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Found 3 results

  1. Hello Everyone! I've been a member of Nerd Fitness Academy for around 2 years already but I've never actually followed through with any of the goals until now nor have I ever participated in any of the forums so I'd thought I'd give it a try. I'm 29 years old and I don't struggle with my weight at the moment but I've taken up some really bad eating habits over the past few years that have made me feel lethargic and it's had an adverse effect on my quality of life. I took up a gym membership about a year and a half ago and I was on a pretty good (but not super strict routine). Then in about August 2016 I injured my lower back. Nothing serious but it required me to go to PT and Chiropractic appointments. Long story short, I have not been very disciplined in doing the exercises and I'm tired of feeling so weak. I used to take weight training in high school and I loved how I felt when I was in shape and I really want that feeling back. So I've decided to make small incremental changes (the Nerd Fitness motto) to my habits over time and I think I'm off to a really good start. The thing that I struggle with is how to stay on track and what can be used as a tracking method to ensure that progress is actually being made. I'm an assistant PM so I know how to organize information and put together an action plan in writing but the thing that I always manage to struggle with is actually translating what's in writing to ACTION. Any insight that can be provided would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to future discussions on this forum. Thank you!
  2. Read this today on my personal email and posted it to my own challenge thread and then thought others might appreciate. Putting something off is harder than doing it right away because we carry with us the heavy burden of worry. When we think about what we have to do, we often become panicky in last-minute attempts to catch up. Procrastination is a learned habit that can be unlearned. The antidote to procrastination is positive action way ahead of deadlines. Dear God (or whatever name/title/term works for you), I no longer want to be a procrastinator. I ask you to re-create me as a person of action. I pray that I am no longer addicted to the negative rush of last-minute deadlines. I pray that I learn to live worry and stress free by living my life - in advance. I no longer first see the project at hand as a discomfort to be delayed, but as an adventure - as I work with You. I ask You to remove any laziness from me, and re-create me as a self-starter. The only catching up that I will ever have to do is playing more with all the extra time that I have. Amen
  3. Hi all, I'm new around this sector of the internet. It's nice to see such a lively community combining the realms of nerdherdery and fitness! Anyway, I've tried many times to reach exercise goals on my own to no avail of lasting proportions. Perhaps having the GUI companion to my journey on which I'm about to embark will make a difference, not to mention anyone who should read and offer encouragement (I'll be sure to do the same for you)! A little about me: I'm one of those unconventional stay not just at home daddies who loves computers, web design, long-boarding, and so much more! I'm 25 and have recently relocated to Japan and am undergoing a minor case of culture shock which is why I've decided that now is as good a time as any to put a positive spin on this adventure that I'm lucky enough to be embarking on. MAIN QUEST: Overall purification of the mind and body through meditation, exercise, and healthier eating habits. - Visit 1 Buddhist Temple every week - Insanity Workout 5x every week. - Zero food after 6:00 every night. LIFE QUEST: Increase monetary responsibility by record-keeping. - Record every purchase, no exceptions! MOTIVATION: My family, self respect and the decision I've made to seek out and face challenges. No excuse of the body or mind will hold me back from taking proper action when the time arises. I shall post pictures from our travels as well as a starting point picture of my buddha belly. I'm not really fat or anything I just want to tone it up a bit, ya know? Thanks for reading now it's time to get reading all of your posts. ~c_M
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