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So ... um ... hi there, online training log, it's, y'know, been awhile ... 


I did not fall off the planet, and I didn't quit working out. I just got distracted from the internet for a while there. Real life, of all things. <eyeroll> 


I'm not even going to try to log the whole month of September, I'm just picking up with my most recent numbers. 


Wednesday, Sep 20

45# 3x5

55# 1x4

65# 1x3

85# 1x1

95# 3x3 (PR) 



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

85# 1x1

92.5# 4x1 (PR)

80# 1x5



95# 1x5

105# 1x5




Friday, Sep 22 - horribly busy day, had to squeeze the whole workout into an hour, so I skipped the squatz. They were programmed for light weight moderate volume, but no way did I have time for that. It was deadlift priority day anyway, so I supersetted DL with my press warmups. It wound up being almost aerobic/circuit-ish. By the time I got to my next scheduled business meeting, my face was a really great shade of red.13


95# 1x5

135# 1x1

155# 1x3, 1x2

135# 1x5



45# 2x5

57.5# 1x3

67.5# 1x3, 2x2, 1x1 

57.5# 1x5





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“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Monday, Sep 25

45# 3x5

65# 1x3

85# 1x1

95# 1x3, 1x2

85# 2x3



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x1

80# 3x5



95# 2x5


“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Wednesday, Sep 27


45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 3x5



45# 2x5

50# 1x3

60# 1x1

65# 1x1

70# 2x2, 2x1, 1x2

55# 1x7


Lat Pulldown:

105# 2x8, 1x6

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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So I walked into the gym today, and my coach said "so, I think I want to try and add some front squats to your program."


Front squats. Hmm. Yeah, those look, y'know ... hard. Then she said, "well, since eventually you'll be doing power cleans and maybe clean and jerks" and I stopped listening to her. I mean, crazypants, right? Nah, kidding, I still listened. Crazy is part of what I pay her for. Left on my own, most days I'd only do stuff that actually looks doable - and where's the fun in that?


Friday, Sep 29

Back Squat
45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 3x3



Front Squat:

45# 3x3




45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x1

82.5# 3x5



95# 1x5

135# 1x3

160# 2x2 

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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I'm trying a New Thing - I've been all up in the Starting Strength program, which is AWESOME and I LOVE IT, but it has distracted me a bit from one of my main goals* which was to do an unassisted chin-up before I turned 50. Well, that ship done sailed, I'll be 51 here soon, but I'm re-focusing my intention. I will to learn how to do pull-ups and chin-ups. 


In helpful synchronicity, Neghar Foonooni just released a new online programming product called Pull-up Queen. So I bought it. 


It is meant to be a three-day a week program, added on to an existing strength/conditioning workout program. Basically it's a well planned out series of lat and core accessory movements, with assisted pull-up variations as the "main lift" each session.


I have decided to go at it two days a week instead of three, Saturday and Wednesday. Saturday is not currently a gym day for me, but I have 48 hours recovery time before Monday's lifting. And Wednesdays are my light/volume days, with no specifically programmed deadlift or other pulling movement. I was already half-assed-sometimes working chin-ups/lat pulls at the end of Wednesdays anyways, so I'm just beefing that up a little bit and adding some intention and focus. I opted to start with Level 2 - if it turns out that I can't recover effectively or this is otherwise too much for me, I'll drop it back to Level 1, but so far so good ... 


Saturday, Sept 30


Band Pull-Aparts/Glute Bridge superset:



Assisted Chin-ups (box assist):



*no exaggeration, when I first started working out almost 3 years ago the main thing that got me into the gym to begin with was a desire to do pull-ups. But then I got all interested in the skwatz and the deadz and I stopped doing things to intentionally advance my own pullupitude. Until now.  





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“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Today was not my strongest of days. But hey - I showed up!


Monday, Oct 3


45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x3, 2x5



45# 2x5

52# 1x3

62# 1x1

72# ... NOPE! 
65# 1x2, 2x3



95# 1x5

125# 2x5


  • Like 1

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Today SUCKED. I'm chalking it up to the fact that yesterday sucked, in the highly-stressful-intensely-busy-workday sense. Stress kills my appetite, and I didn't have time to eat anyways, so I was *way* under calories for the day. Then to cap it off, I was so wiped out last night that I forgot to program my oven for baked sweet potatoes for breakfast. Scrambled eggs work for me on non-gym days, but on gym days I've become accustomed to more carbs than that. I was pretty much out of gas before I got warmed up. 


Wed, Oct 4

Front Squat:

45# 2x5

Back Squat
45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 2x3 


By this point I was pretty sure I was Patient Zero for the zombie apocalypse, but I ate an energy ball and kept trying to do things. The ol' stubborn streak still flares up on me from time to time.


