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Hey everybody, I've been lurking around here for a couple weeks now but only got up the nerve to post now. A bit about me: I'm female, 26, Canadian, and single. I like Lord of the Rings, anything Tolkien, mysteries, nature documentaries, and trivia. I have a huge capacity for useless knowledge. :highly_amused:

I was always kind of the chunky kid, but it wasn't until my teens that I actually became overweight. I certainly wasn't impressed with that, but I just accepted it as the way I was now, and tried to be as OK with it as I could. Due to circumstances with my family and work situation, I stopped caring about myself and instead focused on those who needed me more. Basically, I told myself my problems didn't matter, other people's problems were more important than me. Going forward into my college and working years, I operated under the philosophy that my job pursuits were the most important thing, and things like my health were irrelevant. I've always been a healthy person, and as of yet hadn't suffered any ill effects due to my weight, so why bother, right?

So 2 years ago (winter of 2010) I found myself unemployed and living off the government dole. I had worked almost non stop since my early teens, and I realized I had very little identity outside of the jobs I'd had. I was lost and didn't know how to occupy my time. A good friend (who is now my roommate) suggested I join the gym with her, and since I had a lot of time on my hands, I figured what the heck. The same day I joined, I got news that someone I knew had passed away due to a stroke. This person had lived a high stress lifestyle, never took care of themselves, and sadly, waited until too late to change. I suddenly realized that I couldn't live like I didn't care about myself anymore. I had to change now so that I didn't develop health problems down the line. I don't want to die young. So I began going to the gym and trying to change my eating habits. Eventually I started working again, and I pretty much stopped going to the gym, as well as eating properly. "I'm too busy!" I told myself.

So this past September, I turned 26 and realized that I was in my mid-late 20's and nowhere I wanted to be with my life. I began going to the gym again and trying to plan my future. I still didn't have any idea what I was doing at the gym and even less of a clue about nutrition. A few months later, I was at the gym and decided to get a free consult from one of the trainers. I signed up to train with her and began working out with her in the new year. She has me totally changing my diet and doing things I've never done before. I'm actually on unemployment again, but it's OK now. I am planning on going back to school for what I've always wanted to do, I work out regularly, eat properly, and my roommate and I got a dog in the new year. Things are actually awesome for me despite the lack of a job.

So why am I here? My trainer weighed and measured me a couple days ago and I hadn't lost a single pound or inch. Not. a. single. one. Why? I had let crappy food sneak back into my diet. Junk, carbs, etc. And it bit me in the butt, literally. I realize now I need support. I can't do this alone. I'm calling on my nerds for help! I'm trying to change my diet to Paleo (well I still eat cheese and dairy) so any recipes and tips would be great. I also have plans to do a Warrior Dash next summer!

OK wow, that was really long-winded! Props to you if you read everything. Thanks for reading!

The Road Goes Ever On And On

You can watch stuff happen, MAKE stuff happen, or wonder what the heck happened

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Welcome! I would love if working out was my job ;)

Good for you for getting into it early! (P.S. I consider 26 still mid-20s :P)

Check out the caveman guild for info on paleo/primal food stuffs. Also if you google "primal recipes" you should come up with a lot. Mark's Daily Apple, Nom Nom Paleo, PaleOMG, and Elana's Pantry (too lazy to link right now) are also some great resources to check out.

Hooray for nerds! (Sung like hooray for boobies)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Aww thanks everyone!! I've been a Tolkien nerd since I was a little kid. I think I first read The Hobbit when I was like 7. I need to read all the books again..

Speaking of The Hobbit, are you all SO EXCITED for the movie?!?!?! I CANNOT WAIT for December!! eeeeeeee

Yeah I'm considering exercise and getting healthier to be my job right now. A job I've put off for far too long.

Thanks for the info on Paleo/Primal! Yeah I guess my diet would really be more called Primal since I eat cheese, dairy, eggs and the like. Whatever! I'm still trying to get all the terms straight anyway.

I like it here.

The Road Goes Ever On And On

You can watch stuff happen, MAKE stuff happen, or wonder what the heck happened

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Welcome! And yeah, I'd agree that it sounds like you're looking at a more primal direction than Paleo. I guess I keep a little dairy and wine in my diet too, so maybe I have primal leanings, but for the most part I'm trying to be Paleo.... oh how I miss cheese!

And yes! SUPER excited for the Hobbit! I read it with my dad when I was pretty young.... pretty sure I loved that more than the LOTR books, so I can't wait to see what they do with the movie!

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Yeah I love cheese too much to give it up. I've given up a lot of things in my diet, and don't miss many of them, but you can pry cheese from my cold dead hands. I just eat more measured portions than before, and am experimenting with different flavours and types :)

I really like the pendant in your picture. Is that Alaska? I've always wanted to go there. It's kind of on my bucket list.

The Road Goes Ever On And On

You can watch stuff happen, MAKE stuff happen, or wonder what the heck happened

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It IS Alaska! I grew up there... just moved away a year and a half ago, but there will never be any "taking the Alaska out of the girl."

And yeah, cheese is a miracle for me. I'm on sort of a six-week Paleo trial, but after that I'll probably reincorporate some cheese and other *maybe* things.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Hahaha! Is your thread title a direct quote from The Office? I distinctly heard Todd Packer when I read that. :-)

I just wanted to say hi and that I'm a big LOTR/Hobbit/Tolkien fan as well. I dragged my friends, kicking and screaming, to see LOTR in concert this past winter. It. Was. Awesome.

It sounds like you're on the right track in regards to leveling up your life. Best of luck to you!

"'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." -- Josey Wales

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Haha! You know, I had that phrase in my head cuz I say it all the time and I couldn't remember what it was from but your'e right! Todd Packer! That's who it was. What's up my nerds? :P

Thanks! It's nice to get so much support.

The Road Goes Ever On And On

You can watch stuff happen, MAKE stuff happen, or wonder what the heck happened

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