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Mission Log: Rebel Pilot Gar

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Rebel Pilot Gar


Age: Mid-Twenties

Class: Ranger

Interests: Dogs, Nature, Star Wars, Fantasy Novels

Primary Stat: Patience

Secondary Stat: Persistence


Big Why -  loading.....


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Quest Log: June'17

Codex 2017:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Mission Log: Welcome to the Rebellion






The cantina in Ord Mantell was subdued. No surprise really, thanks to the frequent fighting between the Rebellion, Empire and anyone just plain looking for a fight. But leave was leave, so Gar sat in a small booth nestled in a corner of the cantina and nursed her drink. She kept a sharp eye out in case of trouble, but was blissfully undisturbed until a stranger in hooded robes invited themselves to the booth. 


"Greetings," Gar said carefully in basic. Never hurt to be polite. Even so, her hand twitched as she thought of the blaster at her belt. 


"I hear you are a pilot..." the figure began, voice soft and features indistinguishable in the low light. 


"Might be," Gar shrugged, "Why do you ask?"


"I have a job for a pilot. Especially one who can handle sensitive information." The figure slid a datachip across the table, but kept their hand on it - clearly waiting for a response. 


The first thought that crossed Gar's mind was how under-trained she was for this. Was a quiet night in an off-base cantina too much to ask for? She glanced at the datachip, seeing the Alliance Starbird faintly painted on a corner of the chip. 


Clenching her fists over the table, she looked at the mysterious figure. "Alright, I'll bite. What's the job?"


Tasks: Level One

  • Well-Rested [sleep 7+ hours/night]
  • Hydration [record daily water consumption]
  • Training Drills [build an exercise habit]


Further Details:

  • Previous designation = Garjan
  • Previous Mission Log = Click Here


Level One Mission Update


With the dawn of a new solar cycle Gar finds herself still on Ord Mantell, consulting a data pad. Her U-Wing was still grounded with at least one engine needing repair. From the schematics it looked like the hull had taken significant damage also.


"Looks like we'll be on Ord Mantell for a while longer, Jamo." What Gar would not give to have her dependable X-Wing right now instead of the old transport. But they had to deal with the present, and the U-Wing's size would be crucial to the next mission.


Gar's companion, a J-series astromech droid designated J4-M0 whined softly in reply, before letting out a series of beeps. 



"The datachip?" Gar asked, "Yeah I guess we can take a look. Did you finish the check for viruses?" Gar looked back down at her data pad while J4-M0 streamed the analysis of the contents. "Hm, there are preparations we can get out of the way while we wait for the ship repairs... Might as well get started then."


A Fresh Start

  • Yoga with Adriene: Revolution - 31 days of yoga
  • Fitbit - Track daily steps, water, exercise, etc.
  • Rations - Bring lunch to work at least 4 days/week

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Level One Mission Results


Gar surveyed her ship. Finally, finally the repairs were completed and she could get off this blasted planet. Not that Ord Mantell is terrible... just that being unexpectedly grounded for a full lunar cycle affected even the most stable pilots. And Rebellion pilots weren't known for their stability in the best of times. J4-M0 whistled that his scans of the ship were done. All supplies were loaded and the ship's crew were ready to depart. 


Oh, and the small fact that a tracking beacon had been planted among the supplies. Gar was willing to bet that one of the crew was an Imperial informant. But her daily meditation had granted Gar patience - the informant would reveal themselves in time. For now there was little Gar or J4-M0 could do but be wary until the informant slipped up. 


"Alright!" Gar called out to the crew, "Who else is ready to get off this blasted rock?"


1) Mindful Practice - 31 Day Yoga Revolution (Yoga with Adriene)


Grade: 100%


Level Up: Continue daily yoga practice (30 Days of Yoga - Yoga with Adriene)


2) Scan the Base - Fitbit Tracking


Grade: 95% (to account for days when I forgot to accurately log... or charge the fitbit)


Level Up: Sleep Goal and Water Goal next challenge. Continue tracking. 







3) Prepare the Rations


Grade: 81% (13/16 lunches)


Step Back: Emphasize meal planning for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner - aim for "5 a day" fruit/veg consumption (more veg than fruit though....)


