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Hello! My name's R'Arwyn (obviously not my real name), and I'm a 33 year old pudgy hobbit with a fairly sedentary job. I have an amazing husband and a lazy/fluffy/cuddly/loveable dog, no kids yet. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which is a paaaain (literally and figuratively). I stand a whopping 5 feet 4 inches tall (hence calling myself a hobbit) and weigh in at 270 pounds. It took until shortly after my 30th birthday to finally get diagnosed with PCOS, around that time my Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) also informed me that it would be unlikely that I would ever get pregnant without IVF, and for that I would have to lose just over 100 pounds (I was 300 pounds at the time) to get my BMI under 35. I also have depression and anxiety.


I have been waffling back and forth with weight loss for years, but in October 2016 something finally clicked and I decided enough was enough and I needed to get serious about this. When I stepped on the scale and saw 300.5 settle it's menacingly blank stare on me, I cried. A classmate from college had been recently talking about low carb and how great it was working for her, so I looked into it. I didn't think I could do it, so I passed it off as some sort of fad diet and began wallowing in my sorrow. Eventually she convinced me to look at my options again, and told me that I didn't have to do the ketogenic diet she was doing, that I could do a moderate or liberal low carb as well. So I did more research, and the moderate (under 50g carbs/day) actually seemed doable.


It was a Thursday that I finally decided "Enough is enough, R'Arwyn, you HAVE to do SOMETHING", and decided that I would start moderate low carb that Sunday (gave myself a few days to prepare, get healthy foods in the house, etc.). So, on October 23, 2016 I began this new way of eating. As of January 29, 2017 I am down 30 pounds and feeling pretty good. Chronic pain in my knees, ankles and back has disappeared, I have more energy, and have had more 'good' days than 'bad' where my mood is concerned. Things are going well with the low carb, but I am increasingly feeling like it's time to change the rest of my bad habits. Like sitting and playing video games instead of going for a walk or doing housework.


There is a problem with this feeling, this desire... I have no motivation to exercise. I will get in the spirit and walk 30 minutes every day for a couple of weeks, but then I go back to the video games and shudder at the thought of going outside in the frigid air of Canadian Winter. I tell myself that I'll go for a walk after I do this one chore, but then find other things that I need to do right then, and never go for that walk. It's not that I'm lazy, well, maybe a little lazy... no, most of the time I'm fighting my anxiety about going outside for a walk, or to the nearby gym, and talking to *gasp* People. Yes, I'm oh-so-much-fun at social events, stores, or in the outside world in general... Heck, this is the most I've said about myself in aaaaages and I am resisting the urge to hit the delete key.


Through a group on Facebook, I found Nerd Fitness, and have been coming back to the website for a few days. I finally decided to sign up and stop waffling about again. Now, I'm going to stop typing and hit the submit button before I delete this whole post and try to pretend I never signed up for these forums. *pulls a blanket over her head and tries not to worry about wording*

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Welcome "person who's name is as mythical as mine" :D


While I am here also a newbie and recently posted myself a intro message, I was reading your post and saw myself. You used the right description. Hobbit. 


15 minutes ago, R'Arwyn said:

There is a problem with this feeling, this desire... I have no motivation to exercise. I will get in the spirit and walk 30 minutes every day for a couple of weeks, but then I go back to the video games and shudder at the thought of going outside in the frigid air of Canadian Winter.


I have a similar problem (with additional ones like mostly time and space, that I posted in my first post) While  I do not think myself as lazy, probably I am in the summer, when I am off work, I hop to my favorite book or game. I do love winter time and spend as much outside while in winter. The problem starts when the summer comes. I live in a country where summer heat is mostly 40 degrees Celsius. And then I hide in my house and hiss to the heat and sun. I workout at night and eat mostly salads, so when my season comes (winter hell yeah! ) , I think also the more "stronger" foods help to stay in my Hobbitness.


Sadly I have no suggestion, since I am seeking one myself, but wanted you to wish you good luck, and hope to see us hobitses become more of pixie type - fitter, helthier, and more active. :angel:


As would Japanese say in their "engrish" - Fayto, fayto! :D (fight, fight)




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Hi R'Arwyn, and welcome to the Rebellion!


I had a similar moment last week.  The numbers are different, but I'm still the heaviest I've ever been in my life.  My friend talked me into a BHAG that I can't get out of (AKA a 7-day, $7,000 race in Argentina that I'm getting really excited about as it gets closer).  I'm in up to my knees and in November I'll be in over my head if I don't make a major change yesterday.  So I did.  Not yesterday, but a week ago today. :)


I have two recommendations for you.


One: Sign up for something.  Whether it's a 5k walk/jog, the Bolder Boulder, or a cruise in 6 months, put money into something so that you're financially as well as emotionally invested.  I do NOT recommend signing up for what I'm doing.  That's down the road a little ways for you.


Two: Find something that's fun.  Have you read Ready Player One?  If you haven't, you're missing out.  But in the book, he locks himself out of the game until he's done an hour of exercise every day.  What he finds is that, as his physique improves, he enjoys the activity and doesn't have to lock himself out.


If you hate running, don't run.  Steve (of NerdFitness fame) is big on lifting heavy.  You want to start a little light so you don't hurt yourself, and watch LOADS of videos on proper form for whatever exercise you're doing (yes, there's actually a right way to run).  Not only do you get to learn a lot about fitness, but you can get motivated by seeing those people look so fit, just like you will be.


