eat a PB and Honey sandwich. blech. I know, not that bad to some, but was a slide for me. I havn't eat a slice of bread let alone 2 in months. then for dinner, I figured ah, screw it, i've gone this far and ordered a 16 layer piece of lasagna. yeah, i know 16 layers. sounds amazing. was. but sunday wasn't!!!!

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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When I start backsliding, I try to take one healthy step. Take a walk. Get away from the junk food and the computer. Relax- this isn't a marathon, it's a break. Then, after half an hour or so of walking, I'm more relaxed and less likely to beat myself up: "You tragic wench of sloth and gluttony, you just ate a whole bag of gummy penguins!" "They were good and now I don't want any more, so go bug someone else."

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St. Patty's Day. 'Nuff Said....

Paddy. St. PADDY'S day. Remember this if you don't want hordes of soulless red-bearded leprechauns to feast upon your innards :P

But that would be a problem. I don't consider it a backslide, though, if you plan diet breaks into your schedule. This is what I normally do; I have one or two days a week when I can relax on the eating restrictions a bit. It keeps you sane, psychologically, you get more used to seeing the numbers fluctuate a bit, and you also prevent metabolic adaptation to a degree.

Hell, I've been working hard enough to give myself a week off :P remember you can always give yourself a break, rather than breaking what you have to give.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Big hugs Em....When ever I get off the wagon and I can get FAR off it sometimes, I remember the statement that you have eyes in the front of your head to look forward and not back. I also remember the statement that worry and guilt are the biggest wastes of energy...

Changes in general are going to knock you off your schedule. You took the time to develop a program and then you took the program and said, OK, now do all this other stuff...you simply need to take time to look at your new schedule and fit in the stuff you really need and prioritize.

This week for me I am working on quitting smoking-yep, I still have a few occassionally and since peter was sick and stressing me it was about 5 a day for 3 weeks straight...I know that I have to find a way to unstress without it--I have to find a way to fill that time...and if I don't find those things--i have a hard time not sticking to the program. The same things goes for you...

why not put your big program on hold and do angry birds for a few weeks? Switching up your workout and breaking it into 10 minute mini=workouts? Having a list of go to foods and then acceptable cheats also helps and after you eat, go for a 10 minute walk. This is about maintaining while you are changing--you cant switch up your whole life and expect to not see glitches...you need to take a few minutes, hug yourself, know you are doing the best you can, and then logically make a plan that addresses your needs and supports you...you can do it babycakes!

The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | CON: 3 | STA: 2 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 5

Oystergirl's Bad Ass Lightcaster Wicked Rocking Adventure Challenge!

Come visit my wicked rocking Nerd Fitness blog!

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Best advice I heard on this - don't let perfect be the enemy of good. What's a week in a lifetime? Tiny. No worries. And you're back on it for Monday! Great work.

My other question, - are there nice things you can do for yourself that aren't food? It can be good to have a set of 'treats' so when you need a pick me up, you can do them too.

Privateer Adventurer

STR 4.75 | DEX 1 | STA 6.75| CON 2 | WIS 5| CHA 3

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ebm, just strap those shoes on, and get out the door. Within minutes you'll be charging through your workout wondering why you were even considering skipping it!

Some days you just feel like letting it slide, that it's too much, that you're too tired, but once you get through your warm up you'll be fireing on all cylinders and by then you'll be so happy, feel so much better and reafirm your desire for a healthy, fit life!

Go get 'em!

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thanks kids! it's good to know i'm not alone :) ate pretty healthy today (it's amazing what a little planning can do) and went to the gym. i didn't do any cardio because there was a bit of a time crunch but i got my lifting in. and it felt good to feel like a bad ass on the bench press again :)

now i just have to keep my commitment up when we go to texas later in the week. i won't have full control of what we eat so i'll have to do the best i can there. i'm really glad i pulled it together today, though, so that i'm going into this trip feeling stronger and more committed.

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