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What women love about men.

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none that I know of- they are to sensitive for that.


adorable is the closest I get to cutsie... although I will go- AWWW aren't you so cute- if they do something ridiculous- mostly to mock.  but yeah- no that isn't a good route to go mostly- esp not for men you don't know well.  handsome- always good. sexy?  studly?  all usually workable. LOL 


granted I"m not a dude- but I have lived with them for years now- so I feel like I have a pretty good idea.  :D

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I love myself a good, strong jaw. I'm eerily always looking at a man's jawline. And muscles. All muscles. Especially triceps and biceps. And forearm muscles. Apparently I also enjoy thin/lanky men that have a diet like that of a 6 - 8 year old.

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It's been my experience that men don't like to be called cute, anyone else come across this issue? Seeing as some men are following this, would appreciate some input on this topic as well for curiosity sake. 


I have no problem with cute. Just dont call us "beautiful"

USS & NBAC Masters swim coach

Current: lifter, runner

Former: triathlete, cyclocross racer, NCAA swimmer


Current games: Borderlands 2, Runescape, Star Ocean, Dragon's Dogma

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Yeah, I intensely dislike being called 'cute'. Babies are cute. Children are cute. Kittens and cats are cute. I'm a grown man, busting my ass to support my family. To be called 'cute' while doing that smacks of condescension.


Rugged & handsome are both good, and underused.

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^^ agreed.


I wouldn't want to date someone who I thought was cute (I mean like oh he's cute- if I was talkign to my GF's) but no- I want to date someone whose hot.  someone handsome.  I need a great deal of respect for someone I'm with- and that doesn't match with "cute".


its a sentiment about how you perceive them- and I agree- grown ass man I don't want to think of as cute. 

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I assumed "cute" was used because in the absence of any actual handsomeness, attractiveness, ruggedness or masculinity of any kind, it's the only adjective that could arguably be used... which may explain why I've only been described as "cute" for the last twelve, thirteen years. 

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Not even "he has a beautiful body"?


Seems like now a days, females don't use "handsome" anymore and have replaced it with "cute". Bugs the shit out of me.


No. Use hot body.

USS & NBAC Masters swim coach

Current: lifter, runner

Former: triathlete, cyclocross racer, NCAA swimmer


Current games: Borderlands 2, Runescape, Star Ocean, Dragon's Dogma

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Ah, but there is a difference between a hot body, and a beautiful one.


For me, I use hot body as a descriptive for male models whose only job is to lift at the gym all of the time(most actors, and almost all male models in magazines), whereas a beautiful body on a man is one where he obviously works hard, not necessarily in the gym, but in his life in general (military men, construction workers, fire fighters, etc). I consider it an insult if I say a man has a "hot body" because that means I think that he is vapid and shallow, and doesn't have enough strength or brains to actually work his muscles properly, or to use them for anything that benefits society.

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Beautiful = female

Handsome = male


In the end they pretty much mean the same thing, a level of physical attractiveness that isn't purely aesthetic, but us guys have easily bruised egos.  We like our manly words, and it is frankly a bit off putting when a girl you are with describes you as 'cute' or 'beautiful'.  Even with the best intentions, we probably know it is a compliment, but there is still that drive to be more manly so that we aren't described that way anymore.

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Ah, but there is a difference between a hot body, and a beautiful one.


For me, I use hot body as a descriptive for male models whose only job is to lift at the gym all of the time(most actors, and almost all male models in magazines), whereas a beautiful body on a man is one where he obviously works hard, not necessarily in the gym, but in his life in general (military men, construction workers, fire fighters, etc). I consider it an insult if I say a man has a "hot body" because that means I think that he is vapid and shallow, and doesn't have enough strength or brains to actually work his muscles properly, or to use them for anything that benefits society.


Someone who lifts in the gym all the time REALLY sucks at it (or more likely, spent too long doing nothing and being a bum, and has to "crash diet" their way back to looking respectable). To get an actor/model-like body really isn't that hard. You just just have to care, abstain from doing an excess of stupid shit, dial in the diet side of things, and be consistent about it for years.

Though models/actors do have physical quirks that most tend to mock (smaller legs, moderate traps/lats/arms, big chest and shoulders) due to it being useless in the context of amateur powerlifting, crossfitting, or bodybuilding.

currently cutting

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I love myself a good, strong jaw. I'm eerily always looking at a man's jawline. And muscles. All muscles. Especially triceps and biceps. And forearm muscles. Apparently I also enjoy thin/lanky men that have a diet like that of a 6 - 8 year old.


Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Not even "he has a beautiful body"?


Seems like now a days, females don't use "handsome" anymore and have replaced it with "cute". Bugs the shit out of me.

my knee jerk sociological response is "cute" makes men seem less intimidating to a woman, hence why they inherently do't like it, in general. I think its become more widespread due to the drive for feminine equality, and is used to downplay the one area wher women and men are never going to be equals, their size and strentgh, so emasculation, serves this purpose. Granted all of this is not conscious and purposeful, but a societal paradigm shift nontheless.

just my thoughts.

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Guest Dirty Deads

I've always disliked being called handsome. No objection to cute. For me, being called handsome conjures up images of grandparents saying "Oh he's such a handsome young man" You know, something someone who ISN'T attracted to you might say.

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omg... I LOVE the smell of a man who's been outside. Even just driving with the windows open puts a certain smell on them. Drives me nuts.

and I love watching a man fix something, manually.

That's why it's called MANual.

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

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I love myself a good, strong jaw. I'm eerily always looking at a man's jawline. And muscles. All muscles. Especially triceps and biceps. And forearm muscles. Apparently I also enjoy thin/lanky men that have a diet like that of a 6 - 8 year old.


YES. Good jawlines make me weak in the knees.


The only thing that can ruin a good jawline?


That thin line of facial hair that follows said jawline. A chin strap, I think it's called? It's awful. Yuck. Burn it with fire. (But kindly somehow avoid burning your face.)

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YES. Good jawlines make me weak in the knees.


The only thing that can ruin a good jawline?


That thin line of facial hair that follows said jawline. A chin strap, I think it's called? It's awful. Yuck. Burn it with fire. (But kindly somehow avoid burning your face.)

I think a chinstrap looking good depends solely on the individual man and his face shape, skin color and color of his facial hair, some guys look amazing with one, some look horrible.

I do however despise a moustache on a man. ewwwww

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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arrogant assholes that tell me what I should do with my body or how I should use it or what is beautiful.

abuse: physical, verbal, mental whatever manipulation.

guys who try to tell me will I can be friends with, who I can our can't talk to, what I can wear, where I can go. all deal breakers.


totally personal preference but obese... can't do.

also can't do super nice. or even someone without the ability to be an asshole. I need someone who can push back and be a jerk.... because if not I'll fucking blow them right over. need back bone and stability. without it I'll walk all over them. have to respect them... of not it's a over.

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