Finally, and I hope this comes out in the inspiring and motivating way I mean it: I realized the other day that I'm not special.  I know, horrible, right?  We're all supposed to be unique and special.  But what I realized is I don't have some predestination to be out of shape and feel unhappy with how I look.  On the contrary, those women with the "amazing beach body" that I see on magazines have exactly one thing that I don't: Determination.  Actually, they don't even have that on me anymore, because I have it too!  So if I ever pop up and say, "You're not special!" what I mean is, you have the ability every other person out there has to be fit and love how they feel and look.  The only thing that can make or break that is your decisions.


Is it too nerdy to say, "Follow me, Indy!  I know the way!"  

we can do it.jpg

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(Already!?) Level 3 Ranger / Epic Declutterer / Prolific Writer



"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change."  - Jim Rohn

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*unburies herself from her blankie fort of hiding and waves* Thank you Fjorrine and Lydiechan! I have to admit I was kind of worried when I went to bed after writing this epic long post about myself that no one would respond (stupid anxiety).


9 hours ago, Fjorrine said:

Welcome "person who's name is as mythical as mine" :D


While I am here also a newbie and recently posted myself a intro message, I was reading your post and saw myself. You used the right description. Hobbit.


Hehe, I made the name up for a character in Diablo 3 once, based on the fact that my husband and I have a slight obsession of 'Rawr'ing at each other and well, she was a a Barbarian who seemed to growl a lot.


The more I look at the word Hobbit, the more I really feel like I am one. I am kind of like Bilbo, I feel the pull of adventure, but I have no desire to actually leave the Shire.


3 hours ago, Lydiechan said:

I have two recommendations for you.


One: Sign up for something.  Whether it's a 5k walk/jog, the Bolder Boulder, or a cruise in 6 months, put money into something so that you're financially as well as emotionally invested.  I do NOT recommend signing up for what I'm doing.  That's down the road a little ways for you.


Two: Find something that's fun.  Have you read Ready Player One?  If you haven't, you're missing out.  But in the book, he locks himself out of the game until he's done an hour of exercise every day.  What he finds is that, as his physique improves, he enjoys the activity and doesn't have to lock himself out.


1) I have recently joined the Hogwarts Running Club, and have signed up for their virtual 5k (meaning I choose where/when to do the race and do so by myself or with friends) on Feb 5. I don't/can't run, so I'm going to walk it. It may be a virtual race, but I still had to pay for it, and will get a medal at the end of it.


2) I have not read that book, but surprisingly, one of my book clubs has set that as our next book to read. Once I'm done with a pile of books from the library that I currently have, I am going to get that one and read it.


3 hours ago, Lydiechan said:

Finally, and I hope this comes out in the inspiring and motivating way I mean it: I realized the other day that I'm not special.  I know, horrible, right?  We're all supposed to be unique and special.  But what I realized is I don't have some predestination to be out of shape and feel unhappy with how I look.  On the contrary, those women with the "amazing beach body" that I see on magazines have exactly one thing that I don't: Determination.  Actually, they don't even have that on me anymore, because I have it too!  So if I ever pop up and say, "You're not special!" what I mean is, you have the ability every other person out there has to be fit and love how they feel and look.  The only thing that can make or break that is your decisions.


Is it too nerdy to say, "Follow me, Indy!  I know the way!" 


The only "special" thing about me is the fact that I know there's nothing special or unique about me. Other people have similar features (eye colour, hair colour, etc) and the only unique part of me is how my DNA put all these features together. Determination is the one thing I'm working on building up. I am determined to lose this weight, I am not determined to exercise though (dunno why that disconnect is there because exercise = weight loss). I'm working on it though.


Also, it's never too nerdy to say anything! :D

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30lbs in 4 months?!?! That's a well earned 'WELL DONE'. I am very much the same about 'lack of motivation' - once I'm actually working out, I'm happy, but getting there is a struggle. I've been finding that my best strategies are to make it 'non optional'; this includes working out first thing in the morning so I can't make excuses about 'after I do this', and adding small tasks I have to do throughout the day (eg. 10 pushups every time I open Twitter).


I've found especially that using the triggers of other habits to cue working out has really helped - 20 bodyweight squats if I warm up tea in the microwave or boil the kettle, setting an egg timer for every 50min and I have to do 20 burpees before going back to work (I work at home, lots of computer time), 10min of foam rolling during/for every 30min of watching a film or TV program, etc. The little things help keep me limber throughout the day, and also make it easier to get moving for my proper workouts as well. 



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...but I'm adorable! Ask anyone who doesn't know me...

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10 hours ago, Defining said:

30lbs in 4 months?!?! That's a well earned 'WELL DONE'. I am very much the same about 'lack of motivation' - once I'm actually working out, I'm happy, but getting there is a struggle. I've been finding that my best strategies are to make it 'non optional'; this includes working out first thing in the morning so I can't make excuses about 'after I do this', and adding small tasks I have to do throughout the day (eg. 10 pushups every time I open Twitter).


I've found especially that using the triggers of other habits to cue working out has really helped - 20 bodyweight squats if I warm up tea in the microwave or boil the kettle, setting an egg timer for every 50min and I have to do 20 burpees before going back to work (I work at home, lots of computer time), 10min of foam rolling during/for every 30min of watching a film or TV program, etc. The little things help keep me limber throughout the day, and also make it easier to get moving for my proper workouts as well.


Thank you!


I have never thought of having to do an exercise before doing another task. Wish I could do so at work, but unfortunately the nurses look at me funny when I do random things (I'm a unit clerk). Also, ugh! burpees are horrible... I tried a boot camp through my college once, and we had to do burpees. I wanted to die after my second one.

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17 hours ago, R'Arwyn said:

Also, ugh! burpees are horrible... I tried a boot camp through my college once, and we had to do burpees. I wanted to die after my second one.

Agreed, burpees are the devil's work - but then, that's part of what makes them so effective! ;)

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...but I'm adorable! Ask anyone who doesn't know me...

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