Inverted Row:




45# 2x5

55# 1x3

65# 4x2 


And that's when I decided that the "quit before you hurt yourself, dummyhead" signals were too clear to ignore. Lame workout, but I walked away uninjured and I think for today I'm gonna count that as a win. 


I've been next to useless every since. I have a standing desk, and even with that I was having trouble keeping my eyes open and left work early so I wouldn't fall asleep on the long drive home. Early bedtime tonight! 



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“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Friday, Oct 6

Back Squat
45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 3x3




45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x1

85# 3x5



135# 1x5

150# 1x1

160# 1x1 

135# 1x3 


Not sure what happened in the deadlift - I was trying for a triple, but when that first rep came off the ground I suddenly had acid reflux so bad that it felt like I had injured my sternum. Coach took one look at my face and said "yeah, I think we are gonna back that off for today..."  Really weird, but the pain stopped within a minute after I put the 160 down. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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8 hours ago, Brovatar Korra said:

I'm sorry about all the stress. Did the early bedtime help?

It did help, as did getting back into eating properly. I feel fully back to myself now - just in time for a weekend road trip! 

  • Like 1

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Monday, Oct 9


Mental health day.


I got home from my road trip about 1130 last night. It was easily half past midnight before I was even close to falling asleep. Hubs had to get up at 0530 to go to work today. 


I texted my coach that I was not going to make it in, and went back to bed. (I get federal holidays off) 


This makes Wednesday non-negotiable, because Never Two in a Row, right?

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Wednesday, Oct 11 (aka "Accidental Cardio Day")


I had an important appointment at 0930, and the rest of the day thereafter was already booked solid. With commute time, cooldown/shower, and all the other scheduley nonsense involved, today came down to "get into the gym and back out again in 30 minutes flat, or don't go at all." 

So I went, but I did not do my regularly scheduled workout. Instead I did a quickie circuit - 

  • front squats, 45# x 5 reps
  • inverted rows, 10 reps
  • push-ups, 10 reps 

with <1 min rest between, I managed 4 rounds before my "you have to go, NOW" timer went off.  A little too much like "conditioning" for my taste, but at least I got something done. I don't kid myself that I particularly got any stronger with this little work, but I kept the habit alive and probably didn't get any weaker, neither :) 

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“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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awesome stuff!


doing the "program minimum" is a fantastic idea tbh. Life just gets in the way of normal programming sometimes so i always have a few workouts stored for those days. Over a long period, it really makes a huge difference. 

my journey to kickass-dom

E1RM: SQ: 130.9kg (Jul18); BP: 103.2kg (Aug18); DL: 150kg (Jun18); 
FSQ: 103.2kg (May18); OHP: 66.9kg (Dec17); PP: 72.5kg (Jul18)
2.4km/Cooper's Test: (10:22, Jun18)
Vitals: 40 yo, 1.7m, 74kg (Jul18)

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The past week (again, I didn't stop working out - just stopped using the internet effectively)


Friday the 13th

45# 3x5

65# 1x3

75# 2x2

85# 3x3



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

77.5# 1x1

87.5# 1x3, 1x5, 1x4



95# 1x5

125# 1x3

145# 1x4



45# 1x5

55# 1x7, 2x6



Monday, Oct 16


45# 3x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x2

85# 1x2

90# 3x3



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

77.5# 1x1

87.5# 1x5, 1x4, 1x5



Wednesday, Oct 18

Front Squat:

45# 3x5



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

65# 1x1

75# 3x5



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

67.5# 3x3



95# 3x10


Scap Pull-ups:



Lat Pulldowns:

 85# 1x8 (overhand grip)

100# 2x6 (chin-up grip) 


“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Friday, Oct 20

Back Squat
45# 3x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x2

85# 1x1

95# 3x3

65# 1x5



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

70# 1x2
80# 1x1

90# 1x5, 1x4, 1x3



95# 2x5


“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Le weekly sum-up... 

Monday, Oct 23


45# 3x5

65# 2x3

75# 1x2

85# 1x2

90# 3x3



45# 2x5

60# 1x3

70# 1x1, 2x2 


Wednesday, Oct 25


45# 3x5

65# 1x4

75# 1x2

85# 4x5 

65# 1x5



45# 1x5

55# 1x3

65# 2x4, 1x3



95# 2x5

125# 1x3

135# 2x5



Friday, Oct 27

45# 3x5

65# 2x3

75# 1x3

85# 4x3



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

70# 1x2
80# 1x1

90# 3x3


Lat Pulldown:

105# 3x6




“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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NaNoWriMo has begun! But I still found some time to pick up some iron things - yay, habits! 


