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Hi everyone,

What's brought me here? Curiosity, I like the attitude of the Nerd Fitness crew, and I'll admit it, I need a kick in the ass and a like-minded support team.

I'm originally from Oregon but have lived in London since 2009-- I miss home like crazy but I relocated here to pursue a dance career and to be with my (now) husband.

I don't know how to say this without giving you my life story, so I'll try to be concise.......

Throughout my life, I've had a tricky relationship with fitness, food, and body image. My weight's fluctuated quite a lot over the years but no matter what, I'm really proud of myself for spending the first few years of my early 20s putting in a lot of hard work and time to educate myself about nutrition, exercise, and health. At my heaviest, I weighed 219 lbs and had trouble breathing. At my lightest, I weighed 140lbs and felt pretty damn good. Currently, I'm about 10-15lbs heavier than my feeling-best-weight and have been suffering a lack of motivation and energy due to a pretty big job and lifestyle change at the start of the year (I've been a professional dancer for the past 13 years and I'm currently on a year-long sabbatical because frankly, I'm just burnt out!). I come from a family of artists, rebels, punks and nerds so I feel like I've found a fitness family I can connect with here..... I don't want to be anything but myself, only stronger, happier, and healthier!

I'm turning 30 soon and my goals are:

--be able to FINALLY do a real push-up and pull-up!

--stabilize/improve my energy levels

--lose that extra bit of fluff and feel (and look) like a warrior!

--make fitness, kicking my own ass, and feeling awesome a full time commitment and lifestyle that I actually enjoy

--make more friends so I don't hate London as much

That wasn't too bad..... thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to the adventure! Or do we call it 'battle' here?

"Work towards beauty, but don't avoid ugliness."

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Ah, in all my selfish blathering I forgot to put out some actually useful info!

I have experience with fad diets, yo-yo diets, pretending I have food allergies, and (a serious problem that I've gotten under control) binge eating.

Now, I try to eat as ''Clean'' as I can and I don't eat sweets. This is a manageable, optimal, and even pleasant way of life for me.

I love cooking, almost all types of food, and eating local, organic, and natural when I can. That said, my diet's been a bit naughty lately and that extra weight I'm carrying could definitely be from the Dorito-tooth I've developed. Oops!

Fitness-wise, I prefer weights to cardio, but will try anything. I get bored easily so I like efficiency in a workout. As a dancer, stretching and ''holistic'' exercises like yoga, pilates, and etc are very important to me. I hate running!

I've really been into Spartacus and Game of Thrones lately-- maybe I need to let out some pent up aggression? :)

"Work towards beauty, but don't avoid ugliness."

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Welcome aboard! And don't feel bad about the "selfish blathering" -- we love a good backstory! I'm intrigued by your combination of liking cardio and hating running. What do you do?

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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Oh the elusive pull up...someday I will conquer you!

Welcome to the Rebellion! We are glad to have you - and I am glad to have another female weight lifter! W00t!

Game of Thrones is awesome...have you read the books? They are even more awesome-er.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Thanks :) I mean that I get bored by long (for me that's anything more than about 15 minutes 'cause I'm a wimp) amounts of running so I prefer things like interval cardio bursts, hiking, bike riding, aerobics, etc. I *do* really love walking though-- not boring at all!

"Work towards beauty, but don't avoid ugliness."

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Oh the elusive pull up...someday I will conquer you!

Welcome to the Rebellion! We are glad to have you - and I am glad to have another female weight lifter! W00t!

Game of Thrones is awesome...have you read the books? They are even more awesome-er.

thank you :) Yes, I've DEVOURED the books and I'm hooked. I think I might read them again.....

"Work towards beauty, but don't avoid ugliness."

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