Other Notes

I seem to do well with the "do X every day" goals rather than X times a week. Continue as planned but continue to monitor this trend and figure out how to leverage for the future. 

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Level Two Mission Results

1) Mindful Practice

Grade: 46% (13/28 days)


Step Back: Schedule workouts (and stick to it!!). Use weekly time goals for each exercise bucket.


2) Recharge and Prepare

Grade: 50% (14/28 days)


Step Back: Limit screen time for improved success.


3) Hydration and Nutrition

Grade: 89% (25/28 days) /  46% (13/28 days)


Continue: 2L H2O/day. If I continue to knock this out of the park increase to 2.4 L/day

Keep trying: 5 a day produce. Break down goals by meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner)


4) Find the Bug

Grade: 75% (3/4 weeks)


On Hold: Had too many "meh" challenges this go around. As much as I want to focus on this, I'm not going to officially track this during the next challenge. 


Other Notes

Onwards to week 3! 


"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Level Three Mission Results

Grading: Full tracker found here


Goals Target Timeline Baseline Result
Yoga (min) 60 Weekly 87% 87%
Cardio (min) 30 Weekly 100% 100%
Strength (min) 30 Weekly 0% 98%
Produce (servings) 5 Daily 57% 54%
Water (liters) 2 Daily 86% 96%
Screen Time (min) <60 M-Th
Screen Time (min) <240 F-Sun


Onwards to Level 4!


"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Level Four Mission Results



Onwards to Level Five!




"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Long Term Quests (June 17, 2017)


Fitness Goals:

Link: https://gmb.io/bodyweight-basics/

  • Improve Bodyweight Squat Form
    • Link: https://gmb.io/squat/
    • Start: Flexibility constraint (heels don't touch ground), Balancing
    • Goal: Improve mobility and balance to achieve good form
  • Complete a Pull-Up
  • Improve Push-up Endurance 

Upcoming Races:

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Level Five Mission Results


Onwards to Level Six!



"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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On 6/17/2017 at 10:49 AM, Rebel Pilot Gar said:

Long Term Quests (June 17, 2017)


Fitness Goals:

Link: https://gmb.io/bodyweight-basics/

  • Improve Bodyweight Squat Form
    • Link: https://gmb.io/squat/
    • Start: Flexibility constraint (heels don't touch ground), Balancing
    • Goal: Improve mobility and balance to achieve good form
  • Complete a Pull-Up
  • Improve Push-up Endurance 

Upcoming Races:


Reassessing the "Long Term Quests" (August 6, 2017)


Mobility: Attempted to work on specific mobility areas during challenge #6. Method was too fractured and inconsistent attempts to practice led to me being frustrated

  • New Strategy - Continue routine yoga. Consider purchasing GMB elements program.


Races: Completed July 2017 5K. Now I have a benchmark "race time" to track against. Plans for 5K OCR in September and Star Wars 1/2 Marathon in 2018 are..... going to change. We changed vacation plans for September that conflicts with the Valhalla Mud Run. And I will not have vacation to spare for going out of state for one of the Disney Half Marathons.

  • New Strategy - Look for other local runs of various distances (5K, 10K, Half) to sign up for that do not require travelling more than a couple hours by car.


Cool resource links:

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Level Six Mission Results



Onwards to Level Seven!


((link goes here))

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10


"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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2018 Goals


Big Why: Feel good in my own skin, be strong and fit enough to do fun things for very long time


Quarter 1 - Baseline

  • Nutrition Habits
    • Build up to 2.4 Liters of Water/day by end of March
    • Build up to 5 servings produce/day by end of March
    • Food logging
  • Exercise Habits
    • Build daily mobility habit
      • Step 1 - 60 min mobility (yoga, stretching, whatever) per week
      • Step 1 - 60 min cardio (bike, running, etc) per week
  • Life Habits
    • Take measurements monthly (measuring tape, maybe scale)
    • Get your ass to work on time
      • Step 1 - No internet, unless I'm doing cardio

Quarter 2 - 

  • May Half Marathon
  • Garden - growing own produce

Quarter 3


Quarter 4

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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2020 Respawn


More info to come.



"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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