Monday, Oct 30


45# 4x5

65# 3x5



95# 1x5

125# 1x4

135# 3x3



45# 2x5

60# 1x3

70#  1x2, 1x1


Wednesday, Nov 1


45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x2

80# 3x5 



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

60# 3x6


Trap Bar Deadlift: (this was honestly more "goofing off" than "working out" - I just wanted to see what the trap bar was like)

135# 1x1

155# 1x1


Assisted Chin-Ups

2x8, 1x5



Friday, Nov 3

45# 3x5

65# 1x3

85# 3x3



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x2
82.5# 1x1

92.5# 1x3, 1x2, 1x3



95# 1x5

125# 1x3

140# 2x3 

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Monday, Nov 6


45# 2x5

65# 1x3

80# 1x2

90# 3x3



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75#  1x2

83.5 1x1

93.5 3x2


Wednesday, Nov 8


45# 3x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x2

85# 3x5 



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

62# 2x6, 2x3



95# 1x5

115# 1x5

135# 1x5



Friday, Nov 10

45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x2

85# 1x1

95# 3x3



45# 2x5

65# 1x4

75# 1x3
85# 1x1

95# 1x2, 1x1, 1x2



95# 1x5

125# 1x3

135# 1x1

145# 2x3 

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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If by "Daily Battle Log" we actually mean "updated biweekly" - then I'm doing great!


Monday, Nov 13


45# 3x5

65# 1x3

80# 1x2

90# 1x1

100# 3x3 <- PR



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

65#  2x3



Band Assisted Chin Ups:






Wednesday, Nov 15


45# 3x5

65# 1x3

80# 1x1

90# 3x5 



45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x2

85# 1x1 

95# 2x1 (failed 2nd and 4th attempt)



95# 1x5

125# 1x3

135# 3x1



Friday Nov 17:

No workout - Marine Corps Birthday Ball



Monday, Nov 20

45# 3x5

65# 2x3

85# 1x2

95# 1x1, 3x3



45# 2x5

50# 1x3

60# 1x1
67# 1x1 (and that was UGLY, so no more of those for today!)

55# 2x5



95# 2x5

115# 1x5


Wednesday, Nov 22

Front Squat: (added back into rotation to correct a tendency to collapse chest forwards during low bar back squatz)

45# 2x5

55# 1x3

60# 2x5, 1x4



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

60#  2x5, 1x3


Band Assisted Chin Ups:

added extra very small (orange) band


longer rest break



“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Friday, Nov 24

45# 2x5

65# 1x3

85# 1x2

95# 3x3


Bench Press: 

45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x3
85# 1x3 

90# 3x3



95# 2x5

135# 2x2, 1x1


Monday, Nov 27


45# 2x5

65# 1x3

85# 1x2

95# 3x3



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

62.5# 3x3, 1x2, 1x3



95# 3x5


Lat Pulldown:

105# 2x6, 1x7


“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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  • Gemma changed the title to Gemma Starts Strength

Having elbow surgery to correct cubital and carpal tunnel surgery on Dec 19, so now just trying to stay as strong as possible before surgery to make it easier to come back after surgery ... 


Wednesday, Nov 29

Front Squat

45# 2x5

55# 1x3

60# 3x5



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

6o# 3x4


Lat Pulldown:

100# 1x10


Band-Assisted Chin-Ups



Friday, Dec 1


45# 2x5

65# 3x5



45# 2x5

65# 1x3
75# 1x2

85# 1x1

92.5# 2x3, 1x1, 1x2



95# 1x5

125# 1x3

135# 1x3

140# 1x3


Lat Pulldown:

105# 3x8

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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  • Gemma changed the title to Gemma Starts Strengthing

Oh ... heeeyyyyyy ... battle log - remember me? Yeah, I sorta forgot about you there for a while. Sorry. Life n' stuff.


Had the hand and arm surgery on Dec 19. Was back in the gym on Dec 22, but just, like, riding the stationary bike, leg pressing, and doing some one-arm stuff with my left.


Got back under the bar after a few weeks, basically starting from scratch, got the numbers back up to close to where they were before (75%-ish) -


and strained an intercostal.



Been back under the bar about a week and a half following that, and as of today we are at:



45# 2x5

55# 1x3

65# 1x2

75# 3x5



2 x 35 sec



45# 2x5

50# 1x3

55# 1x1

6o# 1x5, 1x4, 2x3


Lat Pulldown:

90# 2x11


“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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Friday, March 23 2018


45# 2x5

65# 1x3

80# 3x5


Bench Press: 

45# 1x5

60# 1x3

70# 3x5



95# 1x5

115# 1x3

130# 1x5


Lat Pulldown:

105# 2x5



2 x 45 sec

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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45# 2x5

65# 1x3

75# 1x1

85# 1x3, 2x5



45# 1x5

55# 1x3

60# 3x5



95# 1x5

115# 1x3

130# 1x5


Lat Pulldown:

105# 2x6



2 x 60 sec

“Then something Tookish woke up inside of him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."

-J. R. R. Tolkien

2022 Challenges: Push, Core, SimplePooh, Timebox, NaNoWriMo

2023 Challenges: 20SOC, Travel, Battery, Song n'Dance




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